lets hope kevin has good enough control of his rudder to work with her bellow deck
for more play dragon age 2 with isabela in the party: she is a oversexed pirate woman who makes lewd pirate jokes. link for more info is in my name for this time
Yaaaaaaaaaaarr… She be an evil siren of the sea to lure men into her bodice… I mean arms. Beware I tells ye! (said in old-man, crazy pirate style talk)
Yarr! Well, me curvy wench, I’ve seen yer treasure chest, now turn about so’s I can inspect yer booty as well! I’ll leave not an inch unchecked, from crows-nest to poop-deck!
The most successful pirate in history was a Chinese woman. She had a literal armada which she ruled with an iron fist, fought the Chinese navy multiple times and won, got paid off by the Chinese government to stop killing their navy, and retired to the town she ended up owning out of the deal.
MUST NOT MAKE LEWD REM… a screw it. She can hoist my yardarm any day.
Damn right! (I would make a lewd remark of my own, but I can’t think of any good girl on girl pirate innuendos right now)
What about a booty joke?
First pirate I’ve seen who keeps so much booty in her bodice?
You could say that you want her to board your poop deck o.o
“She could snatch MY treasure chest!”
lets hope kevin has good enough control of his rudder to work with her bellow deck
for more play dragon age 2 with isabela in the party: she is a oversexed pirate woman who makes lewd pirate jokes. link for more info is in my name for this time
OH MY GOD yes. I just started replaying DA2. Haven’t gotten to Isabela yet, but I remember her hilariously lewd jokes from the last time I played.
Really? No “she can board me any time”?
I know right? Thats the first thing I thought of. That and “I’d board that”
How can you look at that woman and think of a board?!!?
Oh, and she’s a CURVY scoundrel!
My planks ready
Kevin: “Oh Captain my Captain, may I volunteer to be keel-hauled? I promise to plant kisses all the way up and down both sides!”
Yaaaaaaaaaaarr… She be an evil siren of the sea to lure men into her bodice… I mean arms. Beware I tells ye! (said in old-man, crazy pirate style talk)
Avast me hearties, yon treasure chest be overflowing with bounty!!
Hoist the mainsail to full staff! Man the gundeck! Prepare to walk the plank!
Holy crap THIS.
Made me lol. A whole freakin’ lot.
holy….she has canon balls in her shirt
Definitely sent a shiver up his timber.
Er…um… I mean “shivered his timbers”… ah screw it…
Oh WOW! She can board my vessel any day! *Claps hands over mouth* Much dirtier then I pictured it!
All hands on di….eerrr. Yeah, I’m going to stop there.
Yarr! Well, me curvy wench, I’ve seen yer treasure chest, now turn about so’s I can inspect yer booty as well! I’ll leave not an inch unchecked, from crows-nest to poop-deck!
Time to splice the main brace me lads!
Did you boys know, that Women pirates could be just as bad as (if not worse than) Male pirates???
The most successful pirate in history was a Chinese woman. She had a literal armada which she ruled with an iron fist, fought the Chinese navy multiple times and won, got paid off by the Chinese government to stop killing their navy, and retired to the town she ended up owning out of the deal.
Wait until ya see what Katherine’s costume is!
Gad-zooks!! (There may be children reading.)
Better take an oxygen tank for anyone who stops breathing – (I’m talking about the “audience”).