04/22/2005 by Paul Taylor on April 22, 2005 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Heather, ShellyLocation: Shelly's Apartment └ Tags: bowling ball Related Comics ¬ What Are You 01/30/2004 04/26/2005 Delicate Kitten 09/19/2001
the only high ball she should slam down is found in Darrens bar…
HOW? WHY? Why would you put that on the TOP SHELF?! Why!?
Duh. To get her out of awkward conversations.
because that’s where everyone puts their bowling balls. On the top shelf with no case.
owen said he went bowling in highschool
wonder if he went with shelly 🙂
looks like she has a bowling ball on her mind
Ok concusion and instant trip to the emergency room on a side note we keep OUR bowling balls on the floor, sure we stub our toes but at least it’s not our HEAD!
John Candy in ‘Uncle Buck’
the bowling is (hopefully) not what shelly meant
In the first frame… is that bowling ball looking at Shelly out of the corners of its eyes?
The bowling ball is laughing!
I hope the bowling ball isn’t broken…
20 points!
Love the foreshadowing in the first panel. Really well done in a literary sense. I guess in a comics sense, though, it’s fore-lightening.