Because by Paul Taylor on October 6, 2016 at 9:28 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Conscience, Tepoztecal Related Comics ¬ Youmissedit Make You Feel The Last Time Kept Her Safe Plumb Near
(I don’t ship)
That looks more like a child hugging a doll baby.
I don’t care! I ship it!.
Talk her out of any more visits to lonely roads in Japan, will ya, Tepoz?
There both going to die horribly, aren’t they?
Shelly without a conscience?
Oh well, I guess that’s why the guardian sphinxes exist, after all.
Can totally see those two being “Best Buds”, and nothing more than that
Aww… poor lil Tepoz got friend-zoned 0,o
I never got the idea these two were sexual beings. Tepoz is made out of a rat or a badger, after all, and Conscience, despite her age, isn’t physically developed enough to have the hormones.
hey, they dont let a mere thing like ‘reality’ interfere with magic people!!!
No need to ‘ship’ anything, Rule 34 Covers All…
Including Tepoz and Tina’s demon, the one who can work the register
rule #34?
I know what that means for NCIS; but what does it mean here?
Following up on the follow-up; I’d have you Google “Rule 34” and see for yourself….
(that said, this is certainly an “Awwwwww” moment…)