09/29/2003 by Paul Taylor on September 29, 2003 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Katherine, MonicaLocation: Museum Related Comics ¬ Thesizeofyourhead One Of Eighteen Listen To Me 09/22/2003 Then That
No she doesn’t. If she did, I would freak out like woah and stop reading this comic immediately. Arachniphobic? Me? Why would you think that?
Her eyes do look shiny and dark….but they’re clearly not like a spiders, for one spiders have more than two.
She’s just Goth, and Goth/Emo have and…oddity about them.
Katherine is not goth. Goth’s do it on purpose.
What has been seen, cannot be un-seen
I was thinking Star Trek TNG Counsellor Troi…
Does panel 2 have the only line of dialogue from Janet?
what topic were they talking about again