04/16/2004 by Paul Taylor on April 16, 2004 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Kukulcan, TepoztecalLocation: Museum └ Tags: glyph language Related Comics ¬ Growing On Me 01/02/2004 11/15/2002 12/19/2003 10/07/2002
First mention of Tepoz’ role, first mention of the calendar machine, first indication that “Glyph” is an actual language.
But we’re pretty sure that word is not pronounced “dyoo.” *grin*
AFAIK the only letter we know is the second one, and that’s an “ä”. The first, third and fourth are still unknown.
Kukulcan = Trollface.
u mad, bro?
Perhaps it’s “Lanthian” in Lanthian?