I think Phix is crapping her pants (does she were pants in sphinx form?). This may be the first normal human we’ve seen in The Library. Especially seeing as the reason for humans not being allowed in is kinda false. The Alexandrian library was mostly empty when ‘Amr ibn al-‘As burned it for the final time, the others firebugs being Julius Caesar and Aurelian. It turn’s out repeatedly having to be rebuilt can really break the bank on a booklender/bookkeeper.
Fabulous , flawless, technique:
o Menacing and Intimidation didn’t work. Luci’s Glomp blew away any any Pretense, or Posing, or Posturing, or Personal Space.
o Phix’s “I thought I smelled a New Human…” comment, [meant to put Luci in the Role of Prey,] merely prompted “…You smell like Tea.”
o Phix is so flustered by Luci’s enthusiastic Fan Girl Steamroller Routine [totally honest, and sincere,] that she’s allowing Castela to leave with Luci WITHOUT chalanging her!
Phix has to be in a state of mind similar to when Kirk told N.O.M.A.D. to execute his Prime Function.
I wonder why Shelly doesn’t feel compelled to ask Riddles?
I don’t think it’s a compulsion – Phix did mention it was originally a method of rooting out demons who had consumed their hosts before the demon laws were truly minted and established. Maybe it’s either a force of habit or a way she sticks to character / learns about people?
According to my SO, many young girls fall somewhere on the Unicorn-Spinx spectrum.
If your response to the unicorn end is ‘no sex’ to get to ride? Screw that! you’re a sphinx person.
Other warning signs are preferring an intellectual conversation over a pretty tail.
My SO has been killing me all week with the smart-ass comments over this story arc
What do you mean “prefer … over a pretty tail”? Phix has a beautiful tail! I’d happily brush it all night while she read some lost Eddic poem out loud and we argued about the translation.
Yeah, I was confused yesterday—I guess it stands to reason that Luci wouldn’t know that Shelly is a sphinx given their stand-off-ish interactions with each other in the past…but then I recall soon after Shelly and Monica both transformed we started on a multi-year arc with Katherine’s back story, adoption of Atsali and Castela, and their (mis)adventures in school. So we really haven’t seen a lot of the original characters aside from the occasional cameo.
It should be interesting when she finds out she’s known a sphinx for a long time.
Shelly won’t be able to get away from her. She’ll follow her around like a puppy.
Luci may have the heart of a cheerful child, but it’s inside the occasionally-brusque exterior of a twenty-something. If I recall correctly she’s been the office manager at Punk Yoga for quite a few years now… since well before the Calendar Machine and Time Forest incidents.
As I said yesterday. Luci has disarmed her. stick a fork in her she is done. All the genuine fangirl / lovebug luci pours all over Phix. is it any wonder she just melted. I love the part where she realizes what just happened and says. ” Oh, Bollocks!!”
I’ve encountered that phrase (Oh, Bollocks!) as something said by characters from Great Britton or the Brittish Commonwealth (possibly even the Brittish Empire), but I can’t really understand anything about it other its being used as a sort of… interjection indicating something like irritated frustration.
This just hit me. looking at the first two panels. Luci (to me anyway.) kinda looks like little human version of Phix. could it been mother instinct on phix part. That made it so easy for Luci to disarm her?
I love Phix
River Song’s voice, eh?
A-HA! I knew it!
Paul said so ‘way back.
I still maintain she should sound like Eve Arden.
I’ve always liked the idea of Phix sounding like Alex Kingston…I keep hoping Paul will someday create an incident where she has to say: “spoilers!”
“Spoilers, sweetie”, never forget the ‘sweetie’ part
You’re mixing two lines. The lines are:
‘Hello, sweetie.’
Headcanon confirmed.
Now I want Phix to say “Hello, sweetie.” at least once.
Pretty sure she’s called Monica sweetie at least once. And maybe Castela.
Nah, Dinah Lance’s voice…
I think Phix is crapping her pants (does she were pants in sphinx form?). This may be the first normal human we’ve seen in The Library. Especially seeing as the reason for humans not being allowed in is kinda false. The Alexandrian library was mostly empty when ‘Amr ibn al-‘As burned it for the final time, the others firebugs being Julius Caesar and Aurelian. It turn’s out repeatedly having to be rebuilt can really break the bank on a booklender/bookkeeper.
For a change, Phix is adorable.
…and at a loss for words…
I will have you know that Phix has ALWAYS been adorable. Even when she is a rampaging firestorm of fury.
I have always loved Phix. Especially when she showed up at Monica’s office.
Fabulous , flawless, technique:
o Menacing and Intimidation didn’t work. Luci’s Glomp blew away any any Pretense, or Posing, or Posturing, or Personal Space.
o Phix’s “I thought I smelled a New Human…” comment, [meant to put Luci in the Role of Prey,] merely prompted “…You smell like Tea.”
o Phix is so flustered by Luci’s enthusiastic Fan Girl Steamroller Routine [totally honest, and sincere,] that she’s allowing Castela to leave with Luci WITHOUT chalanging her!
Phix has to be in a state of mind similar to when Kirk told N.O.M.A.D. to execute his Prime Function.
I wonder why Shelly doesn’t feel compelled to ask Riddles?
I don’t think it’s a compulsion – Phix did mention it was originally a method of rooting out demons who had consumed their hosts before the demon laws were truly minted and established. Maybe it’s either a force of habit or a way she sticks to character / learns about people?
I saw that too…no riddle!
Buttering up a Spinx to weasel out of answering her question
probably wouldn’t work unless you were sincere.
She’ll get back to normal. It’s just going to take a while to pick up the shattered remains of her dignity & glue them back into place.

I ship Luci/Phix already.
I was thinking the same.
I would not have a problem with that.
According to my SO, many young girls fall somewhere on the Unicorn-Spinx spectrum.
If your response to the unicorn end is ‘no sex’ to get to ride? Screw that! you’re a sphinx person.
Other warning signs are preferring an intellectual conversation over a pretty tail.
My SO has been killing me all week with the smart-ass comments over this story arc
What do you mean “prefer … over a pretty tail”? Phix has a beautiful tail!
I’d happily brush it all night while she read some lost Eddic poem out loud and we argued about the translation.
Phix: definitely an epic mount.
For some reason Phix’s last line sounded like Alex as Moll Flanders in my mind.
Okay, Lucci *was* fangirling yesterday and today. I was wondering what was going on.
And, for once, Phix is not smugly giving a cookie to the visitor.
She’s being promised a cookie by a visitor. For someday.
Turnabout is fair play. So are turnovers, for that matter… I wonder if the Library kitchen ever bakes apple turnovers?
Promised cookies by Castela, if I’m reading the layout of the word balloons properly.
And I suspect Phix would have liked to spend more time with Lucci.
Shelly has to get involved somehow.
If only standing off-panel laughing at both of them.
She’s not gonna let either live this down.
And you KNOW the stinkweed’s gonna tell on Phix and Luci.
Yeah, I was confused yesterday—I guess it stands to reason that Luci wouldn’t know that Shelly is a sphinx given their stand-off-ish interactions with each other in the past…but then I recall soon after Shelly and Monica both transformed we started on a multi-year arc with Katherine’s back story, adoption of Atsali and Castela, and their (mis)adventures in school. So we really haven’t seen a lot of the original characters aside from the occasional cameo.
Phix has finally met her match.
Awww, poor Phix. She got her own fangirl and then was immediately whisked away before she could even do anything.
Phix, the flustered Sphinx.
Say _that_ three times real fast!
I would have always thought she’d have and Egyptian or Greek accent, but I suppose she might adopt the accent of the conquering empire.
Egypt and Greece were thousands of years in the future when Phix first spoke. After the Earth healed from Bud’s little temper tantrum.
It should be interesting when she finds out she’s known a sphinx for a long time.
Shelly won’t be able to get away from her. She’ll follow her around like a puppy.
Well someone is twitterpatedlol
anyone notice that Phix and Luci kind of look similar?
Well… now that you mention it…
I read a lotta fantasy when I was a kid, but I can’t recall reading much about sphinxes (except the ones with the riddles.)
Luci must’ve read different books.
(Yes, I’ve had a crush on Enid for a long time…)
It’s very rare we get to see Phix completely poleaxed. I am enjoying this.
If there is anything that will shake foundations and crack decades of confidence.. It’s KIDS!!
Luci may have the heart of a cheerful child, but it’s inside the occasionally-brusque exterior of a twenty-something. If I recall correctly she’s been the office manager at Punk Yoga for quite a few years now… since well before the Calendar Machine and Time Forest incidents.
Yeah.. but to Phix, everyone BUT the immortals are kids… and some of the Immortals aint all that grown!
As I said yesterday. Luci has disarmed her. stick a fork in her she is done. All the genuine fangirl / lovebug luci pours all over Phix. is it any wonder she just melted. I love the part where she realizes what just happened and says. ” Oh, Bollocks!!”
I’ve encountered that phrase (Oh, Bollocks!) as something said by characters from Great Britton or the Brittish Commonwealth (possibly even the Brittish Empire), but I can’t really understand anything about it other its being used as a sort of… interjection indicating something like irritated frustration.
“… other THAN …”

*bleep*ing lack of EDIT!
This just hit me. looking at the first two panels. Luci (to me anyway.) kinda looks like little human version of Phix. could it been mother instinct on phix part. That made it so easy for Luci to disarm her?
Next thing you knos, Phix will be visiting Brian at the shop.
Who is this Brian you’re speaking of here?
What’s Phix’s error message? I thought that went terrifically… (but who knew Luci was a fan-girl?)
Lets remember; even though Luci is a grow’d up & mentoring the (‘aintient’) child that is tumbellyweed, your never too old to FanGirl somebody…
Phix is blushing. That caught her completely off guard.
I wonder if Phix has ever had her ass kissed quite so thoroughly before.
I have no idea who Alex Kingston is, or what this person sounds like.
The actress who played River Song, in the Doctor Who series.