Baby Sitting by Paul Taylor on October 21, 2015 at 11:30 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Atsali, Conscience, Devyn, NadetteLocation: Monica's Island Related Comics ¬ Go Talk Work Within The Story Problem Mamabear Threw Me Away Help Out
MMmmm, pistachio!
how did a desserted island get an ice cream shop? 8)
Because it’s M’s isle?
Pretty sure they used the library’s transport system to make an ice cream run. Same way they got here in the first place.
I personally like seeing Cony getting messed with for a change. Makes her feel more human.
A good way to respond to being called doofus.
Damn, Devyn sure can be nasty when she wants to does’t she?
you can say that again…
but don’t
I can see how Devyn’s related to the Greek Pantheon – she has the same psychotically overblown way of reacting to the smallest of infractions.
Being called a “doofus” apparently equals implied double homicide.
Nah, re-read what she said, it wasn’t calling her doofus. it was the Way she did it. I’m assuming some kind of tone that just ticked her off.
Mental note, never, ever, for any reason whatsoever make Devyn upset or unhappy with you. Kid has a wicked sense of justice.
Agreed ❗
Well played, ma’am. Well played.