Actually, “טשאַטשקע”. This can be transliterated any number of ways – Wiki gives tshotshke, tshatshke, tchachke, chachke, tsotchke, chotski, or chochke – so Paul’s is just fine.
It’s kinda nice to see a more reflective side of Shelly… and Bud’s question is one I’ve wordered about for a long time… wonder what the answer will be?
Although I can understand Shelly’s dilemma. I have no idea how much of the stuff floating around inside MY head are real memories and how much are things I came up with based on stories family members told me about stuff I did early. It’d be bad to try to build a foundation based on what turned out to be a false memory…
To be fair, all of our memories work like that. Our memories are not just records of what happened. They are what we think about those experiences. Our memories are constantly built upon through our reflection upon them. We do not remember the experiences, we remember our thoughts and feelings about those experiences. Every time we think about them, we change them. Memories are not a record of experiences, they are the stories we tell ourselves ABOUT our experiences.
The necklace is there (updated before I got here?) And I guess it’s not hanging down in the last panel because there must be a pendant on the end that’s…well…snug.
Waittaminute..Shelly’s mom died 10 years ago (give or take a few) Was there E-bay in 1999/2000?? (google the gooogle…) Ah.. 1994 to 1996..Soooo..mommy Wahnee could , indeed, have gotten them from e-bay…
Nah.. I am afraid this is gonna be one of those pretty-complex-to-explain stories. *starts slowly shuffling towards “confusion-corner”, Tina’s exellent latte in hand*
I thought they weren’t Lanthan Artifacts but rather things Jin had made over the centuries to use as tools to access and fix the Calendar Machine. So searching eBay for Lanthan naturally wouldn’t bring anything up, you’d need to search for Jinian. Or maybe just Jin.
And if you find HER for sale, let the bidding war begin! ^_^
Golems have a nasty habit of turning onto their masters, especially when the inscription on their body gets smudged, so not many people that had a golem, survived long enough to put them up on Flea-Bay…
But, I would say : Your kidney, Your right arm and Your spleen would be a good starting bid…
People say that, but when I ask them, they can never provide a convincing explanation of Woody Allen’s popularity. He might know about the Chotskis, though…
Also as many ways to spell it as there are meanings. Wiki it and see. I grew up outside of NYC so it pleases me to see it used here!
Also where I came from, a “nudge” (pronounced “noodge”) was another name for someone with not too much smarts, someone who is gullible or has no commonsense or is just a plain idiot(in your opinion.).
Twenty years or so ago, an article about Marvel Comics writer (i forget who) (i forget who) said he had two cats: Noodge and Kvetch.
Here in Atlanta, a funky store in the Little Five Points area (which is the counter-culture Ground Zero in Atlanta … or was; haven’t been down there in years) is called “Princess Pamela’s Tcotchkes Palace”.
Good names for cats!!! I have a 17 yr old little old lady-cat would does nothing BUT kvetch! SHe’s allowed to at her age.LOL! I’ve always thought that another good name (especially for a kitten) would be “Velcro”.
Actually, that’s where my three-year-old granddaughter’s nickname (“Vellie”) comes from – for much of her first two years she was very clingy, and her mother called he “Velcro baby”…
Granted, I’m on the other side of the country, but the only person I’ve ever heard use the word ‘nudge’ pronounced ‘noodge’ was my grandma, and she used it to refer to a very small amount of something. Although she was a Northwesterner, she frequently went back east, so it could have been something she heard and appropriated (she did that often)
It spirals lazily over head before it swoops down and attacks…
(Well, the common, or dark plumed neurosis does. The terrestrial, or galloping, neurosis is, in fact, flightless, but is capable of overtaking and despatching even the most hardy personal adjustment…)
Neither, generally an opportunistic pouncing/ambushing derangment. however opportunistic ambush behavior has been reported involving third parties.
As always, excercize caution in the wild. They have been known to attack the innocent observer on occasion.
I believe the African neurosis could carry a coconut farther than the typical European neurosis, being the hardier one. However, the African neurosis is non-migratory.
I would have preferred you use the word “swag” instead of chotski. I am from Los Angeles so everyone knows what swag is here. Chotski… not so much.
Interresting direction for the conversation, but I’m not sure about that last word balloon…
Should be ‘your’
Also, “tchotchke”.
Actually, “טשאַטשקע”. This can be transliterated any number of ways – Wiki gives tshotshke, tshatshke, tchachke, chachke, tsotchke, chotski, or chochke – so Paul’s is just fine.
I prefer the spellings that begin with “tch” – i think it most closely captures the actual sound.
Bud’s referring to the 4 dolls.
Stand by for Exposition!!
It’s kinda nice to see a more reflective side of Shelly… and Bud’s question is one I’ve wordered about for a long time… wonder what the answer will be?
i actually forgot those dolls existed
Not me :”They crack nuts really good”
I always wanted to add the line from Erfworld to that:
“…And about every fourth nut turns into a pigeon!”
Woo, sudden change in conversation direction…
Although I can understand Shelly’s dilemma. I have no idea how much of the stuff floating around inside MY head are real memories and how much are things I came up with based on stories family members told me about stuff I did early. It’d be bad to try to build a foundation based on what turned out to be a false memory…
To be fair, all of our memories work like that. Our memories are not just records of what happened. They are what we think about those experiences. Our memories are constantly built upon through our reflection upon them. We do not remember the experiences, we remember our thoughts and feelings about those experiences. Every time we think about them, we change them. Memories are not a record of experiences, they are the stories we tell ourselves ABOUT our experiences.
Bud the therapist. Interesting.
And a misspelling in last panel. YOU -> YOUR.
Dr. Bud: “Tell me more about your mother . . .”
Hey! Someone stole Bud’s necklace…
I SWEAR I’m not nitpicking. I just noticed, is all.
has the comic been updated to include it again?
i honsetly thought the wiggly line was part of her outfit but looking back in the archives it does look more necklacy than outfitty
The necklace is there (updated before I got here?) And I guess it’s not hanging down in the last panel because there must be a pendant on the end that’s…well…snug.
Hey, I thought the subject was solving problems with violins….
I always use sax…
That’s the problem with comics, nowadays…
Not enough Sax and Violins…
Ba-dump-bump! (c8
I like violets…
cuz they smell so nice. /obscure Bullwinkle reference.
yknow i spent all of yesterday trying to remember my first memory and im kinda like shelly.
memory can be a funny thing sometimes.
AH-HAH, says Fatuncle, and pulling out his checklist of unanswered questions, prepares to mark off an entry –
as shelly comes back with ‘ebay’…
My E-Bay search for ‘Lanthan Artifacts’ comes back with nuthin’…
Off course E-bay has no “Lanthan Artifacts”..Shelly bought the the last quartet.. tsss..gggg..pffft..duuh..some people are sooo dumb….
Waittaminute..Shelly’s mom died 10 years ago (give or take a few) Was there E-bay in 1999/2000?? (google the gooogle…) Ah.. 1994 to 1996..Soooo..mommy Wahnee could , indeed, have gotten them from e-bay…

Nah.. I am afraid this is gonna be one of those pretty-complex-to-explain stories. *starts slowly shuffling towards “confusion-corner”, Tina’s exellent latte in hand*
*Shelly’s Mom bought..etc etc.* grrr..
I thought they weren’t Lanthan Artifacts but rather things Jin had made over the centuries to use as tools to access and fix the Calendar Machine. So searching eBay for Lanthan naturally wouldn’t bring anything up, you’d need to search for Jinian. Or maybe just Jin.
And if you find HER for sale, let the bidding war begin! ^_^
Yeah, but Bud (or was it Brandi) said that they looked like typical Lanthan tchotchkes…
Lanthan Artifacts are not search-able outside the library… :p
And ‘Golem’ gets you, mostly, ‘Magic the Gathering’ cards.
I wonder what a good golem goes for these days….
Golems have a nasty habit of turning onto their masters, especially when the inscription on their body gets smudged, so not many people that had a golem, survived long enough to put them up on Flea-Bay…
But, I would say : Your kidney, Your right arm and Your spleen would be a good starting bid…
You’d think with that reputation they’d be payin’ ya to take ’em off their hands…(rummages through drawers for a permanent marker)
Jay-Em–unless you are buying a golem from army/navy surplus. When the government is involved, isn’t a minimum bid is at least an arm and a leg?
Heh..”Neurotic Shelly” really makes me giggle.
There is something inherently funny about neurotics, especially those that know it about themselves.
People say that, but when I ask them, they can never provide a convincing explanation of Woody Allen’s popularity. He might know about the Chotskis, though…
explanation, please??? various sources say it’s trinkets, artifacts, even good/bad slang for young girl…
Also as many ways to spell it as there are meanings. Wiki it and see. I grew up outside of NYC so it pleases me to see it used here!
Also where I came from, a “nudge” (pronounced “noodge”) was another name for someone with not too much smarts, someone who is gullible or has no commonsense or is just a plain idiot(in your opinion.).
Twenty years or so ago, an article about Marvel Comics writer (i forget who) (i forget who) said he had two cats: Noodge and Kvetch.
Here in Atlanta, a funky store in the Little Five Points area (which is the counter-culture Ground Zero in Atlanta … or was; haven’t been down there in years) is called “Princess Pamela’s Tcotchkes Palace”.
Good names for cats!!! I have a 17 yr old little old lady-cat would does nothing BUT kvetch! SHe’s allowed to at her age.LOL! I’ve always thought that another good name (especially for a kitten) would be “Velcro”.
Actually, that’s where my three-year-old granddaughter’s nickname (“Vellie”) comes from – for much of her first two years she was very clingy, and her mother called he “Velcro baby”…
Missed the point?
Why are you scoffing at such an innocuous comment??
scoff scoff
Granted, I’m on the other side of the country, but the only person I’ve ever heard use the word ‘nudge’ pronounced ‘noodge’ was my grandma, and she used it to refer to a very small amount of something. Although she was a Northwesterner, she frequently went back east, so it could have been something she heard and appropriated (she did that often)
well in UK, ‘nudge’ I understand as ‘to move a little bit’..

Garage sale. Or maybe Ragstock.
Joani Loves Tchotchkes
‘Joani Loves Tochtli’, now there’s a show I’d watch…
maybe it’s just me, but, if I were Shelley, I would have a hard time looking Bud in the eyes in that last panel.
Having grown up in New York, I’m very familiar with tchotchke shops…
I just have to say that I have never until today heard of a Spiraling Neurosis.
It spirals lazily over head before it swoops down and attacks…
(Well, the common, or dark plumed neurosis does. The terrestrial, or galloping, neurosis is, in fact, flightless, but is capable of overtaking and despatching even the most hardy personal adjustment…)
Is the spiraling neurosis a carrion-scavenger, or a predator? Your eloquent description didn’t exactly make it clear.
Neither, generally an opportunistic pouncing/ambushing derangment. however opportunistic ambush behavior has been reported involving third parties.
As always, excercize caution in the wild. They have been known to attack the innocent observer on occasion.
I believe the African neurosis could carry a coconut farther than the typical European neurosis, being the hardier one. However, the African neurosis is non-migratory.
Is that the *unladen* ‘European neurosis’ ??

If this goes on much longer, I fully expect to see someone flung into the Gorge of Eternal Perilr.
Again…you, here, now, like this, with the chotskis…
I would have preferred you use the word “swag” instead of chotski. I am from Los Angeles so everyone knows what swag is here. Chotski… not so much.
But “swag” doesn’t have the same connotations.
Swag? You mean like pirate treasure?