A lion is a feline, and LITERALLY one of the five species of “BIG CATS”. Also, it’s “inexactitude”. So I guess we know who truly deserves that castigation =)
how much will you bet that the next strip or two will have her losing her human form because of jealousy/anger issues… and then getting snagged by the hall monitors that keep track of such lapses by the newby-5th graders…
I could pass pretty much every subject except high school English without studying. They gave me an IQ test one year and I did so well that they offered me AP courses practically on the spot. I didn’t want to study more than necessary so I turned ’em down.
Yeah, I skipped from fourth to sixth grade. The benefit of one-room country schools: the teacher does what she pleases. I was still bored out of my mind. I took an IQ test in seventh grade. I was coming down with hepatitis at the time. I was in so much pain I was crying. I still maxed the damned test.
Girls usually start entering puberty at around 10, which corresponds to 4th grade, and some develop faster then others. Though it can start earlier or later depending. I think Scarlet os the fast developing on in the class..
You turn 10 in 4th grade. I get that some girls get boobs early, a la Monica, but Scarlett’s body and face proportion looks just like all the high school girls. :/
She does look a bit short in the face for a fox, but then being a hybrid walking around on the hind legs all the time means other compromises have already been made.
Ha! He looks just like Brady from Clarence but without the glasses! Good choice, kid. No hate on Scarlet or anything but Pickle will probably appreciate your friendship more.
Can she even *shove* that chest out any farther? She’s using her new assets to try to get Timmy’s attention, but still unaware of the havoc such things can unleash. Hopefully the penny will drop for her sooner than later.
I think she’s a bit young yet to have intended a buddy/body double entendre. Though I can think of slightly older gals who enjoyed provoking “she can’t have meant that he way it sounded” double takes. And she _is_ going to grow up to be a foxy lady.
Really? Can she also spin a pie plate with one finger, work a yo-yo with the other and balance two full glasses of water on the top of her feet while reciting the alphabet backwards?
…Dogs and cats studying together…
It’ll be anarchy!
You were supposed to say “mass hysteria”! You had ONE JOB, and you BLEW IT!
She said “vulpine”. That means she’s a fox, not a dog.
And, as I recall, Timmy’s a lion-kin and so not a cat. The OP should be castigated for inexactatude.
A lion is a feline, and LITERALLY one of the five species of “BIG CATS”. Also, it’s “inexactitude”. So I guess we know who truly deserves that castigation =)
>Snerk!< I'm sure that's the one thing she was not expecting. Ya be barking up the wrong tree there, Li'l lady.
how much will you bet that the next strip or two will have her losing her human form because of jealousy/anger issues… and then getting snagged by the hall monitors that keep track of such lapses by the newby-5th graders…
Hmm. Timothy reminds me of Owen…
And Scarlet suggests a juvenile Phix in human form…
Was just wondering who he reminded me of, thank you
Timothy is probably taller than Owen…
Wow. 5th grade. I didn’t start noticing girls till the very end of 6th.
Late bloomer you were… Made up for it in High School you did. Hmmm ?
I am getting the feeling that Pickle did not have anything to worry about with Tim. well that is now that his brain rebooted.
Para guys apparently reboot quicker than human guys. XD
He might just want to spend time at Castel’s house, to be around Atsali…
Seems like a tween male thought process.
Where is Castella? Didn’t she come to school today? Should I worry? Should we call her mom?
The Para 4th grade must correspond to freshman college.
Where do the girls get their human models from?
Not sure that one is age appropriate.
Scarlet may be a little advanced. I remember Nadette struggling with Algebra.
I hope the school takes that into consideration. Fourth grade, bored out of my mind, was when I learned to skate. I’ve been skating ever since.
Don’t you get tired? o_O
I could pass pretty much every subject except high school English without studying. They gave me an IQ test one year and I did so well that they offered me AP courses practically on the spot. I didn’t want to study more than necessary so I turned ’em down.
Yeah, I skipped from fourth to sixth grade. The benefit of one-room country schools: the teacher does what she pleases. I was still bored out of my mind. I took an IQ test in seventh grade. I was coming down with hepatitis at the time. I was in so much pain I was crying. I still maxed the damned test.
Guesticus: in case you’re not up on American slang, “skating” means getting by with the least effort.
Down here, it’s called ‘sliding’ or ‘coasting’
Was actually making a bit of a joke, you know, like “Just flew in this morning, and boy are my arms tired!”
seriously… even my sixth grade niece isn’t that developed yet…
and then some develop MUCH faster…
*Ancient Aliens Guy* “Paras!”
Girls usually start entering puberty at around 10, which corresponds to 4th grade, and some develop faster then others. Though it can start earlier or later depending. I think Scarlet os the fast developing on in the class..
Oops, that was a typo in the comic. They’re going into 5th grade. The comic has been updated (hit F5 on your browser). Sorry for the confusion.
You turn 10 in 4th grade. I get that some girls get boobs early, a la Monica, but Scarlett’s body and face proportion looks just like all the high school girls. :/
Scarlet did seem kinda vulpine/foxy when we saw her earlier, in her non-human form. The shape of her face, however, made me not so sure.
Aaargh!!!! (*BLEEP*ing lack of edit function!)
That was supposed to be: “… vulpine/foxy …”
What da!?
It apparently fixed itself – while I was trying to post what I meant for it to say.
Thought she looked leonine, like Timmy
Wrong kind of tail for a lioness though.
She does look a bit short in the face for a fox, but then being a hybrid walking around on the hind legs all the time means other compromises have already been made.
I was thinking more like: not angular enough.
Ha! He looks just like Brady from Clarence but without the glasses! Good choice, kid. No hate on Scarlet or anything but Pickle will probably appreciate your friendship more.
Timothy reminds me of Owen…but the facial expression goes all the way back to Tepoz. Haven’t seen him in a good while now
nah… he’s Nodwick…
Maybe in a few years Timothy will have a set of human looks that’ll break a lot of hearts…but, right now this instant, it’s Nerd City…
We haven’t seen Paras in a social setting before. do Lion-Kin like Timmy act in a similar fashion to Lions in the wild? I.E. will he collect a harem?
Or be collected by one.
He’s rebooted and after having a huge dose of lady pecs, now has a stronger immunity to said lady pecs in his age range.
Can she even *shove* that chest out any farther? She’s using her new assets to try to get Timmy’s attention, but still unaware of the havoc such things can unleash. Hopefully the penny will drop for her sooner than later.
Does Timothy miss his comic reading partner?
I think she’s a bit young yet to have intended a buddy/body double entendre. Though I can think of slightly older gals who enjoyed provoking “she can’t have meant that he way it sounded” double takes. And she _is_ going to grow up to be a foxy lady.
Really? Can she also spin a pie plate with one finger, work a yo-yo with the other and balance two full glasses of water on the top of her feet while reciting the alphabet backwards?