Corrupt You by Paul Taylor on April 10, 2022 at 8:00 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Castela, ScarletLocation: Gryphon High Related Comics ¬ Would You Like That Older Than Ancient Not Fair Take a Shower Weird Noises
I’ve occasionally wondered about who was corrupting who—but I mostly thought it was about boyfriends or lack thereof.
No, Cass. She *knows* you’re corrupting me. Just… she doesn’t realize how much you’ve done!
There are those who’ve ponder on that very subject.
I think it’s time for Scarlet to tell Castella about her grandmother’s notebook❗
That’s right, Cass, it’s really about you.
You had the rant right at the start, but it’s not about you, Catela…
The ‘arguments’ the girls have get WAAY past deep…