Breaking Bones by Paul Taylor on August 7, 2023 at 7:00 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Hiroshi, MindyLocation: Mindy and Hiroshi's Apartment Related Comics ¬ Miss Anything In a Little Bit Broke Them Mic Placement Get Up
Ah, Hiroshi, such an adorable dope.
‘Cause the sound of bones being broken doesn’t sound right on the playback?
My imagination is filling in how this must sound, and it’s making me queasy. Hiroshi’s lack of imagination serves him well here.
If you’re feeling brave enough check this out
Never you mind, sweetie!
Cortanis from the previous discussion got their wish!
If you listen, you’ll hear the subtle notes of the wind whistling through the hole in his head.
A friend of mine who worked for Skywalker sound told me an interesting factoid: there was a time when the largest consumer of watermelons in California was Hollywood foley artists, useful for making the sound of various body parts being crunched.
Lmao, called it. XD The fruits and vegetables session will be real.
Hiroshi may be less dense and naive than people are suggesting. He may just be more familiar with other paras who are foley artists.
Specifically, sphinxes. Sphinx foley artists pride themselves on their realism… and they’re apex predators.
If they want to record a sound effect of people getting their necks and bones broken… they say “Here, hold this microphone”, and then SNAP! CRUNCH!
… and lunch is ready, right after the take is complete.
Fortunately, Mindy is of a gentler nature.
this adorable himbo ~<3
Yeah, he’s less concerned about his girlfriend (wife?) maiming and killing people than he is with the vegies in the freezer 🙂