Break Some Rocks by Paul Taylor on May 13, 2018 at 10:41 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Castela, LuciLocation: Canyon De Chelly Related Comics ¬ Keeps Them Apart Should I Be Angry My Girlfriend Just Once Need To Talk
No catcher’s outfit or welding goggles, Castela?
Daylla is much more robust than Luci, y`know!
Did you warn Luci before you left to pack some SPF (googleplex)?
Castela emits UV rays?
Plasma certainly does. Hot enough plasma can emit X rays, and lightning-grade plasma has been shown to emit gamma rays. Zappity zap!
And at Castela”s level, her plasma might start warping energies at a QUANTUM level…
Or they may when she “grows up” a little more.
At the level Castela operates, for all I know it could be Cherenkov radiation.
MadBoy, once she can do that she can zap back through time to kill you before you said that one stupid thing.
that’s some dangerous requests, the flash of a nuclear blast going to heat up your skin. ~<3
And some lead lined longjohns… pocket fallout shelter…etc
Luci… you pointed out that giant obscenity on the cliff face earlier.
You didn’t notice the rock was scorched, shattered, and melted around it?
I was going to suggest a full nbc suit, but suntan works fine too, if you buy a really strong one
Forget Titanium oxide, break out the Victorian era makeup: Lead oxide concealer for the win!
Don’t think SPF 30 is gonna cut it.
Some of the SPF 5000 from Robocop might work.
Oh shit, here we go; INCOMING!!!
Don’t worry, her glasses are UV-resistant Transitions (TM) lenses.
Now hear this!
All hands, brace for epic!
Luci has a point: how can she assist Stela if she doesn’t at least see somewhat of what she can do
Time for another Celtic knot stone.
time to warn N.O.R.A.D that a nuclear fissions beam will be touching down…AGAIN….
Luci is unfazed by the very things about the paranormal that send most humans running for cover or in some cases put them in a corner whimpering with a security blanket.
She may just be perfect for Castela.
I just hope MIB has advisory staff with the Russian Military. Their satellites are going to go crazy.
Oh, this is going to be FUN!