Being Serious by Paul Taylor on June 19, 2022 at 7:30 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Barbara, ShawnaLocation: Gryphon Club Room, Gryphon High Related Comics ¬ More To Offer Bonding Get Up So Mean School Alert
Shawna looks kinda weird without her hair in the loop braids
Whatta ya mean she looks weird? She’s transformed into a babe-alert GODDESS!!! 😍
Barbara is looking less like a five-year-old than she used to.
I was going to comment on Shawna’s New Doo, but it DOES make her a lot more BABE-a-LICIOUS! It would like REALLY SWEET if she let it fall to her shoulders, I bet.
LOOK. It would LOOK really sweet……Typographical Error
The new hairstyle threw me
I do wonder how she feels about maybe not playing Patsy to Mindy’s King Arthur, now that Mindy is hanging with a guy who’s not Sir Galahad the Chaste.
Well, he was chaste . . . until she caught him.
Typo in bubble #1: “you” instead of “your.”
The last panel just had to drawn that way didn’t it ?