Yeaaa! She makes a last second great entrance. So she’s going with the school girl look? Someome needs to introduce her to our artificial fur and long pants. Though one would think, being a part of Tina, she would have learned about coats. Perhaps she expected it to be warmer. I guess it’s hard to keep track of time and seasons in the Library.
Here’s hoping we get to see more of her next week, and Paul doesn’t just jump to something else again, cause this oughtta be good.
Is it Monday yet?
You know that sadist that writes this strip is going to go to something else next week. (shakes fist in the general direction of Minna-soda)
Hmm, Tina was gettin’ a little snappish with Shelly in panel one. I think we were on the way to a full-blown argument, until, well, look what the wind blew in! Someone new to Shelly, although well-known to Tina (but possibly not welcome).
She should welcome Nudge, and thank her. Without her, Tina 2 would never have existed. Then she can give Nudge a bonk on the head for causing so much trouble too.
Interesting point…and perhaps Nudge herself, as the organizational force behind Tina 2.0 can lend some insight as to how Tina can duplicate Shelly’s “fusion” of her demons if you will, and thus regain a singular conscience?
Geez, I saw the newcomer and all I could think was, “It’s winter in MN. Who’s the newbie and what idiot dressed her?? (Erm, no offence to the artist intended there. ) And then I read the comments. Oh hey, I should know who that is. Now I feel silly.
But I bet Nudge feels worse than I do, what with the frostbite on her kneecaps.
There’s so much win in these last pages. Seems to me, that creepy girl is manifesting herself because this might be the first time she’s actually been talked about – and even in appreciative manner- and it makes her curious. Last panel’s “Wossdat?!” expression is magnificent
Wha??? But I didnt think demons, whatever felt the cold?? or is nudge, er, less ‘magical’ than the other girls?? or just too busy working the transformation, she forgot about the weather??
I can see that the clothes are an expression of her personality – quite mischievous and naive young girl..
Can someone explain Tina’s expression in the first panel? I’m a moron, I can’t quite grasp how you’d utter that sentence with a big wide-eyed smile and cute stance like that unless you were being really REALLY harshly bitter and sarcastic, and I’m not getting that from the dialogue.
Tina sometimes gets kind of manic when she starts losing control of the direction of a conversation. She’s not in full-fledged freakout mode, but she isn’t comfortable with what Shelly is getting at, and she’s trying to cover by turning her usual cheerfulness up to eleven.
Ditto that. WI and MN are two of the nicest places in the continental US, but boy do we love to gut each other. Also, “discontent” is what people in the warmer climes feel for winter. Up here, when it gets right down to
-20, we willingly cuss out the winter together. Common enemy and all that.
Not to boast, but overhere in early december, the weather also decided to go from a balmy +10 celcius to minus 8 celcius and 40cm of snow…THE NEXT DAY!!! Snowplows couldn’t keep up.
Luckily, riding an ATV is streetlegal overhere, so I was one of the very few present at my job that day.
Hey now!! I am a Dutchy.. You would be just as confused If I talked about “Drenthe” or “Friesland”….(Two of our northern..COLD!- provinces that are at each other’s throat quite often)
Yeah..I knew it was one of those, couldn’t find the exact reference to Minnesota’s brusqly changing weather, although it is a running gag in Wapsi Square.
Well it’s not a glamour then, she really transformed herself. The body is therefore subject to the human condition. Poor Nudge, I’ve been to Minnesota; water is a building and paving material there in the winter time.
Tina and Shelly are harassing each other–they’re having fun. Tina appreciates that Shelly thinks of her as a person. Her body position tells that she isn’t angry. I like this ‘dish-it-out’, it is replete with textures, forms, and anticipation.
This is what zippers are for. No need to pull down your pants, unless you’re female. Though females are notoriously bad at writing anything in the snow (other than exclaimation points and the number 1).
I suppose we need Monica to show up about now to referee the situation as she did for Phix. Of course this time, everyone there is among the paranormal “in” crowd so fast talking and misdirection may not be needed. Still, I wonder if she told everyone else about the Phix-Tina-Nudge encounter? All this assumes there aren’t any other customers sitting at tables at this particular moment.
Given her stocky build and prep-school unifrom, I wonder if she will introduce herself by some typical upper-crust pet name such as “Pudgie.” Something that works with her given name. If Nudge is, indeed, her given name. Nudge may be a nick-name in itself. Or it could be simpler and just be Nudgie, though that would not be up to Paul’s usually creative standards. This entrance and her first words certainly are.
Aww! Shucks, Fairportfan, you didn’t get the reference. A Morgan is a horse breed,(for her legs) and a Brittany is a type of dog(for her tail) as well as being genuine preppy names. Guess it was too obscure.
Oh wow, from art to expressions to the situation to the narrative, this is such a GREAT page! Everything clicks, especially Conscious’ “WHA…?” face at the end. It’s such a JOY to read something like this!
Although I’ve got to say, my first reaction to the last panel was “What is Nudge WEARING?!? In Minnesota! In WINTER!!!”. I wonder where she got that outfit.
Shelly and Tina acting like my older sisters back in their teenage years, funn-ee! Then Nudge and her sturdy legs come in, with Lil’ Sis giving a “What’s her problem?” look. Of course this all happens on a Friday, it’s the only way to fly!
True, Nudge must have learned something by infesting Tina, such as cold weather and heat-retaining clothing, but remember she’s spent thousands of years as a big, furry critter when in her material body. Those create very established habits and expectations. In fact, this is possibly her first shape-shifting trick, yes? She’s not yet used to expecting the unexpected in this regard.
And now Nudge looks even more like my Aunt Chicky circa 1959. Actually her skirts were longer but that was the style of the rest of her clothes, and she had those chunky Italian thighs.
Oh yeah! Bonus points for today’s art and dialogue.
Love the tube socks.
And now for something completely different!
Plus perspective!!
Wonder who the new girl is? Not Brandi, because golems aren’t affected by the cold…
I think that would be our lovely Nudge taking her human form out for a test drive . . . wearing a short skirt . . . in a blizzard.
Nudge, may I recommend a ski suit.
Srsly? You don’t recognize Nudge?
In fairness, it took me a second look. The profile view threw me for a sec.
Here come da Nudge!
It’s Nudge, of course!
Yeaaa! She makes a last second great entrance. So she’s going with the school girl look? Someome needs to introduce her to our artificial fur and long pants. Though one would think, being a part of Tina, she would have learned about coats. Perhaps she expected it to be warmer. I guess it’s hard to keep track of time and seasons in the Library.
Here’s hoping we get to see more of her next week, and Paul doesn’t just jump to something else again, cause this oughtta be good.
Is it Monday yet?
You know that sadist that writes this strip is going to go to something else next week. (shakes fist in the general direction of Minna-soda)
We haven’t heard from Mayahuel since she went out ‘exploring’. Now would be a most frustrating time to catch up with her…
heh, but… you forget that in tina… there probably wasn’t much sensation of cold…
WTH? Nudge? Things have just gotten a lot more interesting. Nudge and Tina to be formally introduced finally. And what will Nudge talk about?
Not exactly a bombshell, but it does make want it to be Sunday night already. CURSE YOU PAUL!! Yo’re just a big tease.
I <3 the look on li'l sister's face in the last panel XD
I think creepy girl just got creeped out.
Creeped out, or just surprised? That expression seemed more like shock or surprise to me, like “I didn’t know you could do that” sort of thing.
Yesterday I thought she was just ‘projecting’ and not actually there but to awknowlege Nudge presence, tell ya creepy is Jiminey Cricket!
Gym socks!
Shelly’s pointing hand in panel two is really cool looking. Really expressively drawn.
This is the first time that Nudge and Tina have met since the forced separation by Phix. Could be awkward.
haha, i wonder what Nudge’s Aura will tell Tina to make…
also, sexy Tina is sexy and cute Creepy is disturbed. XD
Hmm, Tina was gettin’ a little snappish with Shelly in panel one. I think we were on the way to a full-blown argument, until, well, look what the wind blew in! Someone new to Shelly, although well-known to Tina (but possibly not welcome).
She should welcome Nudge, and thank her. Without her, Tina 2 would never have existed. Then she can give Nudge a bonk on the head for causing so much trouble too.
Interesting point…and perhaps Nudge herself, as the organizational force behind Tina 2.0 can lend some insight as to how Tina can duplicate Shelly’s “fusion” of her demons if you will, and thus regain a singular conscience?
Nah/ I think Tina and Shelly are just sparring…
Ahh see Nudge knows more than she thinks.
She answered her question herself
Coffee or hot chocolate are very good furless-animal warmer-uppers.
Geez, I saw the newcomer and all I could think was, “It’s winter in MN. Who’s the newbie and what idiot dressed her?? (Erm, no offence to the artist intended there. ) And then I read the comments. Oh hey, I should know who that is. Now I feel silly.
But I bet Nudge feels worse than I do, what with the frostbite on her kneecaps.
Well, by dressing appropriately for the weather, for one thing, dear…
Creepy’s a touch freaked out…
There’s so much win in these last pages. Seems to me, that creepy girl is manifesting herself because this might be the first time she’s actually been talked about – and even in appreciative manner- and it makes her curious. Last panel’s “Wossdat?!” expression is magnificent
and one more word: NUDGE! \o/
Nudge in the schoolgirl uniform FTW! I’m loving the gym socks.
Also Tina in pamel# 1 looks hot.
I love how Shelly’s conscience is just looking at Nudge like “Who the hell-ass?”
Wha??? But I didnt think demons, whatever felt the cold?? or is nudge, er, less ‘magical’ than the other girls?? or just too busy working the transformation, she forgot about the weather??
I can see that the clothes are an expression of her personality – quite mischievous and naive young girl..
Cant wait to see if she is ‘recognized’, I think the animal and fur references may give them a clue…
and I think even those less than a year old understand coffee!
I also know plenty who look at the bright sunshine, no snow or rain, and dont think may be only a few degrees outside!!
Will we ever see “mundanes” at Tina’s coffee shop?
Does it have free WiFi?
Possibly. We know that Tina has built in ifri (prounounced eye-fry).
Can someone explain Tina’s expression in the first panel? I’m a moron, I can’t quite grasp how you’d utter that sentence with a big wide-eyed smile and cute stance like that unless you were being really REALLY harshly bitter and sarcastic, and I’m not getting that from the dialogue.
Nah – they’re just running the dozens on each other…
Tina sometimes gets kind of manic when she starts losing control of the direction of a conversation. She’s not in full-fledged freakout mode, but she isn’t comfortable with what Shelly is getting at, and she’s trying to cover by turning her usual cheerfulness up to eleven.
I lol-ed at Nudges discontent with Wisconsin(?) weather…(And at her looking like a somewhat pudgy, freckly boarding-school girl)
Do not, EVER, get the two states mixed up.
Ditto that. WI and MN are two of the nicest places in the continental US, but boy do we love to gut each other. Also, “discontent” is what people in the warmer climes feel for winter. Up here, when it gets right down to
-20, we willingly cuss out the winter together. Common enemy and all that.
Not to boast, but overhere in early december, the weather also decided to go from a balmy +10 celcius to minus 8 celcius and 40cm of snow…THE NEXT DAY!!! Snowplows couldn’t keep up.
Luckily, riding an ATV is streetlegal overhere, so I was one of the very few present at my job that day.
Hey now!! I am a Dutchy.. You would be just as confused If I talked about “Drenthe” or “Friesland”….(Two of our northern..COLD!- provinces that are at each other’s throat quite often)

Yeah..I knew it was one of those, couldn’t find the exact reference to Minnesota’s brusqly changing weather, although it is a running gag in Wapsi Square.
Here is a hint, Nudge, by NOT dressing like that in the middle of Winter.
Perhaps she saw a bunch of college students pass in shorts, t-shirts and flip-flops, and took a cue from them…
Well it’s not a glamour then, she really transformed herself. The body is therefore subject to the human condition. Poor Nudge, I’ve been to Minnesota; water is a building and paving material there in the winter time.
Tina and Shelly are harassing each other–they’re having fun. Tina appreciates that Shelly thinks of her as a person. Her body position tells that she isn’t angry. I like this ‘dish-it-out’, it is replete with textures, forms, and anticipation.
Steven Brust says that they have two seasons in Minnesota – Winter and Road Repair.
No, there’s all four–Early Winter, Midwinter, Still Winter, and the Season of Orange.
Orange goes for cones and hunters alike.
I like Vlad Taltos!
NUDGE!!! Put some pants on, girl!
…never thought I’d hear myself say anything like that…
That ^ Or becoming the first demon with a bladder-infection(cystitis)
Cold weather can give one a bladder infection?
um, yes, if you insist in pulling your pants down in -20 degrees, and slowly writing your name… seems macho at the time, until it starts freezing up…
Don’t give Nudge (or Paul, for that matter) any ideas…
This is what zippers are for. No need to pull down your pants, unless you’re female. Though females are notoriously bad at writing anything in the snow (other than exclaimation points and the number 1).
Poor Nudge!
Shelley’s pointing hand and arm in panel two look fantastic.
I suppose we need Monica to show up about now to referee the situation as she did for Phix. Of course this time, everyone there is among the paranormal “in” crowd so fast talking and misdirection may not be needed. Still, I wonder if she told everyone else about the Phix-Tina-Nudge encounter? All this assumes there aren’t any other customers sitting at tables at this particular moment.
Given her stocky build and prep-school unifrom, I wonder if she will introduce herself by some typical upper-crust pet name such as “Pudgie.” Something that works with her given name. If Nudge is, indeed, her given name. Nudge may be a nick-name in itself. Or it could be simpler and just be Nudgie, though that would not be up to Paul’s usually creative standards. This entrance and her first words certainly are.
Morgan or Brittany would be more appropriate.
In line with my comment further down – Hermione.
Aww! Shucks, Fairportfan, you didn’t get the reference. A Morgan is a horse breed,(for her legs) and a Brittany is a type of dog(for her tail) as well as being genuine preppy names. Guess it was too obscure.
Funny – i just had occasion to bring up Morgans in a conversation earlier today (well, yesterday, at this point).
No, i didn’t make the connection.
Best laugh I’ve had all week! Poor Nudge… I hope she discovers some of the upsides of being human.
And you’re just the person to teach her! You old wolf, you! (wink, wink, ((pardon the pun)), nudge, nudge)
I hope you have enough to pay the pun jar after that last comment!
Never apologize for your puns! If you’re strong enough to say ’em, stand up proud of ’em!
I’ve heard that said about farts too.
I think they are both equally welcome at most social gatherings…
I thought of that instantly, but was too civilized to come right out and say it …
Oh wow, from art to expressions to the situation to the narrative, this is such a GREAT page! Everything clicks, especially Conscious’ “WHA…?” face at the end. It’s such a JOY to read something like this!
Although I’ve got to say, my first reaction to the last panel was “What is Nudge WEARING?!? In Minnesota! In WINTER!!!”. I wonder where she got that outfit.
Maybe Phix was having a little joke…
That’s a good point. It would be just like Phix to mislead her as to appropriate dress. Prank the trickster and get a bit of revenge at the same time.
Shelly and Tina acting like my older sisters back in their teenage years, funn-ee! Then Nudge and her sturdy legs come in, with Lil’ Sis giving a “What’s her problem?” look. Of course this all happens on a Friday, it’s the only way to fly!
Your fine art just keeps getting better, Paul.
True, Nudge must have learned something by infesting Tina, such as cold weather and heat-retaining clothing, but remember she’s spent thousands of years as a big, furry critter when in her material body. Those create very established habits and expectations. In fact, this is possibly her first shape-shifting trick, yes? She’s not yet used to expecting the unexpected in this regard.
Cold Nudge is cold. And Creepy Little Girl is Shelly’s Conscience, not her Conscious. And the whole group is C-U-U-U-T-E! Kawaii!!
Nudge looks like something out of a Saint Trinian’s film. All she needs is the flat-brimmed straw hat with the ribbon…
…and the field-hockey stick, come to think…
NUDGE! Dat a**!
Dang, girl.
Nudge feels the cold? But the other demons/golems/supernatural non-humans do not feel cold…
Either she’s overdoing the ‘normal’ reaction to attempt to blend in… or something is VERY wrong here.
Also:Creepy Girl: “Mommy, there’s a weirdo behind me….” So CUTE! <3
Actually, only the golem girls have been shown to be impervious to the cold. The rest have never been shown one way or the other.
And it’s not that they don’t feel it – consider Jin, and Alan’s toes – but it doesn’t affect them unless they let it.
I have to wonder how far outside the shop Nudgie showed up. More than a block and she would be poiting back to the library to thaw…
Unless she didn’t poit and just walked from the annex exit.
And we still haven’t seen the annex.
If I remember correctly, Amanda still hasn’t met Phix; that’s something I want to see!
Hope the link works…
Amanda has met Phix on June 14, 2010.
Ya know, it strikes me that Shelly could provide Creepy with a less-tattered dress; she looks like an orphan out of Dickens…
I got the impression, from where, I don’t know, that Connie chose her own looks…
Uh, obviously it is associated to the time of Shelly’s near death experience on her vision quest. (Shouldn’t post so late without caffine.)
Her dress was a lot less tattered the first time she popped up in Shelly’s bedroom.
What?! And lose her schtick? Ya don’t go ’round changin’ da Creepmister.
And now Nudge looks even more like my Aunt Chicky circa 1959. Actually her skirts were longer but that was the style of the rest of her clothes, and she had those chunky Italian thighs.
And even little creepy-girl Shelly is like, ‘WTF, mate?’ I love it!
Sonuva- b, b, b…