ALRIGHT! Not only did she show she’s NOT afraid of her, now she’s being a true Mom! FTW!!! (And para or no, people are people; So Cast shouldn’t let it get her down)
Wait, wait does that mean she has 2 weapons that make little para girl act like normal little girls? One being brownies and 2 the voice of 6souls of mothers and daughters yelling at her to be have and calm while she recites all three of her name when angered if so I have only had one in real life and that was all three of name used I knew that meant either I was grounded and or would have to say goodbye to my life when I was 8
My mom would truncate my first name. I hear ‘Christoph!’ and I knew I was in excrement both deep and dire. Dad used the short version of my middle name, just at a higher volume. Dad voice was enough. I think my mom only ever used my full name once when I was in trouble. Got grounded for a month, if I remember right, though if it was the incident I’m thinking of, I got off early due to carrying it over to recess as well.
It must be really weird from Atsali’s POV.
THAT’S why Atsali has such a long neck.
So her Point Of View isn’t cut off at the bottom by her immense endowments!
Well she IS part bird/Harpy after all…
One more time: She is not a harpy. She’s a siren. Completely different things.
ALRIGHT! Not only did she show she’s NOT afraid of her, now she’s being a true Mom! FTW!!! (And para or no, people are people; So Cast shouldn’t let it get her down)
Katherine worries about Castela, but she still wields The Mom Voice.
And brownies!
She was afraid of her, and Stela picked up on that, hopefully they an work on it
Hey, if brownies are involved, even I might clean my room…
The power of chocolate!
… Compels you!.
Chocolate itself compels you!
Wait–People eat brownies for the chocolate? I thought times were better now.
Katherine for Mother of the Year.
Wait, wait does that mean she has 2 weapons that make little para girl act like normal little girls? One being brownies and 2 the voice of 6souls of mothers and daughters yelling at her to be have and calm while she recites all three of her name when angered if so I have only had one in real life and that was all three of name used I knew that meant either I was grounded and or would have to say goodbye to my life when I was 8
My mom would truncate my first name. I hear ‘Christoph!’ and I knew I was in excrement both deep and dire. Dad used the short version of my middle name, just at a higher volume. Dad voice was enough. I think my mom only ever used my full name once when I was in trouble. Got grounded for a month, if I remember right, though if it was the incident I’m thinking of, I got off early due to carrying it over to recess as well.
Woah!!! Katherine’s a killer when she’s got her mama drive in standard orbit mode.
This doesn’t work on my nieces…..
Have you given them the Voight-Kampff test?
what’s the Voight-Kampff test?
The power of Harrison Ford compels you!
Brownies obviously aren’t the right leverage for your nieces. Try deviled eggs. (What? Deviled eggs?) (I don’t know. It’s all I could think of.)
Hey, with properly made deviled eggs I would commit genocide for them. >.> Cleaning a room would be a simple task.
Too right! Though, to be fair, brownies also would have the same effect.
A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down…
Um … Can I be adopted in this family?
Oh, and now we start year 16 of Wapsi Square!
Congrats, Pablo, on 15 years of WS!
Don’t believe have ever had chocolate brownies (at least, not the ones made from chocolate >_>)
What other kind of brownies are there? If you’re thinking of the butterscotch ones, those are usually called “blondies” rather than brownies.
And the ‘blondie’ had a husband named Dagwood (who has an appetite that fits this comic easily).