The best way to calm down and angry short woman is to put your hand on her head to hold her away and say, calm down mini demon. If you can survive the following 24 hours, any military in the world will accept you into special forces.
If Luci’s personal demons ever manifested, I have a feeling that Anger would be in a straight jacket, strapped to a handtruck and wearing a bite guard.
… actually it was only attempted murder for the first half second/ Luci promptly redirected her energies to Shock and Awe. A Ball Peen Hammer is an excellent M.A.D. choice for intimidation. I have a good friend of over 10 years who is all of 4′ 11″ tall and about 75 lbs soaking wet. She’s bumped into me at work. Miriam is a little bulldozer, and I know she always carries a knife. We’re good friends, and she is adorable, but it would never occur to me to question that she knows how to use it.
She can inspire FEAR? … in Castela? Color ME impressed! I thought only Sister Big Bird could do that.
Remember Cassie:
Fear is the Mind Killer, the little death that brings brings total Oblivion Most everybody else your age is worried about that …… Other Petite Mort
Insanity, in and of itself, can bring fear, and insanity can appear as an excess of any one emotion. Even joy can inspire fear if utilized improperly or excessively.
Castela is, if anything, more susceptible to the fear response then most people.
But yeah, a psychotic person who can twitch from what most people would consider a 4 situation to a solid -ten- response (I mean, she didn’t pulverize the GUYS head, so maybe I’m overrating) is a pretty scary scenario.
Paras, particularly Castela, grow up around humans, trying to pass as humans. She’s raised by one. So, yes, terrifying to the person who happens to be slightly indestructible and armed with energy weapons. Because person first. ^_^
Not really. Lazy idiots seem to do a damn fine job of congregating in the same area as well. With the same subtype often in the same line of work, too.
For assaulting the guy with a hammer, probably… assault with a deadly weapon is generally frowned upon in polite circles. It’s still assault if you miss (it’s just not battery). It wouldn’t have qualified as self defense since the “pushing down the stairs” had already occurred and ended.
Which, frankly, is kind of bullshit. If someone’s willing to shove somebody down a flight of stairs, what else might they try if their efforts fail to injury their target?
Alternatively, there’s the ‘Ender defense’.
True… but The Law doesn’t permit private citizens to make that sort of decision or enforce it. That’s reserved for the legal system. If the kid had actually come at Luci again, she could legally have defended herself with that hammer… but the law doesn’t generally allow self defense against *possible* assault.
It sounds as if the kid who pushed Luci down the stairs committed assault and battery, and he could have been jailed for what he actually had done.
Ah, true. I did forget about the whole ‘fetal position and pissing himself’ thing. I got bullied a fair bit throughout my school years (almost entirely verbal during highschool), so I get a bit carried away when it comes to bullies.
Especially when the shitheads run to the teacher claiming you threatened to shoot up the school when you pointed out that shithead bullies were a big chunk of the reasons the (at that point) 2 major school shootings had happened.
Bullies are cowards and piss me off.
Those shits couldn’t even realize that what they were doing might be wrong. They sure as hell hadn’t connected the dots prior to my spelling it out for them. And instead of admitting that they might be wrong, they tried to get me expelled.
OK, disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. Your laws may vary. Now, on to the reply.
Under most state laws, if you feel that your life, or the life of another is threatened, you may use what ever force is necessary to defend yourself, and/or that/those other(s). And, only that level needed, and no more.
So, someone attempted to kill Luci. What level or label was used, is immaterial. You push someone down a flight of stairs, you expect them to maybe die. Maybe not, if they’re lucky. So, Luci had a reasonable expectation of belief that her life was under threat. So, she used an implement (the hammer) to defend her self. Yes, coming back up the stairs is defending your self. She could reasonably believe that her attacker would try again. She missed. But, if she had connected, and in striking him, he ceased to be a threat, and she continued to hit him, then she has flipped over into committing an assault. If he continued to fight, and she felt threatened still, then she is still defending her self.
In the end, she displayed the willingness to defend her self, even if somewhat unsuccessfully. And, that display proved to be all the necessary force to disable her attacker, through his own fear.
Unfortunately, society feels that intervening in these little… exchanges… is more harmful than good. That the kids “need to work it out for themselves”. It’s “for there own good”. I can see it playing out like “Johnny has such a promising future. He’s on the second string of the football team, and we see to it that he gets good enough grades to continue to play. This girl, well, she’s rather small, and does shop. We all know about girls who do shop classes. We can’t but such a black mark on his record because of some shop girl, who doesn’t know her place.”
Matter of timing. No, they didn’t walk in on when the guy tripped Luci down the stairs. Yes, they did see her banging on the wall with a hammer. The guy probably said she attacked him.
Ah fond memories and good time. And proof that you don’t need a fusion hand beam to almost murder someone. Although point and vaporize does make it a bit easier to do in the heat of a momment.
I agree with Chameon – insanity is frightening. You have it more nearly right though. Luci doesn’t display extreme emotional reactions, [aside from her enthusiastic Glomp of Phix,] and is VERY tightly buttoned up. The expressions, and body language that she displays are NOT, and are not always entirely appropriate. Here, her off matter-of-fact account, and the expression Paul has captured are nostalgic! [Good Times.] THAT is Terrifying
Currently in my car 10 pound sledge in the trunk of the car. 5 pound splitting maul Under the passenger seat. My skull splitter pipe sits between My seat the wheel well. I keep a hand axe in the car too.
I USED to carry a Machete in the driver seat pocket and my bowie knife in the other. Harford County Police decided that was unacceptable.
I wont go into projectile weapons that have been carried on my person or car.
Where are you living? I dont know any area, where that would be needed. But i dont live in USA anyway.
I did have an experience though. In a nightclub there was a show. It was packed full and some 3 meters away there was a ruckus. I said keep it down man and got attacked after that. He was drunk i couldnt get away. He got me at the collar with both hands, i grabbed the wrists and turned them off. Somebody shouted – he has a knife! And i was trapped in the crowd. I was lucky that he was drunk. I was able to grab his right wrist with my left hand turned it outside while pressing with my thumb on the middle hand bone of his pinkie so he dropped the knife. Same time i blocked the other arm with my right. Then i went out and my knees started to tremble. Of course you need some strength for that. I was able to lift my dad with my long arms and cracked chestnuts between thumb and indicator. I am 1.9m and was 100kg. Still i was lucky. When somebody has a knife better run when you can.
I kept 2 rolls of nickels one in each pocket. just slip your hand in grab on in each and make a fist and wail away. after the fight. (slaughter.) just slip em back in your pocket. and no one’s the wiser for what you used them for. very few people screwed with me more then once.
I used to carry a claw hammer in my laptop bag, when I worked nights at sites in dangerous neighborhoods. It was something I could legitimately claim as a tool, if someone made noises about staff carrying weapons, but which would also serve very effectively as a weapon if I needed it.
I never carried a weapon. Only got in one fight in all the time I was in school (I was just tired of backing down all the time), and only had someone threaten me – well a few times, but always from a distance, until the time he pointed a gun at me. I never liked fighting, because of the anger management psychotherapy I had in 3rd grade (don’t really remember it) so I just looked at the gun, determined that the barrel had a tiny opening in it that I could not squeeze my finger into, so I just told him to go ahead. He never tried to bully me again after that.
Senior year of high school, I had a guy push me aside on some stairs because he thought he was late for his next class. He wouldn’t have been if he hadn’t decided to pick a fight instead.
We were still at the top of the stairwell. I went into a blind rage at some point and was going to push him over the railing when he slapped some sense back into me.
Maaaan… It’s a good thing I’m not a school councillor. I would be laughing my ass off at this story!
“BWAHAHAHAHA! He seriously pissed himself? That’s fucking awesome! OMG this is the best story I’ve heard in years!
Oh yeah, and you gotta go to a Juvenile Detention Centre. 100%, no question about it. Sorry. They build the centres because people like you exist. Still, GREAT story! Made my day! (Also please stop bringing ball-pin hammers to school.)”
Wait, wait, WHAT?
this surprises you? She SAID several times she was in Juvie. She has always presented like someone with hidden VOLCANIC temper.
(Also, Pablo, I think that “A” is supposed to be “AND” in the second panel.)
She’s trying to help you, Castela. She’s finding common ground.
Remember that Tina read her aura, and said Luci kept herself on a short leash.
Dem little ones can be feisty, Watch Out!
Fury of the small!
you don’t need much C-4 to blow up a building either…..
The best way to calm down and angry short woman is to put your hand on her head to hold her away and say, calm down mini demon. If you can survive the following 24 hours, any military in the world will accept you into special forces.
If Luci’s personal demons ever manifested, I have a feeling that Anger would be in a straight jacket, strapped to a handtruck and wearing a bite guard.
Enjoying Fava beans and a nice Chianti?
… actually it was only attempted murder for the first half second/ Luci promptly redirected her energies to Shock and Awe. A Ball Peen Hammer is an excellent M.A.D. choice for intimidation. I have a good friend of over 10 years who is all of 4′ 11″ tall and about 75 lbs soaking wet. She’s bumped into me at work. Miriam is a little bulldozer, and I know she always carries a knife. We’re good friends, and she is adorable, but it would never occur to me to question that she knows how to use it.
She can inspire FEAR? … in Castela? Color ME impressed! I thought only Sister Big Bird could do that.
Remember Cassie:
Fear is the Mind Killer, the little death that brings brings total Oblivion Most everybody else your age is worried about that …… Other Petite Mort
Insanity, in and of itself, can bring fear, and insanity can appear as an excess of any one emotion. Even joy can inspire fear if utilized improperly or excessively.
Castela is, if anything, more susceptible to the fear response then most people.
But yeah, a psychotic person who can twitch from what most people would consider a 4 situation to a solid -ten- response (I mean, she didn’t pulverize the GUYS head, so maybe I’m overrating) is a pretty scary scenario.
Keep in mind, Castela has blown her cool, but she’s never attempted murder.
Paras, particularly Castela, grow up around humans, trying to pass as humans. She’s raised by one. So, yes, terrifying to the person who happens to be slightly indestructible and armed with energy weapons. Because person first. ^_^
Pablo, you are making me love Luci more and more with each panel.
Something tells me Castela was a bit more efficient with her carving…
The Corner Pocket bank shot she used “too much English” on?
Look behind Castela in the last panel of the previous comic.
Isn’t it strange how people with these kind of problems always seem to meet up somewhere?
Not really. Lazy idiots seem to do a damn fine job of congregating in the same area as well. With the same subtype often in the same line of work, too.
In this case, they were matched up.
Ooookkkkaaaayyyy, if a lil mundane can scare the bio-weapon wonder what else terrifies her.
“Ghosts” according to the last story arc.
Wait a minute. She beat an obscene word into tile with a hammer, and for that she got sent to juvie?
No, it was a later incident with a knife.
For assaulting the guy with a hammer, probably… assault with a deadly weapon is generally frowned upon in polite circles. It’s still assault if you miss (it’s just not battery). It wouldn’t have qualified as self defense since the “pushing down the stairs” had already occurred and ended.
Which, frankly, is kind of bullshit. If someone’s willing to shove somebody down a flight of stairs, what else might they try if their efforts fail to injury their target?
Alternatively, there’s the ‘Ender defense’.
True… but The Law doesn’t permit private citizens to make that sort of decision or enforce it. That’s reserved for the legal system. If the kid had actually come at Luci again, she could legally have defended herself with that hammer… but the law doesn’t generally allow self defense against *possible* assault.
It sounds as if the kid who pushed Luci down the stairs committed assault and battery, and he could have been jailed for what he actually had done.
Ah, true. I did forget about the whole ‘fetal position and pissing himself’ thing. I got bullied a fair bit throughout my school years (almost entirely verbal during highschool), so I get a bit carried away when it comes to bullies.
Especially when the shitheads run to the teacher claiming you threatened to shoot up the school when you pointed out that shithead bullies were a big chunk of the reasons the (at that point) 2 major school shootings had happened.
Escuse me, tired brain is tired.
Bullies are cowards and piss me off.
Those shits couldn’t even realize that what they were doing might be wrong. They sure as hell hadn’t connected the dots prior to my spelling it out for them. And instead of admitting that they might be wrong, they tried to get me expelled.
OK, disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. Your laws may vary. Now, on to the reply.
Under most state laws, if you feel that your life, or the life of another is threatened, you may use what ever force is necessary to defend yourself, and/or that/those other(s). And, only that level needed, and no more.
So, someone attempted to kill Luci. What level or label was used, is immaterial. You push someone down a flight of stairs, you expect them to maybe die. Maybe not, if they’re lucky. So, Luci had a reasonable expectation of belief that her life was under threat. So, she used an implement (the hammer) to defend her self. Yes, coming back up the stairs is defending your self. She could reasonably believe that her attacker would try again. She missed. But, if she had connected, and in striking him, he ceased to be a threat, and she continued to hit him, then she has flipped over into committing an assault. If he continued to fight, and she felt threatened still, then she is still defending her self.
In the end, she displayed the willingness to defend her self, even if somewhat unsuccessfully. And, that display proved to be all the necessary force to disable her attacker, through his own fear.
Unfortunately, society feels that intervening in these little… exchanges… is more harmful than good. That the kids “need to work it out for themselves”. It’s “for there own good”. I can see it playing out like “Johnny has such a promising future. He’s on the second string of the football team, and we see to it that he gets good enough grades to continue to play. This girl, well, she’s rather small, and does shop. We all know about girls who do shop classes. We can’t but such a black mark on his record because of some shop girl, who doesn’t know her place.”
Matter of timing. No, they didn’t walk in on when the guy tripped Luci down the stairs. Yes, they did see her banging on the wall with a hammer. The guy probably said she attacked him.
That’s quite sadly how these sorts of things work out.
For the record, if I ever have kids, they’re getting self-defense lessons and I’m going to teach them how to fight with axe and hammer .
Only Nixon could go to China. Only a reformed rage monster can help Castela.
*shifty eyes*
What are you implying?
Pffffft HA!
Humans are no slouches when it comes to violence.
Quite true. We have entire books/scrolls dedicated to teachi g someone how to injure/maim/kill with their bare hands.
Gyrre, and schools, and classes, Remember Humans are apes and apes are hardwired for asskicking.
Pretty sure a rather sizable chunk of that is learned behavior, though.
For example, there’s that one tribe of baboons that mellowed out after all of the aggressive males died. They’re still mellow, too.
Ah fond memories and good time. And proof that you don’t need a fusion hand beam to almost murder someone. Although point and vaporize does make it a bit easier to do in the heat of a momment.
I agree with Chameon – insanity is frightening. You have it more nearly right though. Luci doesn’t display extreme emotional reactions, [aside from her enthusiastic Glomp of Phix,] and is VERY tightly buttoned up. The expressions, and body language that she displays are NOT, and are not always entirely appropriate. Here, her off matter-of-fact account, and the expression Paul has captured are nostalgic! [Good Times.] THAT is Terrifying
I adore Castela, but man, sometimes, those little stems where her eyes should be are just disturbing.
Anyone else keep a ball peen hammer handy in their backpack?
No, but I kept a sock and a rock. I kept the rock in my book bag (we didn’t use backpacks in those days) and the sock in my pocket.
Currently in my car 10 pound sledge in the trunk of the car. 5 pound splitting maul Under the passenger seat. My skull splitter pipe sits between My seat the wheel well. I keep a hand axe in the car too.
I USED to carry a Machete in the driver seat pocket and my bowie knife in the other. Harford County Police decided that was unacceptable.
I wont go into projectile weapons that have been carried on my person or car.
Where are you living? I dont know any area, where that would be needed. But i dont live in USA anyway.
I did have an experience though. In a nightclub there was a show. It was packed full and some 3 meters away there was a ruckus. I said keep it down man and got attacked after that. He was drunk i couldnt get away. He got me at the collar with both hands, i grabbed the wrists and turned them off. Somebody shouted – he has a knife! And i was trapped in the crowd. I was lucky that he was drunk. I was able to grab his right wrist with my left hand turned it outside while pressing with my thumb on the middle hand bone of his pinkie so he dropped the knife. Same time i blocked the other arm with my right. Then i went out and my knees started to tremble. Of course you need some strength for that. I was able to lift my dad with my long arms and cracked chestnuts between thumb and indicator. I am 1.9m and was 100kg. Still i was lucky. When somebody has a knife better run when you can.
I typically use the metal pylon in my bionic leg like a ramrod and STOMP my enemies into surrendering
I kept 2 rolls of nickels one in each pocket. just slip your hand in grab on in each and make a fist and wail away. after the fight. (slaughter.) just slip em back in your pocket. and no one’s the wiser for what you used them for. very few people screwed with me more then once.
I used to carry a claw hammer in my laptop bag, when I worked nights at sites in dangerous neighborhoods. It was something I could legitimately claim as a tool, if someone made noises about staff carrying weapons, but which would also serve very effectively as a weapon if I needed it.
You should never use your heavy aluminum flashlight to hit someone. It’s bad for the flashlight.
A four-cell or larger Mag-Light works very well . . .
. . .
Mag-Light? You know those big black flashlights cops frequently carry? That’s a Mag-Light.
I never carried a weapon. Only got in one fight in all the time I was in school (I was just tired of backing down all the time), and only had someone threaten me – well a few times, but always from a distance, until the time he pointed a gun at me. I never liked fighting, because of the anger management psychotherapy I had in 3rd grade (don’t really remember it) so I just looked at the gun, determined that the barrel had a tiny opening in it that I could not squeeze my finger into, so I just told him to go ahead. He never tried to bully me again after that.
OMG true kindred souls!!!!
Senior year of high school, I had a guy push me aside on some stairs because he thought he was late for his next class. He wouldn’t have been if he hadn’t decided to pick a fight instead.
We were still at the top of the stairwell. I went into a blind rage at some point and was going to push him over the railing when he slapped some sense back into me.
Think the little stinkweed just learned that everything has a scale.
Anyone who persistantly ^insists^ that violence NEVER solves ANYthing, no matter WHAT the circumstances, is probably ^NOT^ an engineer!
Maaaan… It’s a good thing I’m not a school councillor. I would be laughing my ass off at this story!
“BWAHAHAHAHA! He seriously pissed himself? That’s fucking awesome! OMG this is the best story I’ve heard in years!
Oh yeah, and you gotta go to a Juvenile Detention Centre. 100%, no question about it. Sorry. They build the centres because people like you exist. Still, GREAT story! Made my day! (Also please stop bringing ball-pin hammers to school.)”
Remember, the least likely can sometimes be the most dangerous