I adore that look of realization on the last panel. It captures the moment when your brain puts two and two together, and your shock when you realize the implications.
The “Hmm . . .interesting!” look Phix gives in the first panel of the other page really hit me this time. It’s neat the way Paul gave us a Dr. Fields-eye view of that scene.
It also jumped out at me that Phix called him, “Gregory” today. That fits so well.
You can just hear that bell go DING! in the last panel. I’m glad, and a bit surprised, that Greg somehow survived – I guess sometimes a man’s just gotta do what a man’s gotta do. Lucky bastard.
That’s right, collect your coffee, pick your brains up off the floor, and hurry off to work.
And another rackin’ frackin’ 24 hour delayto see Tina and Phix interact for the first time! I swear, introducing my new cat to the older one wasn’t this stressful.
You know, I hate to give Paul any ideas, because I would like to see it myself, but it would be even funnier if we never do see Phix in TinaVision™. Just have Tina become very quiet, very respectful, and very circumspect whenever she encounters Phix. And very closemouthed when Monica asks questions about what she sees.
I agree, except that I don’t think I particularly want to see the TinaVision™. Let it remain a mystery.
In a strange way, Friday’s comic was actually a let-down because I had already anticipated it on Thursday. I didn’t get excited Friday until I started imagining Bud’s potential reaction to Tina’s reaction, thanks to Fairportfan’s comment. Of course, it’s Paul who got me so interested in the characters in the first place.
Right. Tends to come in late when he has been banging mythological creatures all night. The ones that might kill you tend to take more time and finese.
Well!! Almost everyone’s getting their share of surprises this morning!
I was half-expecting to see a Tina-shaped hole in the wall behind the counter. Maybe tomorrow.
That effect is known as the “Vertigo shot”, from its use in the belltower scene in Vertigo; also used to good effect in Truffautt’s version of Fahrenheit 451 for the endless-corridor nightmare.
It’s dollying forward while zooming back (Vertigo and F451) so that the walls pass, but the far end apparently never gets closer, or pulling back while zooming in, so the the central object stays the same but the field of view narrows drastically.
(Also the depth of focus alters, so that even if the viewer doesn’t notice the shot consciously, it can be subconsciously disorienting.)
That is not randomly assigned that is my current Gravatar, that turns up on a lot of sites when i post comments. You upload anything you like, and it’s tied to your e-mail.
It also lets you post comments at a lot of sites without signing up for each one.
Oh – when i said Monica’s three inches taller, i meant relative to the background, which a vertigo shot (at least one that relatively small) probably wouldn’t change.
Yay, Gregory! “Climb every mountain…” And judging from Phix’s expression, he was apparently quite satisfactory, too. Young horses know how to run fast, old horses know how to run…
Oh, ho, ho! Lucky Greg… Man, that romp in the hay would have been the stuff of mythology! Nice *ding* look on Monica’s face. Beautiful way to start the week, Pablo!
And Monica continues her trend of silent, shocked realization. I realized during this read-through that she does this a lot. Like, at least once an arc. Sometimes more.
Phix is enjoying herself entirely too much.
Love the look Phix gives , telling Monica .
Apparently, “Gregory” enjoyed Ms. Phix a little too much, also. I’ll be his voice has dropped an octave or to, as well. Lucky buzzard…
Monica’s expression in that last panel … priceless!
Might we say he got his “phix”?
Ooooooh! The jar, sir….
That’s right Monica, let it sink in. Greg got himself some freaky sphinx booty! :p
Her mind looks blown. Like Tina’s was lol
I adore that look of realization on the last panel. It captures the moment when your brain puts two and two together, and your shock when you realize the implications.
“And oh by the way, I’m going to be your new boss starting next Tuesday, is that all right?”
“…and by that I mean you’ll be working AT the research library, okay?”
Just spent twenty (enjoyable) minutes going through the archives, lookinf or this Punch an’ Pie strip.
I loved the way that Chris illustrated that exact effect in the final panels.
Always a good punchline.
Heh, I was thinking the exact same thing and would have linked it myself if you hadn’t beat me to it.
yep BW that look is priceless :)))
Happy sphinx is happy.
Dun dun DUNNNHH!!
Reminds me of M and her remark to Kevin about navigating a dimly lit bedroom!
Awww Phix — and on the First Date too! My, my…
I’m sure there’s a perfectly polite explanation! Somewhere…
Why do you say first date? Of course, from the beginning, Phix did know what she wanted. However, Monica wasn’t that thrilled at the time. I wonder what she thinks now.
Love M’s eyeroll in that one.
The “Hmm . . .interesting!” look Phix gives in the first panel of the other page really hit me this time. It’s neat the way Paul gave us a Dr. Fields-eye view of that scene.
It also jumped out at me that Phix called him, “Gregory” today. That fits so well.
Heh, Tina isn’t the only one surprised. But Monica did say that Phix was still a mankiller.
I noticed that Phix didn’t want for Monica to fumble the introductions this time. So when will Tina be composed enough to be introduced?
I think Tina is still catching flies.
You can just hear that bell go DING! in the last panel. I’m glad, and a bit surprised, that Greg somehow survived – I guess sometimes a man’s just gotta do what a man’s gotta do. Lucky bastard.
A happy Phix, is a safe Phix. But a maneater in any implication is still a maneater.
Then it’s time to cue up some Hall & Oates:
Oh here she comes.
Watch out boys, she’ll chew you up.
Oh here she comes.
She’s a maneater.
(Nelly who?)
Thank you for being the one to post that. I couldn’t stop repeating that in my head when Phix shows up!
That’s right, collect your coffee, pick your brains up off the floor, and hurry off to work.
And another rackin’ frackin’ 24 hour delayto see Tina and Phix interact for the first time! I swear, introducing my new cat to the older one wasn’t this stressful.
You know, I hate to give Paul any ideas, because I would like to see it myself, but it would be even funnier if we never do see Phix in TinaVision™. Just have Tina become very quiet, very respectful, and very circumspect whenever she encounters Phix. And very closemouthed when Monica asks questions about what she sees.
I agree, except that I don’t think I particularly want to see the TinaVision™. Let it remain a mystery.
In a strange way, Friday’s comic was actually a let-down because I had already anticipated it on Thursday. I didn’t get excited Friday until I started imagining Bud’s potential reaction to Tina’s reaction, thanks to Fairportfan’s comment. Of course, it’s Paul who got me so interested in the characters in the first place.
Gregory tends to what?……….
…tends to straggle in to work in the morning.
(Especially if he had a hot date the night before – DING DING!)
No — NO!! It was just breakfast.. a polite little breakfast — at some quiet, out of the way place where they could gaze into each others eyes…
There! I told you there had to be some perfectly civil reason for them to met early in the morning before work.
That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.
Right. Tends to come in late when he has been banging mythological creatures all night. The ones that might kill you tend to take more time and finese.
Monica started out trying to reassure Phix that Dr. Fields hadn’t been sitting in his office waiting for Monica for very long.
Oh, it is “Gregory” now, is it? I guess someone had a really good weekend, yes?
I guess this makes Phix the ultimate cougar…
Brilliant. Just brilliant.
And when are we going to see Tina’s exploding head?
and monica has just cicked!
Thats kinda like being told your parents still ‘do’ it ^^
Wait – you had to be told?
i prefer to believe i was part of the immaculate conception and my parents do not do such things.
It keeps me sane
Too funny.
Well!! Almost everyone’s getting their share of surprises this morning!
I was half-expecting to see a Tina-shaped hole in the wall behind the counter. Maybe tomorrow.
Ummm – considering that they’re shaking hands, and thus we’re looking at Amanda’s right arm, isn’t there … something … missing in that second panel?
Good catch. Oh, Pablo? I think you forgot something.
No, no, no, that’s jist one of the odd side effects of coming into contact with Phix’s magical field. Tattoos disappear.
I had to look three time before i noticed.
Must be a side-effect of the boobosity.
I think Paul’s gone to bed.
He’s also made a second small error in the very last panel Do you see it?
Monica’s three inches taller?
She’s still 4’10 1/2.
That’s the “Sheriff Brody Zoom-In”
as seen in the motion picture ‘Jaws’.
The fall of hair behind her right arm has not been colored to match the rest.
That can be explained by her slouching and then standing bolt upright as the realization hits.
That effect is known as the “Vertigo shot”, from its use in the belltower scene in Vertigo; also used to good effect in Truffautt’s version of Fahrenheit 451 for the endless-corridor nightmare.
It’s dollying forward while zooming back (Vertigo and F451) so that the walls pass, but the far end apparently never gets closer, or pulling back while zooming in, so the the central object stays the same but the field of view narrows drastically.
(Also the depth of focus alters, so that even if the viewer doesn’t notice the shot consciously, it can be subconsciously disorienting.)
Thanks Fairportfan.
Also known as Dolly Zoom.
Congrats on the cool randomly assigned avatar.
That is not randomly assigned that is my current Gravatar, that turns up on a lot of sites when i post comments. You upload anything you like, and it’s tied to your e-mail.
It also lets you post comments at a lot of sites without signing up for each one.
Oh – when i said Monica’s three inches taller, i meant relative to the background, which a vertigo shot (at least one that relatively small) probably wouldn’t change.
Thanks for fulfilling my request!
Huh…that’s funny. I always assumed that that ‘tattoo’ was an arm bracelet. I know someone who wears one just like it.
Ist mox nix . Happens to the best of them . Good eye , though , I hadn’t really noticed .
Once again, I’m giving my guess as to what will happen tomorrow. (I used to do this on the forums all the time. So far I’m batting zero.)
Phix watches M and Amanda leave, turns back to Tina and says, “Hello, Nudge.”
And Tina replies, “Hello, Mistress.”
I’m pretty sure this won’t happen, but HOLY COW if it did!
THAT never crossed my mind! So far you and seem to be tied for the same ranking – any points I have been awarded are for style and persistence.
Question: Do i calculate correctly from Monicas height 148 cm that Phix is 205 cm tall?
Pablo said she’s about 6′ 6″, as i recall.
Actually, 6’9″ might be close to right. Amanda looks like she’s about 60/40 between Monica and Phix, so I’d bet she’s about 6 foot even.
Well, that’s six-six without heels…
Yay, Gregory! “Climb every mountain…” And judging from Phix’s expression, he was apparently quite satisfactory, too. Young horses know how to run fast, old horses know how to run…
Regardless of the implications, Monica can at least be assures thet Gregory will be in a very good mood this morning…
Pan over to Tina!
Oh, ho, ho! Lucky Greg… Man, that romp in the hay would have been the stuff of mythology!
Nice *ding* look on Monica’s face. Beautiful way to start the week, Pablo!
*hee hee hee hee* I love Phix!
… and how long did they spend together???
Again … Monica’s expression in last pannel …
Hee Hee Heeeeeee.
I concur with the other opinion expressed here.
Gregory is one LUCKY guy!\

I’m surprized nobody has mentioned the relative sizes of Phix’ and Amanda’s hands. Phix’ hand just swallows Amanda’s.
Ah, Paul. You’ve got that ‘the light dawns/sudden realization’ look down *wonderfully* pat. Bravo.
What does it sound like when Phix purrs?
And Monica continues her trend of silent, shocked realization. I realized during this read-through that she does this a lot. Like, at least once an arc. Sometimes more.
still got that bottle of mental bleach handy?