I just want to know why nobody is saying anything about her hair. From everyone else’s perspective, it was short one day and about two feet longer the next.
Well, the only person who doesn’t know exactly what happened we’ve seen her talking to is Heather – and Heather hasn’t seen her in months or even years.
Not unless she got stung in it by a hornet or something.
I’m pretty sure it’s meant to be her tongue doing the “lalala”s even though I fail to comprehend how you could even produce that sound with your tongue sticking out…
80k years has changed some stuff but nothing important has
Love Monicas expression in last panel. Seems like she is torn in deciding to laugh or to cry in horror
Methinks Tina might be a bit more circuspect about throwing around the B word. Phix might be a bit “touchy” (drops Kopin in pun jar) about being labelled as such.
It’s good to see Shelly getting comfortable in her feminine self.
Wonder what her first meeting with Phix will be like. Probably good. Shelly can ask Phix about the “boyfriend” issue and other stuff. After all, now they’re “sisters” after a fashion.
Heh, now that’s all M will be thinking about the next time she sees her boss — Phix and herds of nerdy nymphettes sexing him up. XD And Shelly looks *good* today.
I know everyone said M’s boss is a “Marcus Brody”-type, But I think he kinda looks like Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita).
..And Unless Shelly is working the front desk at her dads’ auto shop, I guess she isn’t working today. Unless she plans on wearing Coveralls and tying back her hair. Now THAT would be a “Strip”, going from Coverall greasemonkey to Uber HOTTIE.
I don’t think she has worked as a mechanic for a while. She became an martial arts and strength coach and instructor at Jacqui’s yoga studio. Perhaps she still works for her father part time, though.
I remember Shelly talking to Tina about it and Tina’s reaction was that it was the first time Shelly had talked passionately about anything, so it’s what Shelly seemed ti really wanted to do. I don’t recall anything being said about how many hours she worked there, though. But nothing has been said about Shelly being a mechanic for a long time. For that matter, I don’t think that anything ever said that Fermented Banana broke up, either.
Wow! Absolute Cleavage on Shelly. I didn’t recognize her at first. It was more process of elimination combined with the slow dawning of realization. She must be feeling better.
Ok, now they’re just trolling Monica. It’s going to take more than Brain Bleach™ for this. Monica might have to also resort to some scrubbing action with Inter-Cranial Sandpaper™ too. I’ve got some empathy for Monica, so I’ll be willing to offer her a bulk rate discount on both.
That almost looks like Shelley in that comic, but when has Shelley ever worn anything that girly?
Perhaps 80,000 years of wearing nothing at all gave her the chance to realize that she was missing out on something.
She does seem to carry herself with a bit more elegance, these days.
Her pose shows all her old energy, but it’s a bit more restrained now.
She looked quite nice when she went to see Heather, too.
She should more often. I dont think I’ve seen her look better.
she must have had it. we never saw her wear stuff like that however.
maybe looking like a monster makes you want to look more girly when in human form
pretty sure we’ve seen her in atleast one girly getup
One side effect of wearing a dress- if for some reason she needs to go into Sphinx-mode, it’s a lot easier to get out of than jeans and a shirt.
I just want to know why nobody is saying anything about her hair. From everyone else’s perspective, it was short one day and about two feet longer the next.
Well, the only person who doesn’t know exactly what happened we’ve seen her talking to is Heather – and Heather hasn’t seen her in months or even years.
Isn’t English wonderful? We can change single words, phrases, clauses and full sentences into a verb.
(My bad. Couldn’t resist.)
Single words (seperates words, when by themselves are single) or a single word (which means one word, by itself)
For a more in-depth breakdown, but now I’m just being an English snob.
Lovely to see them just being people.
I was good. I didn’t point out that separate was misspelled.
Bad FatUncle! BAD!!
“. . . but after that it gets technical.”
Grammar Rules, No.23: Sentences. Monoword? Eliminate.
Calvin realized that “Verbing weirds language.”
I’ll yes that.
Girls don’t seem to do much growing up do they.
(not that we men are much better)
“We’re all still kids, some of us have just been around longer than others.”
Wonder who said that ;O?
nah, if they were much younger, they would be tearing each others hair out by now…
it would need serious boyfriend/ clothing insults to do that..
Monica’s tongue looks hilarious in the first panel.
Actually, thats her lip…
Not unless she got stung in it by a hornet or something.
I’m pretty sure it’s meant to be her tongue doing the “lalala”s even though I fail to comprehend how you could even produce that sound with your tongue sticking out…
np: Low – $20 (C’mon)
Nice to see that Shelly’s feeling a little better, it seems… even if that means that M’s getting a double-barreled teasing now…

80k years has changed some stuff but nothing important has
Love Monicas expression in last panel. Seems like she is torn in deciding to laugh or to cry in horror
yeah, looks like she’s realized, and switched from ‘TMI’ to ‘quit the teasing’ …
Sphinxified Shelly is a meanie
Nah. Girls just wanta have fun!
Oh, yay!! Tina and Shelly are just as friendly with each other as always. XD
Tina has gone from fearing Sphinxes to playing with Sphinxes (at least this one).
Talk about personal growth! How’s that for embracing your fears and working through them.
Well, she’s known Shelly as a person much longer than she’s known Shelly as a sphinx. It’s hard to get *too* hung up on her new status…
and it’s not a completely new status, either. It just wasn’t fully developed before.
True, but let’s see how long she (they) holds it together if Shelly suddenly transforms for some reason.
80000 years without a mocha latte and this is her first visit?
It’s the Tina effect. Whatever mood you’re in, she’s an expert at drawing a completely unexpected reaction out of you.
Just be thankful Tina’s in a ‘playful’ mood. (>^_^)>
*pfrtsj-* Ooohkay.. This is one of those ” i keep spilling my morning-coffee” reels… My goodness..
Jay-Em, that’s the best instance of onomonopia I’ve read/heard this year. Nicely done!
*takes bow after actually wiping coffee from iPad* Luckily the front of the iPad2 is completely covered in glass….
If this was a typical sitcom:
I would expect Monica’s boss to turn up and wonder what’s going on. Monica would explain that Phix is a bit of a man eater.
At that point, Phix would turn up and ask why M was calling her a “bimbo”.
I’m glad that this isn’t a typical sitcom.
Methinks Tina might be a bit more circuspect about throwing around the B word. Phix might be a bit “touchy” (drops Kopin in pun jar) about being labelled as such.
It’s good to see Shelly getting comfortable in her feminine self.
Wonder what her first meeting with Phix will be like. Probably good. Shelly can ask Phix about the “boyfriend” issue and other stuff. After all, now they’re “sisters” after a fashion.
That is unless Phix turns out to be Shelly’s ancestor. ;-p
Well, Phix visited ger during her unfortunate incarceration in the TTF, so it would not really be a first meeting a such.
Heh, now that’s all M will be thinking about the next time she sees her boss — Phix and herds of nerdy nymphettes sexing him up. XD And Shelly looks *good* today.
Ah, don’t forget it’s ‘rich’ nerdy nymphettes. Gotta pay the rent and loyal employees like Monica and Katherine.
Sexy naked girls and sphinxes who look as if they’ve just Done It dancing in her head as she attempts to talk budgetary matters…
Are Shelly’s eyes farther apart now that she’s post-sphinx?
I know everyone said M’s boss is a “Marcus Brody”-type, But I think he kinda looks like Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita).
..And Unless Shelly is working the front desk at her dads’ auto shop, I guess she isn’t working today. Unless she plans on wearing Coveralls and tying back her hair. Now THAT would be a “Strip”, going from Coverall greasemonkey to Uber HOTTIE.
I don’t think she has worked as a mechanic for a while. She became an martial arts and strength coach and instructor at Jacqui’s yoga studio. Perhaps she still works for her father part time, though.
I was under the impression that the studio gig was part-time.
I remember Shelly talking to Tina about it and Tina’s reaction was that it was the first time Shelly had talked passionately about anything, so it’s what Shelly seemed ti really wanted to do. I don’t recall anything being said about how many hours she worked there, though. But nothing has been said about Shelly being a mechanic for a long time. For that matter, I don’t think that anything ever said that Fermented Banana broke up, either.
Wow! Absolute Cleavage on Shelly. I didn’t recognize her at first. It was more process of elimination combined with the slow dawning of realization. She must be feeling better.
I put my coffee down Just. In. Time.
Thanks, Paul!
Can’t wait to see the baby!
Joe Minotaur- OK, I volunteer you to change its diaper!
Runs and hides.
Ok, now they’re just trolling Monica. It’s going to take more than Brain Bleach™ for this. Monica might have to also resort to some scrubbing action with Inter-Cranial Sandpaper™ too. I’ve got some empathy for Monica, so I’ll be willing to offer her a bulk rate discount on both.