08/03/2004 by Paul Taylor on August 3, 2004 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Monica, Shelly └ Tags: bras, stopping traffic Related Comics ¬ 05/09/2005 03/01/2002 05/17/2005 12/12/2001 01/13/2005
Would anything keep her from bouncing?
Inertial dampeners?
You’d probably need to reroute some power to them, but the dampeners just might work.
There are SOME sports bras, but with Monica’s assets it would be hard to get the right size (:
I have to walk slowly and gently down stairs to keep my girls from heaving, even WITH a bra!
When I do a day at the gym where I really work my pecs, I can feel them bounce a bit the next couple of days since they are so sore.
No one looks hurt? My god woman! THere’s no one in those vehicles! That’s why you should get the Hell out of there!
The people in the cars have gone off to the side to exchange insurance information and find phones where they can call for towing and police. That and it is easier to draw all that without having to figure out the placement of bodies.