07/01/2002 by Paul Taylor on July 1, 2002 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Amanda, Monica, Shelly └ Tags: grade school pics Related Comics ¬ Badshots Grounded And Smart Marathontonight Georgette’s Kiss 09/17/2003
Yup. If you’re going to share your “awkward age” pics, hand-pick the best ones. 😛
what happened to her hair i wonder
does she straighten it?
I’d bet money it changed on its own. My hair was stick straight until I hit puberty, it went frizzy as hell for a couple years, and then it settled into loose curls/waves in adulthood.
Hormones, man.
Just remember boys the awkward dorky looking girl you pick on today might just develop into a 10 and a couple decades so I don’t burn Bridges!
It always makes me wonder about Monica’s parents. I’d love to see her family again now that EVERYTHING has happened.