10/04/2002 by Paul Taylor on October 4, 2002 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Amanda, Kevin, MonicaLocation: Museum └ Tags: first kiss Related Comics ¬ All You Need Thesizeofyourhead Itsimpoitant 09/02/2004 More Animal
I’m impressed that Amanda can lift her like that.
The smaller women are usually more …… dense. ;3 Much heavier than they look.
Hoisting someone over your shoulder isn’t usually to hard, even if they’re heavier/larger than you. its keeping there long enough thats the problem lol
you should try it when the guy is unresponsive. got a emt friend that got us to try lifting (hoisting) “dead weight” onto our shoulder
lol, have you noticed her pigtail “ears” go up when she kissed him?
Anyone else think that kiss must not have tasted very good?
I dunno…the pulque got poited directly into her stomach, after all. So I guess it would depend on what M last ate willingly.
Yeah, but that belch.. that came from a long way down