04/16/2004 by Paul Taylor on April 16, 2004 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Kukulcan, TepoztecalLocation: Museum └ Tags: glyph language Related Comics ¬ 08/26/2002 10/15/2003 Like Dreaming 07/07/2003 And The Horse You Rode In On
First mention of Tepoz’ role, first mention of the calendar machine, first indication that “Glyph” is an actual language.
But we’re pretty sure that word is not pronounced “dyoo.” *grin*
AFAIK the only letter we know is the second one, and that’s an “ä”. The first, third and fourth are still unknown.
Kukulcan = Trollface.
u mad, bro?
Perhaps it’s “Lanthian” in Lanthian?