08/05/2004 by Paul Taylor on August 5, 2004 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: AmandaLocation: Amanda's Place └ Tags: product shoots Related Comics ¬ 11/25/2002 03/19/2003 02/06/2004 09/23/2002 10/04/2002
the cheese is always wineing 🙂
Shakes Pun jar at Paula ..
…and I suppose the wine thinks all the shots she’s taken up till now have been way too cheesy?
If you ask me, I think that one of her subjects is just too crusty for its own good… no wonder she’s having a hard time working with them…
Apparently, you guys think the knife is the only sharp one in the bunch . . .
Oooh. Monorail studio camera.