Indeed. Even I don’t like seeing that happen to her (despite, being the hard core misogynst I am). But is IS dramatic and awsome as far as the story goes.
And yet, any minute now some smug phix fanboys/fangirls are gonna chime in with “she’s just doing her job blah blah blah it’s not phix’s fault demons need to be treated like punching bags blah blah blah, that puppy that got thrown by the army dude was totally asking for it blah blah blah”
Classic troll move: Whenever someone clearly and obviously sounds like they feel like nothing they say could possibly be valid, make them out to be the one who can’t accept anyone’s opinion but their own, as if being hit in the face defines someone as a violent person.
Oh, thanks for reminding me of Snarry-slash fanfics… hey! Thina+Phix fanfics! What would they be? Tiix? Phia? Lethally Dominering? err… nevermind. just woke up… (and don’t ask why I’m posting this. demons tells me to, I guess)
guessing from the size of the hand, Phix is in full-tilt, wings and cat-body sphinx mode – I didn’t think the coffee shop was that big? Or there might be extradimensional overlap?
No – she serves tea and hands out cookies, remember? Human (large-economy size) human from the waist up (well, except for the wings), lion from there back.
Isle 2: Halloween witches, zombies and other decorations.
Isle 7: Scarecrows
Isle 13: Store Mannequins
Back Wall: Inflatable Sex Toys (first thing I thought of, actually :embarrassed:)
Yeah – but that hand goes with something bigger than that; the length of a hand from base of palm to tip of longest finger is about the height of the face from chin to forehead.
Even in human form, Phix’s face isn’t that much larger than Monica’s or Tin’s.
So, if M is 4′ 11″, then Tina is about 5′ 6″-5′ 8″. Phix, if I had to guess, would be well over 6′, I’m guessing at least 6′ 9″. That’d make her hand about 10″ from fingertip to wrist (Bodies ~ 8 head heights. Hand ~3/4 head height).
I think that is it what makes the comments of this comic worth to read There are always some nice thoughts you dont get with people of just the same age
She just found the rogue demon that humiliated her to the point of 200,000 years of self-isolation. I don’t think anybody can blame her for being a little pissed.
No…Nudge showed up after the event that made Tina’s Collective lose their memories. They (the Collective and Nudge) have had conversations about it. Plus, Paul made a comment on one of the comics this week reminding us that Nudge is different from the Collective.
Yes, this lends credence to the idea that Nudge was somehow seeking refuge among the collective. But why wait until now to express this obviously festering emotion if she knew Nudge was in there? As we concluded yesterday, Nudge never came out on her own to talk in Tina’s previous conversations with Phix.
Those demons who were part of the Tina Collective when they harmed Monica do not remember the past. Nudge remembers the past. QED, Nudge either was not part of the Collective back then or Nudge is not a demon.
1. Nobody is fond of the police or the tax collector. Doing their job requires direct and unpopular (at least to the target) action. Being harsh is part of the job if you are going to be effective. You can’t tolerate broken windows!
2. Demons, being “wild,” are very much like a pack of dogs. Individually, dogs can be loyal, loving and fun. In a pack, the group mentality takes over and you have a dangerous mob. The only way to keep a pack in check is to constantly assert your authority as pack leader so that the rest of them obey. The minute you fail to do this is the minute you’ve lost control.
And Nudge, in particular, seems to be about pushing limits and pushing buttons!
I don’t know. I’d find it hard to believe that Phix didn’t know where Nudge was before this. Granted, the sphinxes had difficulty finding rogue demons and had to resort to riddles to find them. Still, Phix knew when Tina pushed Monica to take Amanda to the library, so why wouldn’t she have known about Nudge revealing herself to Monica? Would the mention of the library trigger her attention?
I suspect that Nudge entering Tina’s body after she died was prearranged somehow. That was necessary for the previous loop’s Brandi’s plan to work. Phix said that she worked closely with Brandi, so I suspect that Phix either had something to do with Nudge getting inside Tina’s body or at least knew about Brandi’s plan for that.
I think the real problem is that Nudge has a big mouth and is giving out information better kept secret or is a pack of lies and half-truths. It appears she also shot off her mouth-cannon to the detriment of Phix in the remote past.
I’m suprised Phix (assumming it IS Phix) is being this aggressive and violent in front of Monica. Beating on one of M’s friends is not a good way to maintain your friendship with her. And might also lead to her intervening by trying to ‘poit’ the aggressor away, or summon the GGG to help her, or throwing herself physically into the fight…
@jwhouk: How about the fact that that hand reaches from the top of Tina’s head, to halfway down her arm? Tina isn’t small, either. That hand has to be a foot long (pun only sorta intended). There is only one character that even in human form is freakishly tall…
That’s a possibility. Oh for a garphic depiction of a showdown between Phix and one of her kind as she comes to Monica’s (and maybe Tina’s) rescue! Would be epic. Good too.
Remember that, at least in part, the word “monster” is derived from roots that have nothing to do with horribleness or bloodthirstiness:
The English word monster can be traced back to various etymological roots. The Latin ‘monstrum’ means ‘that which teaches’, and there is also another connection to ‘monstrare’, to show. Both Latin words derive from the same base ‘monere’, to warn.
The theme of teaching or guiding is thus implicit in the etymology, with the English word ‘demonstrate’ turning out to be a cousin of ‘monster’ in that the Latin ‘demonstratum’ is a past participle of ‘demonstrare’, which means ‘to point out, indicate, show or prove’.
This fits right in with Phix’s pedagogic tendencies…
Or a serious time out. Oh, that’s right, she just came off a rather long one. She may actually be being mellow here, compared to usual. Her usual approach would probably have resulted in brain and blood decorated walls, with just a splotch left on the counter. Not to mention a decorated and mentally-scarred-for-life Monica.
No kidding. Poor Tina is caught in the middle. Nudge goes shooting off her mouth again and the body gets slammed. Nudge isn’t the only resident. I wonder how that affects the others? The Tina collective may be really terrified right now. Apparently that prick under the chin wasn’t enough to keep Nudge in line.
I’m wondering if this isn’t just more of Nudge at work. Monica gets a first hand glimpse of Phix in her aspect. It’s unlikely it’ll be anything she ever forgets. It’s also reasonable to expect it’ll color future interactions. You can TELL someone about a monster all you want, but actually running into that monster is going to say a lot more than words ever will.
Very good point. Could well be a way to create doubt in Monica’s mind about Phix. Drive a wedge between them. That would suit Nudges purposes quite well. Monica now knows, first hand, the side of Phix that is not all cookies and tea parties. Monica may later think that could be her if she gets on the bad side of Phix. GGG protection notwithstanding.
Perhaps everything pointed to the person being infected (or not infected, either way), yet he/she gave the correct answer. The only time that had happened. That may have made Phix, for the first time, doubt her methods. She may have suddenly realized she had, perhaps, murdered many innocent individuals. Nudge may have supplied that answer, or was the rogue in the human in question.
Maybe Phix is blaming Nudge for giving Oedipus the answer. According to some versions of the Oedipus myth, the muses told Oedipus the answer, so maybe Nudge was a Muse. Actually, that makes a lot of sense, because the Muses inspire people to do things, like Nudge does. Then again, they weren’t supposed to look demonic, but maybe Nudge was a demon inside a Muse.
Alternatively, perhaps Nudge was Oedipus’s demon. I don’t like that idea as well.
I am guessing it is the blabbering on about ‘sacred dont talk about it’ stuff, that really irritates phix.. and then AFAIK be locked in with her!!! and then she calls her a bitch…
I think if you call any girl that, you will be seriously slapped!!!
Bitch actually means Strong Pagan Woman and in the matriarchal societies of Scythia and Gaul it signified a priestess of Artemis, which was a very dignified position.
there is always the logical response: A bitch is a dog, a dog barks, bark is on a tree, a tree is from nature, nature is beautiful so thank you for the compliment
The ‘F’ you say? My mother was a part of a freaky combination Wicca-Satanist coven/cult, and it was her opinion that the Pagan origin stuff was nonsense. As I reacll she pointed out it actually coming from some more modern author who coined the phrase “Bitch Goddess” when referring the persuit of money. The rest was made up whole cloth by dippy Wicca women/feminists who were into the whole ancient matriarchy BS. It was about as meaningful as the “logical” response you quoted (in jest, I’m sure).
…. and now time for Paul to go check in with things at Darren’s Bar. We’ve not seen him for a looooong time. Wouldn’t this just be the perfect time for a nice side story with him? Or perhaps we can see how things are going at the yoga studio. Or have some time with Kathrine. Or I know, we can see how Amanda is dealing with what she learned a few weeks back.
….. Totally time for a scene change that does not return to the coffee shop till sometime after Thanksgiving…
Ya know, nudge being a demon, and therefore ultimately charged with effecting the downfall of humanity, everyone seems to leave out the grain of salt they should be adding to any ‘truths’ Nudge spouts. The Tina collective seems to be more forthright, and it also seems that Nudge holds some kind of grudge, judging by what she mutters to herself the last few days…..Unless, of course, she MEANT Monica to hear it (and thus be influenced by it). However, the contents of the cesspool seem to have struck the oscillating circulator.
The judge of Nudges grudges won’t budge for fudge, as she doesn’t want to be a pudge. Instead she will trudge through the sludge and not begrudge it even a smudge.
“Truth” is one of the most vicious weapons a demon can wield, but never a demon’s top skill, so they mix it in with what they can do better.
In Nudge’s case, I’d wager she’s an Impulse Demon, so the closest she’d get to being untruthful would be the same witholding that people that need to keep certain things to themselves do.
This being a weekend, let me run a scenario past the forum, and let you guys kick it to pieces if you can.
Has it occurred to anyone else that the only guarantor of Nudge’s bona fides … is Nudge? That we have absolutely no way to confirm what she has said to Monica as being true?
That the whole of the history that Paul has built can be seen as an attempt to capture a malevolent entity? That the time loop may not have been an accident, but a deliberate trap, an attempt at containment and isolation?
Nudge has shown one desire that struck me as odd — she wants access to the Library. Could Phix have withdrawn into “exile” in the Library simply to do what sphinxes do — stand guard? against Nudge?
Could this be because the “answer to the riddle that stumped her” demonstrated that for some reason the riddle wasn’t working? That Nudge had somehow worked out a way to pass the test, and escape?
Note that when Phix first met Tina, Nudge withdrew to the point that only Tina remained to speak to Phix (remember the changing eyes?) — and Phix addressed Tina as Tina and was willing to let Tina’s peculiar status continue. Nudge may have taken this as confirmation that she could hide from Phix. And she may well have been correct, for if Phix had been certain, she would have bagged Nudge then and there.
Phix, being an extremely intelligent predator, had set up a sting.
Now Nudge is attempting to use Monica, and Amanda, to reach the goal for which she has been striving for untold thousands of years — access to the Library, even if at second hand, through tools. The containment has been broken, the goal is in sight, it’s so close she can taste it.
In doing this, she has exposed herself, and Phix — slapped on the cuffs.
And of course, next week, Paul will bring this entire house of cards down around my ears!
(Reply to the 6:29pm post) Yes, if she could get into the Library she might be able to get out anywhere-or-when she wants; although Monica has been in, she didn’t try this, so we don’t yet know if it’s possible.
I think maybe the demons already can go whereever they wish in the universe, via the demon realm. I would bet they “service” more than just the human race. After all, the “rogue queen” talked about their being around long, long before our universe even came into existance. It seems to me the demon realm not only bridges the known universe, but other planes of existance as well. So I doubt they need the library to get around.
I think the demons have a very wide range indeed, across time and space and possibility — but they can’t go everywhere. If they could, they would not have wanted Monica’s door. I think there are entire realms they cannot enter, and they want to go there.
Now that my cold is starting to fade, taking the fever with it, I notice a point I should have made earlier.
If Nudge is inside the time loop, manifesting in a body, she is subject to being reset to zero, over and over again. No matter what she manages to do to escape, no matter how successful her effort, it all comes to naught when the Calendar Machine resets. From the remark Bud dropped earlier, the bubble of the time loop contained this entire galaxy. She couldn’t have escaped physically, too much distance to cover in the time she had.
But the Library is outside the time loop. If she can escape into the Library ….
Can Nudge jump from Tina into a body that has been invited to enter the Library? Amanda, for instance?
That IS kind of the point I was circling around (or one of them); she could have been spinning it from whole cloth, hoping it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to collapse on its own, or to be outed by the Tina collective.
And yes, that she may have wanted in the Library for some reason is intriguing…………..
Fairportfan Here’s my cast if you’re interested: Phix— Lucy Lawless, Brandi— Halle Berry, Bud—Uma Thurman, Jin—Luci Liu, Monica—Jenifer Lopez, Tepez—I’ll have to go with Raven’s choice, Tina—Aaliyah Haughton, SpiderGirl—Ellie Harvie. I hope you find my choices as interesting as yours were to me.
Eghads that’s right ! Coffee is the only thing keeping Bud from destroying the Earth!!!! Enter Bud looking like she’s had a rough night and they were out of coffee at home.
But she’d like to take a few swings at Phix while she has come to appreciate Tina, creepy as she is
remember the “I don’t like seeing people being glamourized for being murderous” conversation
I get it. The Tina Collective is minus memories since hurting someone. But Nudge has just revealed that her memories haven’t been blanked. Ergo, Nudge isn’t really a part of the Tina Collective. Nudge is some random (rogue) demon who found an opportunity in the form of a body that could still operate and a place to hide in a demonic collective that hadn’t quite disbanded yet.
Except that she shot off her mouth when Phix the neighborhood beatdown cop was listening for evidence, and now Phix knows exactly where she’s hiding.
Nudge was laying low after getting off on a technicality when she gave the answer that “stumped” Phix – one that was a legitimate answer, but didn’t indicate whether she was “good” or “evil”.
I’m still holding out for “chaotic neutral” – someone who just likes to stick pins in things to see if they pop … or say “ouch”.
From what was said earlier, I don’t think a Sphinx can just “pull out” Nudge. That might have been the point of the “Kill the human to get to the rogue demon” explanation.
The rest of “Tina” might want Nudge out of there, for their own safety, But I’ve got a feeling Nudge isn’t going to budge.
Hasn’t Nudge been in Tina since we’ve known her? The Tina we know is the combination of the collective including Nudge. Even if only Nudge is removed Tina is no longer completely Tina is she? So if something does happen just to Nudge I’m thinking like you… Tina won’t survive “intact.” This would make me sad. It’s gonna be a looong weekend.
Maybe nudge is in Tina for a punishment as well as the other demons?
Wouldnt be surprised if phix put nudge in tina the last spin round
Besides if phix really wanted to kill nudge – she could do so. it IS her job after all ^^
Perhaps nudge ‘nudged’ phix into realising that following orders might not be the best thing for everyone. Least not for the humans which were killed ^^
But Tina isn’t there for punishment. Tina’s demons took over when Tina died. I’m thinking that Nudge was around when this happened, and managed to ‘slip in’.
Phix won’t (can’t) kill Tina, as the rest of the demons are innocent (or, probably in the opinion of Phix, haven’t been caught… yet), so she can’t kill them to get the one. So now Tina has to be extra careful… If she gives Phix enough of an excuse…
I think you found the key piece of evidence, Watson!
Perhaps Nudge ‘was around’ when Tina 1.0 died in the same wreck that resulted when Monice, hounded by – something – threw herself in front of the bus?
So – if Nudge is the motivating force animating Tina – and if she must go away (die or etc.) –
Then how is it done without effectively destroying Tina 2.0? The collective is apparently helpless without a motivating force……………..
1) Tina doesn’t need Nudge anymore, having become ‘self starting’
2) One of the collective is ‘promoted’ to motivator
3) The return of the sprit of Tina 1.0 – homecoming! (Must take place on the Day of the Dead – explains the puppet in the basement)
That said, I hate you a little Paul. You can’t do this sort of thing to people. I mean, how are we supposed to survive until Monday without knowing what happens next??
You could try to lobby for adding a 6th day to the comic strip week, if Pablo has the time/inclination to make that happen. (Whether that’s an ordinary “saturday” strip like the rest of the week, or a special “Sunday” strip (possibly in color?) would remain to be seen. …)
Thoughts of a cat-fight aside, Phix’s hand looks too big not to be at her next power level.
When Monica looked at Nudge with one eye, she saw Nudge’s aspect which had horns. Horns if they were there physically would have prevented Tina’s head from hitting the counter— unless they broke. So I guess the question is: when Nudge is in control is she there physically or not?
The demons may be a pack of wild dogs, but I have to call into question the mental stability of someone that locks themselves away be cause of an answer to a riddle.
OTOH, someone who steps away from being judge, jury and executioner in life or death situations when they discover that their main diagnostic tool is flawed, thus calling many or all of their previous decisions into question?
Which in turn would call into question the morality of the Authority that sent the sphinx, and that in turn brings the question of who this Authority is and how the Authority became the Authority to paramount importance. We need the Authority’s resume.
And i’m not sure which scares me worse – an Omnipotence whose morality is questionable, but whose competence isn’t … or one whose moral rectitude is unquestionable but whose competence is.
Disney’s Davy Crockett’s “Be sure you’re right – then go ahead” has some scary implications in Case B.
OK, what was the answer Nudge gave, why did it lead to Phix’s self exile, and why wait until NOW to call nudge on it? Was she not completely certain until now that Nudge was amongst the collective??
Perhaps, realising that she was judging using potentially flawed tools/evidence and might have killed an unknown number of the innocents she was supposed to be protecting…
Actually, I noticed that the background in the last panel looks a lot like Phix’s library. We’ll have to wait until Monday to be sure, but I think Phix may have brought Monica and Tina onto her home turf…
You are right. I hadn’t notice that background change. (Sneaky, Paul. Very sneaky.) That is Phix in her full, terrifying glory. There is no way that Phix could fix in the coffee shop at that size. Monica and Tina have, without a doubt, been transported to the Library.
Well fudge. I guess I was seeing what I wanted to see in the background. I guess I need to view the strips that take place inside of the Library for a refresher.
An even more interesting question is why everyone keeps referring to Nudge and the Collective as “she”–demons don’t commonly have a gender or a sex, so seems like “it” or “they” would be a lot more pertinent.
Think of it like transvestitism. It doesn’t matter what it is inside (and we’ll leave aside that discussion for now), it is the external gender trappings that matter for identification. So makeup and dress? She. Short hair and jeans? He.
nope, its not the clothes… general actions, walk and speech, are much better… and these days, you have to be careful about seeing a *lovely* head of hair from behind!!!
Well, this is some seriously exciting stuff. All that’s missing is an annoucer saying “LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLE!!!” or (if you’re less into wrestling and more into hockey) a bunch of rowdy fans screaming “TAKE THE GLOVES OFF!!”
Besides, we love postulating about the motives and backgrounds of these characters until we’re blue in the face. This gives us some damn good theory-building-fodder.
I think to have a rumble, both sides need to, at least, be capable of rumbling. This is more like “LETS GET READY TO … umm … DO WHATEVER PHIX WANTS!!” Or, “KEEP THE GLOVES ON AND SHUT UP!!”
Ain’t it the truth? Some boards post in one color, and after you read the post, the post changes to another color. Something like that would be nice. Just a fast scan through the blue to pick out the occasional red post that you haven’t read yet.
And then there are the posts about the large number of posts there are. Oh, sweet irony. Me, being the worst offender, as this is my third. Fortunately this is not often a problem. To aid me, I keep a piece of paper handy to note the number of posts when I check so I can tell if more have been added at least.
Only a few more hours to wait for our Waspi fix. Then a clean slate upon which to impress our useless opinions.
I… am not sure. I think it’s sort of a Gollum/Smeagol thing, where the voice changes only so slightly so that WE the audience knows, but that the rest of Tina’s universe doesn’t get it.
At times she couldn’t, at least. Nudge, or at least a single demon, talked at times even before Monica knew that Tina was a collection of demons. Here is one example. I don’t know how Monica would be able to tell, but her demons might be able to help her out if they wanted to.
Hey , take it easy on my Tina .
Indeed. Even I don’t like seeing that happen to her (despite, being the hard core misogynst I am). But is IS dramatic and awsome as far as the story goes.
And yet, any minute now some smug phix fanboys/fangirls are gonna chime in with “she’s just doing her job blah blah blah it’s not phix’s fault demons need to be treated like punching bags blah blah blah, that puppy that got thrown by the army dude was totally asking for it blah blah blah”
So in other words anyone that disagrees with you has an invalid opinion?
Well, yes, but with proper treatment and physical therapy it’ll soon be better and up and around.
Classic troll move: Whenever someone clearly and obviously sounds like they feel like nothing they say could possibly be valid, make them out to be the one who can’t accept anyone’s opinion but their own, as if being hit in the face defines someone as a violent person.
The puppy was clearly infected with a canine demon.
Liking Tina or Phix does not have to be mutually exclusive.
just like Snape and Harry
Had to look that up. I follow Harry Dresden not Harry Potter. Thanks for making me more culturally literate.
Oh, thanks for reminding me of Snarry-slash fanfics… hey! Thina+Phix fanfics! What would they be? Tiix? Phia? Lethally Dominering? err… nevermind. just woke up… (and don’t ask why I’m posting this. demons tells me to, I guess)
NO!!!! Curse you, Paul! It was just getting good….
Is it Monday, yet?
Whoa! I just flashback to school on that last panel.
Well, THAT’S not scary in any way, shape, or form.
*runs away*
AH HA! and now for some answers from the other end of the horse!
Note, please, that this is the first “onstage” confrontation between Nudge and Phix. And it seems there is a history here.
This ought to be interesting.
Tina will have biscotti crumbs and coffee rings lodged in her face for weeks afterwards.
If she’s lucky.
guessing from the size of the hand, Phix is in full-tilt, wings and cat-body sphinx mode – I didn’t think the coffee shop was that big? Or there might be extradimensional overlap?
Could be, but doesn’t she have paws instead of hands then?
No – she serves tea and hands out cookies, remember? Human (large-economy size) human from the waist up (well, except for the wings), lion from there back.
She walks on her hands as if they were paws.
Economy-size human? Now I’ll have images of buy-in-bulk store aisles lined with Phixes and other over-sized humanoids stuck in my head all day.
Isle 2: Halloween witches, zombies and other decorations.
Isle 7: Scarecrows
Isle 13: Store Mannequins
Back Wall: Inflatable Sex Toys (first thing I thought of, actually :embarrassed:)
*shakes a finger* Shame on you eschmenk!
But you’re right…any store selling bulk over-sized humanoids would have a section for inflatable sex toys, too.
Umm… You did notice that even in ‘two-legs’ mode, Phix is like 6′ 11″??
Yeah – but that hand goes with something bigger than that; the length of a hand from base of palm to tip of longest finger is about the height of the face from chin to forehead.
Even in human form, Phix’s face isn’t that much larger than Monica’s or Tin’s.
Umm… Maybe it is?
Monica comes up to right under… erm…
M is shoulder high to Tina
So, if M is 4′ 11″, then Tina is about 5′ 6″-5′ 8″. Phix, if I had to guess, would be well over 6′, I’m guessing at least 6′ 9″. That’d make her hand about 10″ from fingertip to wrist (Bodies ~ 8 head heights. Hand ~3/4 head height).
Yeah – but Paul doesn’t follow the classical proportions that closely.
(Hand matching height of face is something i recall from high school art class…)
Beside the fact that i’ll have been sixty-two for three days before Monday comes …
Looks as if Phix may have been stalking Nudge…
at least I’ll still be 41 (if only for a day)
Smart-mouth punk.
59 here, as of this August.
♫♪ Twenty four … la la la la la la … ♫♪
Youngsters all. Respect your elders!!!
18, and happy birthday!
54, as of last April.
Happy birthday to all — now get of my lawn!
Young’n. 43 as of two weeks ago Wednesday and 17 years hitched as of 17 years tomorrow.
17 years! My deepest condolences.
17 years? Great job! my dad ‘n step mom are on 15?
anyways, 22 years old.
My parents will celebrate 34 years of marriage in December.
Happy Birthday!
(28 here
What’s your sign?
This one.
Couldn’t help thinking about Billy Joe Engval and the classic “Here’s your sign” bit…
Did it hurt when you lost that one – Oh wait, I see, it’s punctuation, not cartooning. And not relevant in any case……
I’ll never see 63 again, but haven’t started slowing down yet.
Just so you know: “There can be only one!”
It’s astounding the age range that reads this comic, eh?
Have a fantastic birthday!!
I’m 16ish and adore it
Are you uncertain about your age? Anywho, I’ll be 20 in December (I almost typoed 10, THAT would have gotten a reaction XD).
The Big 5-0 as of last May… — happy b’day and/or anniversary to all of you…
I think that is it what makes the comments of this comic worth to read
There are always some nice thoughts you dont get with people of just the same age
28, and wondering where last year disappeared off to.
Happy B-day Fairportfan! I hope the cake isn’t a lie.
55 5 days ago. Me’an the missus (amazing what a difference a punctuation mark can make) are workin’ on 33.
72 last June 28! Been reading for about 8 yrs.
Easy Phix!
You know how hard it is to find a good barrista!
Gee, the Sphinx is being a monster for no reason. If you’re shocked, raise your hand.
She just found the rogue demon that humiliated her to the point of 200,000 years of self-isolation. I don’t think anybody can blame her for being a little pissed.
She’s also not supposed to remember. :3
You mean Phix? She’s been outside the cycle in the Library. She remembers all of the cycles.
I think that means Nudge. Phix shoud remember theres no reason why not but nudge is part of the collective and shouldn’t remember
No…Nudge showed up after the event that made Tina’s Collective lose their memories. They (the Collective and Nudge) have had conversations about it. Plus, Paul made a comment on one of the comics this week reminding us that Nudge is different from the Collective.
Yes, this lends credence to the idea that Nudge was somehow seeking refuge among the collective. But why wait until now to express this obviously festering emotion if she knew Nudge was in there? As we concluded yesterday, Nudge never came out on her own to talk in Tina’s previous conversations with Phix.
Those demons who were part of the Tina Collective when they harmed Monica do not remember the past. Nudge remembers the past. QED, Nudge either was not part of the Collective back then or Nudge is not a demon.
True, and and two other things:
1. Nobody is fond of the police or the tax collector. Doing their job requires direct and unpopular (at least to the target) action. Being harsh is part of the job if you are going to be effective. You can’t tolerate broken windows!
2. Demons, being “wild,” are very much like a pack of dogs. Individually, dogs can be loyal, loving and fun. In a pack, the group mentality takes over and you have a dangerous mob. The only way to keep a pack in check is to constantly assert your authority as pack leader so that the rest of them obey. The minute you fail to do this is the minute you’ve lost control.
And Nudge, in particular, seems to be about pushing limits and pushing buttons!
Upside the head, yo!
So where do you draw the line? At plungers? Past plungers?
I don’t know. I’d find it hard to believe that Phix didn’t know where Nudge was before this. Granted, the sphinxes had difficulty finding rogue demons and had to resort to riddles to find them. Still, Phix knew when Tina pushed Monica to take Amanda to the library, so why wouldn’t she have known about Nudge revealing herself to Monica? Would the mention of the library trigger her attention?
I suspect that Nudge entering Tina’s body after she died was prearranged somehow. That was necessary for the previous loop’s Brandi’s plan to work. Phix said that she worked closely with Brandi, so I suspect that Phix either had something to do with Nudge getting inside Tina’s body or at least knew about Brandi’s plan for that.
I think the real problem is that Nudge has a big mouth and is giving out information better kept secret or is a pack of lies and half-truths. It appears she also shot off her mouth-cannon to the detriment of Phix in the remote past.
Now there’s a thought.
What if Nudge was the demon who came up with the answer that stumped Phix?
Which might tend to indicate that she’s neither good nor evil, just chaotic neutral…
I’m suprised Phix (assumming it IS Phix) is being this aggressive and violent in front of Monica. Beating on one of M’s friends is not a good way to maintain your friendship with her. And might also lead to her intervening by trying to ‘poit’ the aggressor away, or summon the GGG to help her, or throwing herself physically into the fight…
With those nails and that long arm, I think we’re pretty safe in assuming it’s Phix.
@jwhouk: How about the fact that that hand reaches from the top of Tina’s head, to halfway down her arm? Tina isn’t small, either. That hand has to be a foot long (pun only sorta intended). There is only one character that even in human form is freakishly tall…
Or another sphinx…
I don’t know, Doubt is pretty huge too
Yeah, but Tina manhandled (womanhandled?) both Doubt and Jin’s Doubt.
At the time, i wondered if perhaps this meant that Tina’s job was as some sort of demon cop…
Don’t think Doubt would mess with her.
Unless it’s one of the other Sphinxes.
That’s a possibility. Oh for a garphic depiction of a showdown between Phix and one of her kind as she comes to Monica’s (and maybe Tina’s) rescue! Would be epic. Good too.
Phix is a monster, after all. So, no, I’m not surprised.
The person who has been surprising me has been Nudge. Nudge would normally be nudging, not lecturing while acting like she was in some sort of trance.
Remember that, at least in part, the word “monster” is derived from roots that have nothing to do with horribleness or bloodthirstiness:
This fits right in with Phix’s pedagogic tendencies…
Well, Phix wasn’t proud of her youth. Bud called her a “murderous asshole”. I’m sticking with the usual definition.
I think somebody needs a cookie.
Or a serious time out. Oh, that’s right, she just came off a rather long one. She may actually be being mellow here, compared to usual. Her usual approach would probably have resulted in brain and blood decorated walls, with just a splotch left on the counter. Not to mention a decorated and mentally-scarred-for-life Monica.
Why don’t they just spray Phix with a spray bottle full of water? Or rub her belly? That always calms down my cats.
okay then what calms down your Eagles?
Fake mouse stuffed with eaglenip?
OK, I’ve got to stop drinking coffee while reading comments–that was funny.
There’s always the human element, too. I have a feeling that may be a bigger issue at the present.
Hmmm,, It would be great if you could calm down humans so easily….
Theres always the day-after fuck solution…
Jeez… that can’t be good…
Ooo …kay … didn’t see that coming. Cliffhanger extrodinaire!
Blame what on Nudge? The bad rap, or the isolation?
ja, I’m thinking the isolation.
someone commented on how Nudge had been avoiding Sphix, and I’m guessin’ next week we find out why.
and christ, that last panel was actally kinda scary!
No kidding. Poor Tina is caught in the middle. Nudge goes shooting off her mouth again and the body gets slammed. Nudge isn’t the only resident. I wonder how that affects the others? The Tina collective may be really terrified right now. Apparently that prick under the chin wasn’t enough to keep Nudge in line.
I’m wondering if this isn’t just more of Nudge at work. Monica gets a first hand glimpse of Phix in her aspect. It’s unlikely it’ll be anything she ever forgets. It’s also reasonable to expect it’ll color future interactions. You can TELL someone about a monster all you want, but actually running into that monster is going to say a lot more than words ever will.
Very good point. Could well be a way to create doubt in Monica’s mind about Phix. Drive a wedge between them. That would suit Nudges purposes quite well. Monica now knows, first hand, the side of Phix that is not all cookies and tea parties. Monica may later think that could be her if she gets on the bad side of Phix. GGG protection notwithstanding.
Who do you think gave the answer?
Bingo. Nudge managed to get the right answer. (IIRC, it was “Man.”)
“Man” was the answer in the myth about Oedipus, but why would that have stumped Phix?
Perhaps everything pointed to the person being infected (or not infected, either way), yet he/she gave the correct answer. The only time that had happened. That may have made Phix, for the first time, doubt her methods. She may have suddenly realized she had, perhaps, murdered many innocent individuals. Nudge may have supplied that answer, or was the rogue in the human in question.
I thought It was the “Self righteous bitches” comment that nudge was to be blamed for????
Maybe Phix is blaming Nudge for giving Oedipus the answer. According to some versions of the Oedipus myth, the muses told Oedipus the answer, so maybe Nudge was a Muse. Actually, that makes a lot of sense, because the Muses inspire people to do things, like Nudge does. Then again, they weren’t supposed to look demonic, but maybe Nudge was a demon inside a Muse.
Alternatively, perhaps Nudge was Oedipus’s demon. I don’t like that idea as well.
I am guessing it is the blabbering on about ‘sacred dont talk about it’ stuff, that really irritates phix.. and then AFAIK be locked in with her!!! and then she calls her a bitch…
I think if you call any girl that, you will be seriously slapped!!!
Naw. For some the “B” word is a badge of honor. That’s why I prefer to use the “C” word.
Or else you will get F’ed in the A?
Something like that.
Bitch actually means Strong Pagan Woman and in the matriarchal societies of Scythia and Gaul it signified a priestess of Artemis, which was a very dignified position.
there is always the logical response: A bitch is a dog, a dog barks, bark is on a tree, a tree is from nature, nature is beautiful so thank you for the compliment
The ‘F’ you say? My mother was a part of a freaky combination Wicca-Satanist coven/cult, and it was her opinion that the Pagan origin stuff was nonsense. As I reacll she pointed out it actually coming from some more modern author who coined the phrase “Bitch Goddess” when referring the persuit of money. The rest was made up whole cloth by dippy Wicca women/feminists who were into the whole ancient matriarchy BS. It was about as meaningful as the “logical” response you quoted (in jest, I’m sure).
She was bat-‘S’ crazy, but she wasn’t stupid.
…. and now time for Paul to go check in with things at Darren’s Bar. We’ve not seen him for a looooong time. Wouldn’t this just be the perfect time for a nice side story with him? Or perhaps we can see how things are going at the yoga studio. Or have some time with Kathrine. Or I know, we can see how Amanda is dealing with what she learned a few weeks back.
….. Totally time for a scene change that does not return to the coffee shop till sometime after Thanksgiving…
(please no… please)
If he does I’m blaming you!
And dang, cliff-hanger Friday!
Ya know, nudge being a demon, and therefore ultimately charged with effecting the downfall of humanity, everyone seems to leave out the grain of salt they should be adding to any ‘truths’ Nudge spouts. The Tina collective seems to be more forthright, and it also seems that Nudge holds some kind of grudge, judging by what she mutters to herself the last few days…..Unless, of course, she MEANT Monica to hear it (and thus be influenced by it). However, the contents of the cesspool seem to have struck the oscillating circulator.
Of course, you all have to be the judges of Nudge’s grudges.
Nudge’s grudges grate on judges.
Phix judges Nudge’s grudges and pushes her in the sludges…
So horrible.. O_o
I judge Nudge’s grudges won’t budge…
Phix will judge Nudge’s grudges that won’t budge with fudge…
The judge of Nudges grudges won’t budge for fudge, as she doesn’t want to be a pudge. Instead she will trudge through the sludge and not begrudge it even a smudge.
Mother! Please, make it STOP!!
I don’t leave out the salt… I keep it for flavor.
“Truth” is one of the most vicious weapons a demon can wield, but never a demon’s top skill, so they mix it in with what they can do better.
In Nudge’s case, I’d wager she’s an Impulse Demon, so the closest she’d get to being untruthful would be the same witholding that people that need to keep certain things to themselves do.
This being a weekend, let me run a scenario past the forum, and let you guys kick it to pieces if you can.
Has it occurred to anyone else that the only guarantor of Nudge’s bona fides … is Nudge? That we have absolutely no way to confirm what she has said to Monica as being true?
That the whole of the history that Paul has built can be seen as an attempt to capture a malevolent entity? That the time loop may not have been an accident, but a deliberate trap, an attempt at containment and isolation?
Nudge has shown one desire that struck me as odd — she wants access to the Library. Could Phix have withdrawn into “exile” in the Library simply to do what sphinxes do — stand guard? against Nudge?
Could this be because the “answer to the riddle that stumped her” demonstrated that for some reason the riddle wasn’t working? That Nudge had somehow worked out a way to pass the test, and escape?
Note that when Phix first met Tina, Nudge withdrew to the point that only Tina remained to speak to Phix (remember the changing eyes?) — and Phix addressed Tina as Tina and was willing to let Tina’s peculiar status continue. Nudge may have taken this as confirmation that she could hide from Phix. And she may well have been correct, for if Phix had been certain, she would have bagged Nudge then and there.
Phix, being an extremely intelligent predator, had set up a sting.
Now Nudge is attempting to use Monica, and Amanda, to reach the goal for which she has been striving for untold thousands of years — access to the Library, even if at second hand, through tools. The containment has been broken, the goal is in sight, it’s so close she can taste it.
In doing this, she has exposed herself, and Phix — slapped on the cuffs.
And of course, next week, Paul will bring this entire house of cards down around my ears!
Why does Nudge want to get inside the library?
Perhaps to destroy it, and the Sphinxes?
Possibly the Library is a linked set of portals that would let her escape into the universe(s) at large?
(Reply to the 6:29pm post) Yes, if she could get into the Library she might be able to get out anywhere-or-when she wants; although Monica has been in, she didn’t try this, so we don’t yet know if it’s possible.
I think maybe the demons already can go whereever they wish in the universe, via the demon realm. I would bet they “service” more than just the human race. After all, the “rogue queen” talked about their being around long, long before our universe even came into existance. It seems to me the demon realm not only bridges the known universe, but other planes of existance as well. So I doubt they need the library to get around.
I think the demons have a very wide range indeed, across time and space and possibility — but they can’t go everywhere. If they could, they would not have wanted Monica’s door. I think there are entire realms they cannot enter, and they want to go there.
Now that my cold is starting to fade, taking the fever with it, I notice a point I should have made earlier.
If Nudge is inside the time loop, manifesting in a body, she is subject to being reset to zero, over and over again. No matter what she manages to do to escape, no matter how successful her effort, it all comes to naught when the Calendar Machine resets. From the remark Bud dropped earlier, the bubble of the time loop contained this entire galaxy. She couldn’t have escaped physically, too much distance to cover in the time she had.
But the Library is outside the time loop. If she can escape into the Library ….
Can Nudge jump from Tina into a body that has been invited to enter the Library? Amanda, for instance?
I don’t think Nudge or the other demons were subject to being reset. Their surroundings and their human hosts are, though. Tina said that the demons are supposed to be separate from the universe’s perception of time. I assume that still applies to Nudge.
That IS kind of the point I was circling around (or one of them); she could have been spinning it from whole cloth, hoping it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to collapse on its own, or to be outed by the Tina collective.
And yes, that she may have wanted in the Library for some reason is intriguing…………..
Why do you think Nudge wants access to the Phix’s library? I thought she had shown no interest in going there. She got in trouble for trying to get Monica to bring Amanda along, but Tina wasn’t going to go.
Ya know, i have a feeling this is not Tall-Sexy-Librarian Phix.
I strongly suspect that this is Scary-Deadly-In-Her-Aspect Phix.
Time to call in Brandi and Bud as referees?
…and doesn’t this make a great scene in my mental Wapsifilm…
Okay, who is starring in your mental film? Casting call for the Wapsi Square movie.
Well, if i let myself select anyone regardless age and/or condition of current vitality:
Tamara Dobson (who was six-two) and played kick-ass characters would make a good Brandi.
Geena Davis, maybe, for Phix (she demonstrated that she could do bad-ass in “Long Kiss Goodnight”, and she’s six feet tall).
Or perhaps Patricia Tallman, who was Davis’s stunt double in LKG and played Lita the telepath on “Babylon 5”, another tall woman.
Joan Blondell would have made a great Bud.
Maggie Q for Jin?
For some reason, i just thought of Mickey Rooney for Tepoz.
Tina – Uma Thurman (another tall one)?
Christina Ricci (ca. “Addams Family Values”) as Creepy Girl?
so who would play monica??

Dolly Parton?
Edy Williams?
(Using the same techniques as in the “Lord of the Rings” films to make her shorter?)
Hmmm. Missed getting the link right…
Or perhaps (continuing on a Russ Meyer train of thought, Tura Satana?
Arrrrrggggghhhh! Tura Satana…
Very interesting cast. Thanks for sharing. Must mull this over.
Verne troyer (This guy for Tepoz
Fairportfan Here’s my cast if you’re interested: Phix— Lucy Lawless, Brandi— Halle Berry, Bud—Uma Thurman, Jin—Luci Liu, Monica—Jenifer Lopez, Tepez—I’ll have to go with Raven’s choice, Tina—Aaliyah Haughton, SpiderGirl—Ellie Harvie. I hope you find my choices as interesting as yours were to me.
Always interesting to see how others view things.
well Brandi anyways… Bud is hardly an unbiased outside observer
Bud’ll help out if she hasn’t had her coffee yet.
Eghads that’s right ! Coffee is the only thing keeping Bud from destroying the Earth!!!! Enter Bud looking like she’s had a rough night and they were out of coffee at home.
But she’d like to take a few swings at Phix while she has come to appreciate Tina, creepy as she is
remember the “I don’t like seeing people being glamourized for being murderous” conversation
here it is
Bud called Phix a murderous asshole. That sounds kind of biased to me.
Agreed – I think this is the full wet-your-pants Sphinx aspect Phix. BTW, this info is making Bud’s comments about Phix’s status clearer.
But, but if Phix’s in the sexuh-librarian mode and it could be a “cat” fight.
More like a cat and mouse. This mouse, however, can’t pull out a huge cartoon sledge hammer.
Mogg’s teeth – waiting for the next Wapsi is worse than being 5 on Christmas Eve. There can never be enough Wapsi to keep me happy… *twitch* *shudder*
Oh crap. Someone was listening in.
That made my chest hurt to look at. >_<
Thank god their real? If not, I think they would of crawled up her esophagus and a wad of silicone ejected from each nostril at mach 1.
Or worse, this could happen.
Cat fight! Get it? “Cat”?
Hello, is this thing on?
i dunno you may have to phix it…
Not this again!
Try tapping it on the counter.
She did that alright.
Sorry didn’t see your comment.
I get it. The Tina Collective is minus memories since hurting someone. But Nudge has just revealed that her memories haven’t been blanked. Ergo, Nudge isn’t really a part of the Tina Collective. Nudge is some random (rogue) demon who found an opportunity in the form of a body that could still operate and a place to hide in a demonic collective that hadn’t quite disbanded yet.
Except that she shot off her mouth when Phix the neighborhood beatdown cop was listening for evidence, and now Phix knows exactly where she’s hiding.
That is so incredible that I think you’re dead on. (Pardon the pun).
Now for the REAL question: where did Nudge come from?
Nudge was laying low after getting off on a technicality when she gave the answer that “stumped” Phix – one that was a legitimate answer, but didn’t indicate whether she was “good” or “evil”.
I’m still holding out for “chaotic neutral” – someone who just likes to stick pins in things to see if they pop … or say “ouch”.
Um, hi Phix! We were just, uh, talking about you….
Can’t we just yank nudge out and put it in something more harmless, like a beta fish? Tina would still be Tina without Nudge.
From what was said earlier, I don’t think a Sphinx can just “pull out” Nudge. That might have been the point of the “Kill the human to get to the rogue demon” explanation.
The rest of “Tina” might want Nudge out of there, for their own safety, But I’ve got a feeling Nudge isn’t going to budge.
But Nudge is the animating force that got Tina up off the slab…
What if removing her “kills” Tina all over again?
Hmmm. Wonder if the “doll” in Tina’s shop’s basement is Nudge’s original shell?
(In this context, i’d like to point out that we are rapidly approaching the Day of the Dead.)
I am really starting to wonder if Tina will survive this.
Hasn’t Nudge been in Tina since we’ve known her? The Tina we know is the combination of the collective including Nudge. Even if only Nudge is removed Tina is no longer completely Tina is she? So if something does happen just to Nudge I’m thinking like you… Tina won’t survive “intact.” This would make me sad. It’s gonna be a looong weekend.
Hoh damn!
Maybe nudge is in Tina for a punishment as well as the other demons?
Wouldnt be surprised if phix put nudge in tina the last spin round
Besides if phix really wanted to kill nudge – she could do so. it IS her job after all ^^
Perhaps nudge ‘nudged’ phix into realising that following orders might not be the best thing for everyone. Least not for the humans which were killed ^^
ooh just thought of something.
where are the other sphinx?
But Tina isn’t there for punishment. Tina’s demons took over when Tina died. I’m thinking that Nudge was around when this happened, and managed to ‘slip in’.
Phix won’t (can’t) kill Tina, as the rest of the demons are innocent (or, probably in the opinion of Phix, haven’t been caught… yet), so she can’t kill them to get the one. So now Tina has to be extra careful… If she gives Phix enough of an excuse…
Yeah – but Nudge may not have been one of Tina 1.0’s demons
I think you found the key piece of evidence, Watson!
Perhaps Nudge ‘was around’ when Tina 1.0 died in the same wreck that resulted when Monice, hounded by – something – threw herself in front of the bus?
Monica, not Monice. Late at night, the keys on my keyboard trade places when I’m not looking….
Oh, the keyboard gremlins come out at night
To cavort and play and sometimes fight …
Ha! I have cleverly managed to make my keyboard demons submir … Hay! You sttop that! Comw backe her you littl …
So – if Nudge is the motivating force animating Tina – and if she must go away (die or etc.) –
Then how is it done without effectively destroying Tina 2.0? The collective is apparently helpless without a motivating force……………..
1) Tina doesn’t need Nudge anymore, having become ‘self starting’
2) One of the collective is ‘promoted’ to motivator
3) The return of the sprit of Tina 1.0 – homecoming! (Must take place on the Day of the Dead – explains the puppet in the basement)
Yes! I knew that Nudge and Phix would have to have some sort of showdown eventually!
There was no way Nudge could hide in the Collective forever.
That said, I hate you a little Paul. You can’t do this sort of thing to people. I mean, how are we supposed to survive until Monday without knowing what happens next??
He can do this because
a.) he’s the artist, and
b.) he CAN.
c.) He’s an evil, evil, evil man….
Yes, isn’t it great!?
You could try to lobby for adding a 6th day to the comic strip week, if Pablo has the time/inclination to make that happen. (Whether that’s an ordinary “saturday” strip like the rest of the week, or a special “Sunday” strip (possibly in color?) would remain to be seen. …)
Thoughts of a cat-fight aside, Phix’s hand looks too big not to be at her next power level.
When Monica looked at Nudge with one eye, she saw Nudge’s aspect which had horns. Horns if they were there physically would have prevented Tina’s head from hitting the counter— unless they broke. So I guess the question is: when Nudge is in control is she there physically or not?
I think what Monica saw that time may be “allegorical” … or perhaps something “real” in another plane.
Confrontation time!
OHHHHHH. Now we know.
The demons may be a pack of wild dogs, but I have to call into question the mental stability of someone that locks themselves away be cause of an answer to a riddle.
OTOH, someone who steps away from being judge, jury and executioner in life or death situations when they discover that their main diagnostic tool is flawed, thus calling many or all of their previous decisions into question?
Exactly my thought.
Which in turn would call into question the morality of the Authority that sent the sphinx, and that in turn brings the question of who this Authority is and how the Authority became the Authority to paramount importance. We need the Authority’s resume.
Not so much the morality as the competency.
And i’m not sure which scares me worse – an Omnipotence whose morality is questionable, but whose competence isn’t … or one whose moral rectitude is unquestionable but whose competence is.
Disney’s Davy Crockett’s “Be sure you’re right – then go ahead” has some scary implications in Case B.
OK, what was the answer Nudge gave, why did it lead to Phix’s self exile, and why wait until NOW to call nudge on it? Was she not completely certain until now that Nudge was amongst the collective??
Damn you Monday! Get! here! now!
See my reply to the post by UncleRice just above.
Perhaps, realising that she was judging using potentially flawed tools/evidence and might have killed an unknown number of the innocents she was supposed to be protecting…
A rather Bud-like crisis of conscience.
That’s Right … Didn’t See A BIG, Winged Sphinx Standing There In The Little Coffee Shop …
Unless she can ‘Poit’ with out sound … COOL!
Oh, and by the way … OUCH!
Actually, I noticed that the background in the last panel looks a lot like Phix’s library. We’ll have to wait until Monday to be sure, but I think Phix may have brought Monica and Tina onto her home turf…
You’re right, it does look a lot like the Library.
Looks to me more like it might be the interior of the shop, shooting along the bar instead of straight onto it.
You are right. I hadn’t notice that background change. (Sneaky, Paul. Very sneaky.) That is Phix in her full, terrifying glory. There is no way that Phix could fix in the coffee shop at that size. Monica and Tina have, without a doubt, been transported to the Library.
No, that’s the same background as yesterday.
Go ahead, use logic and facts. Be that way about it, you spoilsport!
Well fudge. I guess I was seeing what I wanted to see in the background. I guess I need to view the strips that take place inside of the Library for a refresher.
An even more interesting question is why everyone keeps referring to Nudge and the Collective as “she”–demons don’t commonly have a gender or a sex, so seems like “it” or “they” would be a lot more pertinent.
But the body they inhabit defiantly does.
Think of it like transvestitism. It doesn’t matter what it is inside (and we’ll leave aside that discussion for now), it is the external gender trappings that matter for identification. So makeup and dress? She. Short hair and jeans? He.
Short hair and jeans? He.
nope, its not the clothes… general actions, walk and speech, are much better… and these days, you have to be careful about seeing a *lovely* head of hair from behind!!!
Well, every time they have been shown in this series, they have a female looking body.
Is that what you call a Bitchslam?
You should coin that. XD
Does that mean someone slamming a bitch, or a bitch slamming someone else?
Depending on who you like the most of those two. it can mean both.
I see, so you could have a little bitch on bitch action going there.
I wonder what the exact wording was of Nudge’s answer to Phix all those years ago that caused her to “get stumped”?
“Get stuffed”?
I doubt THAT would send Phix into a multi-year fugue in the library!
A refusal to answer is an answer.
….Aaannnnnd Phix presents her counter-argument.
Ouch. Good one.
Indeed. I don’t believe Nudge has ever had it ‘splained to her like that.
I really hate myself for not thinking of that first.
Dont we all Dan… Dont we all…
131 comments and it’s only Friday. This may be a record breaker.
And rising fast
This should be 252. I was shocked when I saw how many comments there were.
BTW, Happy Birthday!
Well, this is some seriously exciting stuff.
All that’s missing is an annoucer saying “LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLE!!!” or (if you’re less into wrestling and more into hockey) a bunch of rowdy fans screaming “TAKE THE GLOVES OFF!!” 
Besides, we love postulating about the motives and backgrounds of these characters until we’re blue in the face. This gives us some damn good theory-building-fodder.
Ill be that announcer then… LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLE!!!
I think to have a rumble, both sides need to, at least, be capable of rumbling. This is more like “LETS GET READY TO … umm … DO WHATEVER PHIX WANTS!!” Or, “KEEP THE GLOVES ON AND SHUT UP!!”
Lets see… (i believe in Tina/Nudge’s cabability to RUUUUMBLLLLLEEEEE!)
Am I wrong or is Tina’s choker missing it’s circle in the first panel?
Maybe its on the back?
Darn! I wish the newer posts would bubble to the top, or be marked in some way. It’s agony looking for them now.
Ain’t it the truth? Some boards post in one color, and after you read the post, the post changes to another color. Something like that would be nice. Just a fast scan through the blue to pick out the occasional red post that you haven’t read yet.
I miss the old forum…
“Dear goodness!”?
That doesn’t strike me as a very Monica-esque thing to say; Sounds too much like an English nanny.
I think it is a *polite* version of what is normally said…
I think Tina should “Bite the hand that kneads her.”
It’s obvious that Sphinx is Phixated on getting revenge.
Nudge, Nudge, wink, wink, say no more!
Geepers M . Critters ! This is the most posts I’ve seen here .
oh god the posts just keep going on and on and on!
And then there are the posts about the large number of posts there are. Oh, sweet irony. Me, being the worst offender, as this is my third. Fortunately this is not often a problem. To aid me, I keep a piece of paper handy to note the number of posts when I check so I can tell if more have been added at least.
Only a few more hours to wait for our Waspi fix. Then a clean slate upon which to impress our useless opinions.
And here’s another one. We know Nudge is speaking now, but does Monica?
I… am not sure. I think it’s sort of a Gollum/Smeagol thing, where the voice changes only so slightly so that WE the audience knows, but that the rest of Tina’s universe doesn’t get it.
You know, I’ve wondered that before…and now I’m even more curious.
At times she couldn’t, at least. Nudge, or at least a single demon, talked at times even before Monica knew that Tina was a collection of demons. Here is one example. I don’t know how Monica would be able to tell, but her demons might be able to help her out if they wanted to.
So I found this website and comic two days ago…And now I am all caught up! Great story, love the characters and awesome artwork.