Delicate Kitten by Paul Taylor on August 1, 2023 at 9:13 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Georgette, Monica, ShellyLocation: Georgette's House, Shelly's Apartment Related Comics ¬ 08/12/2002 05/31/2002 Dothehonors Ouractions What The Heck
* meow *
I take it Georgette has yet to learn that when Monica says “Cat”, she means “Sphinx”
Or she does know, and the solution to her is still the same.
Kitty sleeping on other kitty’s lap.
Hope Shelly can make it to the bathroom when she needs to.
The kind of delicate kitten that can destroy realities if her sleep is disturbed?
That would be Castela
That would be half of the cast 😛
Good thing Monica’s a Titan. She’s gonna be there awhile. XD
Soft kitty warm kitty
Little ball of fur
Happy kitty sleepy kitty
Purr purr purr
sorry Gette, this is a special kitty situation. ~<3
Like the legendary Mandarin who cut the sleeve from his silken robe lest he disturb a kitten sleeping on it.
The sleeve thing was an Emperor and his boyfriend. The Mandarin and the cat was a different section of clothes.
I heard Mohammed did something like that, too.
Well, Sphinxi ARE fart feline after all… 😸
I’m now picturing a sleepy Shelly unconsciously shifting into full Sphinx form, and Monica really IS pinned under her huge head, unable to escape.