And what, exactly, is wrong with a southern accent? A real southern accent is a thing of beauty. Now those travesties in Hollywood, well, that’s a whole ‘nother story.
I think you’re absolutely right, Casey. No coincidence at all. That’s one hell of an Assisted Search function the Library offers!
I was wondering how the Library managed to get Euryale into just the right place just when Monica needed her… we know it’s somewhat outside of Time and can probably play some games with chronology, but time-twisting a living entity seemed like it might be a bit excessive. The ploy of using a “book which just arrived” is a cute one, quite in character for a Library, and not particularly rough on the one(s) being manipulated.
It sounds as, at worst, Euryale is being set up for another budding friendship to add to her fan-girl bliss.
well I’ll bet it is some more subtle version of poiting and perception.. Just like the books ‘just appear’ and monica ‘just notices’ Euryale, who uses the library a lot, and so has a large ‘history list’ enabling a good match! any good RL search engine does the same…
However, this does bring to mind an incident of a few years ago (and with a lead-in like that, I can hear some of you screaming and running away…)
A few jobs back, I worked with a guy who was almost as much of an office pack-rat as I am… he kept lots of older prototypes and equipment samples around. At one point, somebody scrawled a comment up on one of the whiteboards, announcing a guessing contest… “What does Leo have under his desk?”. A number of witty suggestions were made, finally ending up with “Jimmy Hoffa”.
I added a note: “We were worried about the possible health effects of just leaving him there, so we sealed him in four layers of impermeable plastic, put him in a steel coffin, filled it with cement, and welded it shut.
We made him a Hoffa that can’t diffuse.”
If they’d had a Pun Jar there, I’m sure I’d still be paying off my debt.
And now here’s a nitpick worthy of Bob the Angry Flower:
What is that apostrophe between the G and the exclamation point at the end of Euryale’s last line supposed to be doing? A silent dropped glottal plural close-quote?
And if that’s meant to be a forked tongue in her mouth, I am totally down with that.
I say Cool Beans quite a bit. To indicate that something is good.
I’m not sure if it’s Nudge up to her old tricks again or if the Library is acting as an agent in itself, because I don’t believe in coincidence. Euryale and Monica’s meeting has to be by design.
(I can’t believe teh interwebz didn’t have the clip I was looking for! There’s an awesome scene in the movie where a pair of peas recreate the fish-slapping dance!) The best reference I can find is at 5:50 in this video.“Stop hitting people with fish!” But it’s really really funny!
Don’t you use peas in ice fishing? You cut a hole into the ice, and then put a row of peas on the edge of the hole. Then you watch and wait until a fish comes up to take a pea. . . .
Perhaps the demon instrumental in arranging the meeting between Monica and fangirl? Here, the demon may have been being sarcastic, accompanied by an unheard chuckle. Is Sarcasm a demon?
I’ve been worried for Bud. Glad to know she didn’t follow those golf balls into high orbit.
Wonder if having an immortal fangirl will be something to repair Bud’s sense of self-worth, or whether having another ancient celebrity show up will be the last straw in her frustration with elites who get Xmas every day.
Is it just me, or does the Library seem more and more like it is a self aware semi-omnipotent being. The way it handled Phix and Nudge to start and now ‘arranging’ for Euryale to meet Monica. The pieces of this puzzle are making a compelling picture to me.
Well this could just be a case of “the Phix is in”. (quarter to the pun jar).
The Library is outside of time but neither are Monica or Euyrale. Both live in Minneapolis. From the Library’s vantage point, the librarian could time a book pickup to coincide with a visit from Monica.
Ayayay..You’re right…but it is just a bit of scribbling that went a teensy bit too far, and suggests “clamping around”. If removed, it’s allright again.. (cover the upper part of her left hand, and it’s correct again)
Gah! What a sophomore mistake! Goes to show you what happens when I pay more attention to The Walking Dead Sunday night instead of my blue lines. I need to invest in a non photo red pencil as well. Hit refresh, all fixed.
Waiting for a book? The books aren’t real as such. They get to the Library by some “magical” means and they can crumble to dust if abused and reappear there. All that, yet they can’t simply conjure up a copy?
Probably only one copy of any book can manifest at one time. if the book she was looking for was borrowed at the time, then it would not be in the library until it was returned one way or another.
You’re probably right. Making extra copies would violate the Demonic Media Copyright Act, and require payment of extra royalties to the authors (some of whom do not yet exist… complicates the paperwork no end)
Maybe she knew it was still being written. There is a time element established to accessing these “magical” books: Nudge, in her last moments with the collective, described how humans were discovered by the Library only once they started to create hardcopy.
We seem to learn more about the Library standing at the counter of Mucho Mocha than we do inside the Library.
I don’t think the books in the library just appear. I think Phix goes and gets them. She is the librarian after all, and that’s what librarians are there for.
I had assumed this library was like any other with multiple copies of books but yes.. if they only have the originals it would only be one copy of each
“Devil’s in the details” is the phrase that pops up in my mind.
I would think the Library pre-Phix would have been open to the demons too, but then a demon-killer landed the post of librarian effectively shutting off or severely curtailing demonic access. But the “untimely” reconstruction’s over, Phix is stepping out more …
I’m sure demons have scholars, researchers and whatnot. Hey, maybe some even helps run a local coffee bar since her/their library card got cancelled. After all, even Nudge needs something to work with, and while she may have planted the idea, Tina’s collective must have been quite unique to begin with.
“Necronomicon? Oh, please, that’s the demon equivalent of (over-the-)Cliff Notes. Here’s the real story …”
Possibly Bud and Euryale have some sort of history? Bud has been around a long time, Euryale presumably has been as well (I don’t think we know for sure), E knows about the MIB which Bud seems to have played a role in founding…
… so it’s not all that improbable that the two might have met previously.
I get the feeling the nickname, Bud, may be only a recent thing and something not in common use by people who are not around her often. Also Tina probably senses (or one of the demons knows) Acacia is the name by which Euryale best knows her.
Well lets see. Monica comes in with a new supernatural friend in tow who just so happens to be a lesser known but still legendary Titan who seems to be in possession of a dearth of knowledge that could possibly answer a whole bunch of questions for “M” and the gang, so it’s understandable that Tina is suspicious of Euryale’s sincerity. After all she has been watching out for the gang for long time now.
A sentient library would be a powerful force given enough time for exactly this sort of reason. If it connects people it likes with books and people well suited to solving their problems, it will raise it’s friend’s position in the world.
I theorize that the Library knows the true power of authorship, and makes friends with people who will one day be the subject of biographies/autobiographies(/strange headstone engravings).
I read that last line of Euryales’,right away I thought of that old ‘Shake ‘n Bake’ commercial w/ the lil Southern girl who replies “Ah Helped!” …Please,PLEASE tell me someone else thought that too but were too embarassed to post it!
C’mon! When is this going to turn into a super team comic? We’ve got:
a teleporter/glyph reader/scholar who’s bustier than any other super-powered being in any comics universe,
two ggs with superstrength, teleporting, and shape-shifting abilities and a giant sea creature for a pet,
one gg who’s been changed with new abilities not explored yet,
the gg’s creator,
a gorgon with (possibly) multiple ice powers and ability to breathe underwater,
two sphinxes/shapeshifters – one with a spooky inner sprite she can manifest,
a being who can make people instantly drunk,
a trickster goddess,
a demon-infested dead girl who can make anyone’s favorite coffee (although I’m not sure how that would work in a super heroic situation) but can also lay a beat-down on a trickster goddess.
And a partridge in a pear tree.
Did I miss anyone?
Just kidding. I was just thinking of all the different supernatural beings in this strip and realized that the Avengers would be lucky to have this much power.
There’s something of the dispatcher trope about Tina. But don’t forget that her ability to come up with the perfect coffee is a subset of her more important ability to see auras and sometimes into other realms.
May, I think, would be the older power who is occasionally consulted but who rarely acts in the story on a routine basis. The Old Man (Woman!) on the Mountain.
And we do not yet know the full range of Deitzel’s abilities. He’s no ordinary dog. How does he call for pizza?
Nice choice for Euryale’s eye color. “Sea-green” seems appropriate.
Although, I’ve had a fancy that her eyes change color with her mood, like Aliera e’Kieron’s… anywhere from gray to green to blue most times, but perhaps going reddish when her snakes pop out. Or, perhaps, icy-blue at those moments would be more appropriate.
I’d have thought Monica’s eyes might be a darker brown, based on her Latina heritage?
I was trying another way of coloring the eyes, and hers turned out a little more orange that it should have.
(I’m going back to the old way of coloring them…)
I’m seeing all the comment text centered. The gravatars still line up; it’s just the text. Is it supposed to do that, is it the site, or have I broken something on my lappy?
I get that occasionally. I don’t know if it’s the ancient browser on my work computer, or the crappy interwebs connection at my hooch.
Check to see what version of MSIE, if that’s what you’re using, the newer ones don’t seem to do that for me.
I just used the HTML/DOM validation service at to check this page (with the comments).
It showed a number of HTML errors – some use of “obsolete” tags (it recommends use of CSS instead), but others that appear to be real errors.
In particular, it reports several instances in which a “center” tag is used, but there’s no matching “/center” to close it. In a couple of case the closing tags are entirely absent, while in one it’s written as “center/” rather than “/center” (this is valid XML, I believe, but not valid HTML?)
Some of these problems look as if they’re up in the “Amazon wishlist” link area, while others may be down at the bottom of the page.
I suspect that IE and other browsers may be interpreting this slightly-broken HTML in different ways, and that the lack of a valid /center tag is probably why Danzier is seeing all-centered comment text.
Firefox (Iceweasel) and Epiphany are rendering the text without forced centering, on my Linux system. Haven’t tried IE yet.
The W3.ORG CSS validation service also reports some problems with the style sheet for this page… a bunch of attributes which it says don’t exist (probably benign, as they may apply only to some browsers), and some parsing errors (which may not be benign).
Yikes, never noticed anything with Firefox. I found the “center” tags that I can edit and did fix them. Let me know if that helps. You may need to dump your cache and close your browser.
BUT please can you expand the text area if poss?? some of us with giant widescreen monitors find that the text is a small strip in the middle of the screen…
A thought on this… the left column of the comments area seems to be dominated by the donation buttons, and by the archive/search fields. Below that point it’s almost entirely unused.
Most of the right column is empty, as well.
If the donation and search areas were moved over to the right column, below (or above) the voting/ranking area, the whole left column could be collapsed into nothingness, and the center comments area could expand over to the left side of the page.
I think the “centering” was only supposed to apply to the alignment of the “donation” subdivision (that’s how it looked in the HTML) and that its propagation to the text of the comments was accidental and due to the small error in the HTML coding. There are some other “center” tags down at the bottom of the page but I think these apply only to the “Post COmment” button and to the page footer.
Well, to be fair, the page has two basic purposes; to generate ad revenue and to display the comic. The ads need to be displayed as prominently as possible, and as many as possible for best revenue. Anything else, including a place for comments, is down the list. The narrow comment area gives Paul the best chance for revenue generation by having large ads on each side.
Since almost everyone here cares about Paul doing well so he can keep drawing, I think it’s a small price to pay and doesn’t actually cost the commenters anything.
I just took a look at the page using my “crufty old browser” test case – Internet Explorer 5, running in a Windows 2000 emulation under QEMU.
The comments look there pretty much as they do under a current Firefox or Epiphany – the text of each is left-justified rather than centered.
This may indicate that your fix has been effective… we’ll have to wait for Danzier to report in, to be certain. Your change doesn’t seem to have had any ill effects anywhere that I can see.
It does seem that the library provided Euryale as a reference work.
And sort of first-ish?
Funny, you don’t look firstish…
Never underestimate the power of the First!
May I never be gifted with a reference work that speaks in a southern accent.
And what, exactly, is wrong with a southern accent? A real southern accent is a thing of beauty. Now those travesties in Hollywood, well, that’s a whole ‘nother story.
If the only Southern Accent you’ve heard is one out of Hollywood (I’m looking at you Nick Cage), then you haven’t heard a Southern Accent.
It’s like the Encyclopedia Brittanica set to music… Lovely, but difficult to use for its original purpose.
Better than one that talks in Ebonics. I’m Black, and that gets on my nerves.
Also, table patterns.
Good eye! Haven’t we seen the same (or very similar) pattern’s at Jin’s?
Actually, we’ve seen these patterns on Tina’s countertops before.
I’m sorry, I was too busy looking at Tina’s well proportioned bottom. Table wha?
<3 Tina. <3
Cool! They get their coffee fix and i get my daily fix!
Is it just me, or did Paul draw the Confusion Corner in the background? (
Thanks Paul!)
It can’t be. The chairs are empty
And I also don’t see my memory foam couch I love. But that may be tucked in confusion corner.
Hey, you’re back! You haven’t posted around here in a while. I was starting to worry.
Also, it would seem Tina shares my views on coincidence.
I think you’re absolutely right, Casey. No coincidence at all. That’s one hell of an Assisted Search function the Library offers!
I was wondering how the Library managed to get Euryale into just the right place just when Monica needed her… we know it’s somewhat outside of Time and can probably play some games with chronology, but time-twisting a living entity seemed like it might be a bit excessive. The ploy of using a “book which just arrived” is a cute one, quite in character for a Library, and not particularly rough on the one(s) being manipulated.
It sounds as, at worst, Euryale is being set up for another budding friendship to add to her fan-girl bliss.
ha ha, I see what you did there.
I’ll take the stand that “the book that just arrived” was Monica! And, in turn, Euryale was the book Monica was seeking.
The Library provides information, after all, so why not connect two people who can share their wealth of knowledge?
“Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Whimey”
well I’ll bet it is some more subtle version of poiting and perception.. Just like the books ‘just appear’ and monica ‘just notices’ Euryale, who uses the library a lot, and so has a large ‘history list’ enabling a good match! any good RL search engine does the same…
So a “Bud”ing friendship doesn’t require a trip to the pun jar???
Yeah, ya got me.
## drops a Mucho Mocha gift card into the Jar ##
Was off on a training course for work for a while. Was keeping up with reading but with all the study, I didn’t have much time for anything else.
I think it’s an issue to “defuse”, rather than “diffuse”… unless they’re planning on spreading the confusion around.
However, this does bring to mind an incident of a few years ago (and with a lead-in like that, I can hear some of you screaming and running away…)
A few jobs back, I worked with a guy who was almost as much of an office pack-rat as I am… he kept lots of older prototypes and equipment samples around. At one point, somebody scrawled a comment up on one of the whiteboards, announcing a guessing contest… “What does Leo have under his desk?”. A number of witty suggestions were made, finally ending up with “Jimmy Hoffa”.
I added a note: “We were worried about the possible health effects of just leaving him there, so we sealed him in four layers of impermeable plastic, put him in a steel coffin, filled it with cement, and welded it shut.
We made him a Hoffa that can’t diffuse.”
If they’d had a Pun Jar there, I’m sure I’d still be paying off my debt.
But there is one here….
Oopsie. All fixed, hit refresh. =)
And now here’s a nitpick worthy of Bob the Angry Flower:
What is that apostrophe between the G and the exclamation point at the end of Euryale’s last line supposed to be doing? A silent dropped glottal plural close-quote?
And if that’s meant to be a forked tongue in her mouth, I am totally down with that.
Looks as if Paul left off leaving off the “G”.
Nah, the goddamned auto correct stuck it back in.
I hate auto-correct.
That’s why i mostly keep the auto-correct off.
And that proves that Paul has created a font(s) for dialogs. Makes sense that he would.
I’ve seen some hilarious things posted illustrating the wonders of autocorrect.
The Library hmm?
Nudge nudging again?
And I would love to know which singular demon is speaking
cool beans.
I’ve seen it used a lot in wapsi but not heard it irl.
is it a catchphrase local to the area or in the us?
“Cool beans” was a catchphrase from an animated TV show here in the states a long time ago, I don’t know if it was common before that.
The phrase is a lot order than that. It comes from the 60s drug culture. “Cool Beans” was slang for qualudes because they were shaped like beans.
And don’t forget the red and yellow strips from Berkley..
So, one wonders… just what is Monica ‘luding to, with that remark?
I hope that last post was properly paid for–or we’ll be sending the narcs after you.
I haven’t heard ‘Cool Beans’ IRL, but I’ve heard ‘Cool Bananas’ on a number of occasions here in NZ.
I suppose if you keep them cool, they don’t end up fermented.
It was used in Catcher in the Rye, so the phrase must have been in common use at least as far back as 1951.
I say Cool Beans quite a bit. To indicate that something is good.
I’m not sure if it’s Nudge up to her old tricks again or if the Library is acting as an agent in itself, because I don’t believe in coincidence. Euryale and Monica’s meeting has to be by design.
So you noticed the demon-speak, too. Did we ever determine how many there are in Tina’s personal peanut gallery?
BTW, I suspect it’s her Doubt speaking.
Whichever one is in charge of grudges.
Grudge vs. Nudge.
I notice that “Nudge speak” myself. I wonder if one of the collective is getting independent?
That’s Tina’s zen-master demon making the quiet little remark… speaking soto voce, as it were.
Is she gonna slap Eurayle with a fish?
Do they do the formal fish-slapping dance in the Twin Cities?
(I can’t believe teh interwebz didn’t have the clip I was looking for! There’s an awesome scene in the movie where a pair of peas recreate the fish-slapping dance!) The best reference I can find is at 5:50 in this video.“Stop hitting people with fish!” But it’s really really funny!
Don’t you use peas in ice fishing? You cut a hole into the ice, and then put a row of peas on the edge of the hole. Then you watch and wait until a fish comes up to take a pea. . . .
Ohdeargawdthatwasdreadful, bmonk!</b/
Or the old amonishment, “You’re not leaving this table until you eat every carrot and pea on your plate.”
Thank you, FatUncle. Now my day is complete.
How many demons are allowed per capita? Is Sarcasm a demon?
Yes, although Sarcasm usually prefers to operate under the pen name “Dinsdale”.
Perhaps the demon instrumental in arranging the meeting between Monica and fangirl? Here, the demon may have been being sarcastic, accompanied by an unheard chuckle. Is Sarcasm a demon?
Opps, I knew I’d heard the “is sarcasm a demon” quote somewhere.
no, its the library …
I’ve been worried for Bud. Glad to know she didn’t follow those golf balls into high orbit.
Wonder if having an immortal fangirl will be something to repair Bud’s sense of self-worth, or whether having another ancient celebrity show up will be the last straw in her frustration with elites who get Xmas every day.
Maybe she’s already set up a tent.
Is it just me, or does the Library seem more and more like it is a self aware semi-omnipotent being. The way it handled Phix and Nudge to start and now ‘arranging’ for Euryale to meet Monica. The pieces of this puzzle are making a compelling picture to me.
But for the moment ..Only the Shadow knows !
I so wish I could embed an image of Orson Welles right now. WANT SO BAD.
Well this could just be a case of “the Phix is in”. (quarter to the pun jar).
The Library is outside of time but neither are Monica or Euyrale. Both live in Minneapolis. From the Library’s vantage point, the librarian could time a book pickup to coincide with a visit from Monica.
you need to swot up on L-space…
Maark30: ya knw how ta google??
“diffuse” this latest issue?
Or de-fuse it?
Hit refresh, I fixed it last night.
… her hand is on backwards…. O_o
Ayayay..You’re right…but it is just a bit of scribbling that went a teensy bit too far, and suggests “clamping around”. If removed, it’s allright again.. (cover the upper part of her left hand, and it’s correct again)
PS. It does look like Paul had a bit of a fight with those lines there..
Gah! What a sophomore mistake! Goes to show you what happens when I pay more attention to The Walking Dead Sunday night instead of my blue lines. I need to invest in a non photo red pencil as well. Hit refresh, all fixed.
if it helps
it proves how good your work is that people do see these errors as it means they come back more than once to read it in one day
that or everyone who does notice has an error checking job and is just used to spotting stuff
or i am jut slow as i don’t notice this stuff first look
Waiting for a book? The books aren’t real as such. They get to the Library by some “magical” means and they can crumble to dust if abused and reappear there. All that, yet they can’t simply conjure up a copy?
That caught my eye as well.
Probably only one copy of any book can manifest at one time. if the book she was looking for was borrowed at the time, then it would not be in the library until it was returned one way or another.
You’re probably right. Making extra copies would violate the Demonic Media Copyright Act, and require payment of extra royalties to the authors (some of whom do not yet exist… complicates the paperwork no end)
And, worse, the royalty laws are enforced by the Infernal Revenue Surlys–and you really don’t want to get on their bad side.
They have a good side?
Maybe she knew it was still being written. There is a time element established to accessing these “magical” books: Nudge, in her last moments with the collective, described how humans were discovered by the Library only once they started to create hardcopy.
We seem to learn more about the Library standing at the counter of Mucho Mocha than we do inside the Library.
Hmmm. Does that mean that the current Wapsi Square pages don’t get into the library–until they are published on dead trees?
That’s my theroy. Shelly was able to influnce things from downstream because Phix brought her a copy off the latest volume. : /
I don’t think the books in the library just appear. I think Phix goes and gets them. She is the librarian after all, and that’s what librarians are there for.
Well, we just saw the Library delivering books to Monica at the Annex like she was Keanu asking for guns.
Phix’s job is often to recommend books that a reader wouldn’t know to look for.
And since that’s Nudge’s job now, too, she may be using her position to do what she does best: Put people together and test their comfort zones.
I wonder if Bud is a hugger.
I don’t think Bud is a hugger – re: May and ‘boundary issues.’
But how does she know to go and get them, and where to go to get them?
maybe she is like mrs fredricks!
she is part of the library also!
i did not notice that one

nice catch
I had assumed this library was like any other with multiple copies of books but yes.. if they only have the originals it would only be one copy of each
Uh-oh. I get the feeling that an aspect of Tina suspects something – and doesn’t like it.
She says ‘what a coincidence’ in a low voice; why don’t I feel good about that…
That “shadow” text is usually indicative of a demon speaking, rather than the collective.
“Devil’s in the details” is the phrase that pops up in my mind.
I would think the Library pre-Phix would have been open to the demons too, but then a demon-killer landed the post of librarian effectively shutting off or severely curtailing demonic access. But the “untimely” reconstruction’s over, Phix is stepping out more …
I’m sure demons have scholars, researchers and whatnot. Hey, maybe some even helps run a local coffee bar since her/their library card got cancelled. After all, even Nudge needs something to work with, and while she may have planted the idea, Tina’s collective must have been quite unique to begin with.
“Necronomicon? Oh, please, that’s the demon equivalent of (over-the-)Cliff Notes. Here’s the real story …”
the devils in the details.
that phrase always makes me think that satan is an interior decorator.
similar to laurance from BBC changing rooms.
Is Tina trying to give a heads up to M about something to do with Bud… i don’t recall Tina ever calling Bud by her actual name before, do any of you?
Nope. I noticed that immediately.
Possibly Bud and Euryale have some sort of history? Bud has been around a long time, Euryale presumably has been as well (I don’t think we know for sure), E knows about the MIB which Bud seems to have played a role in founding…
… so it’s not all that improbable that the two might have met previously.
I get the feeling the nickname, Bud, may be only a recent thing and something not in common use by people who are not around her often. Also Tina probably senses (or one of the demons knows) Acacia is the name by which Euryale best knows her.
I think Bud was the name Tepoz gave her. prolly still being sneaky over who and what they are
Bud – budweiser
Does it also hint that now she’s sadder, bud wiser?
Tina is less than happy.
Does she know something?
Does she perhaps suspect the fine hand of Nudge in all this?
Well lets see. Monica comes in with a new supernatural friend in tow who just so happens to be a lesser known but still legendary Titan who seems to be in possession of a dearth of knowledge that could possibly answer a whole bunch of questions for “M” and the gang, so it’s understandable that Tina is suspicious of Euryale’s sincerity. After all she has been watching out for the gang for long time now.
“I do not think that word means what you think it means.”
Inigo Montoya
I stand corrected.
Ahh princess bride.
so many quotes in one film
in fact – is that one the most quoted or is there a more quoted one?
I really don’t like that “What a coincidence” from Tina.
Probably because their are no coincidences in her world.
A sentient library would be a powerful force given enough time for exactly this sort of reason. If it connects people it likes with books and people well suited to solving their problems, it will raise it’s friend’s position in the world.
It’s a subtle yet potent power.
I theorize that the Library knows the true power of authorship, and makes friends with people who will one day be the subject of biographies/autobiographies(/strange headstone engravings).
it *already* does….
I read that last line of Euryales’,right away I thought of that old ‘Shake ‘n Bake’ commercial w/ the lil Southern girl who replies “Ah Helped!” …Please,PLEASE tell me someone else thought that too but were too embarassed to post it!
I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about…
Oh my gosh! That’s awful! Or very funny.
It took me a second to remember who Acacia was. We’ve been calling her Bud for so long… I wonder why Tina brought that name up?
Bud… don’t go crazy when you see the Gorgon… please? And as a side note: I miss Nudge. She was adorable.
I don’t think Tina and Bud are really what you’d call friends yet.
good point
Eury is just so happy!
C’mon! When is this going to turn into a super team comic? We’ve got:
a teleporter/glyph reader/scholar who’s bustier than any other super-powered being in any comics universe,
two ggs with superstrength, teleporting, and shape-shifting abilities and a giant sea creature for a pet,
one gg who’s been changed with new abilities not explored yet,
the gg’s creator,
a gorgon with (possibly) multiple ice powers and ability to breathe underwater,
two sphinxes/shapeshifters – one with a spooky inner sprite she can manifest,
a being who can make people instantly drunk,
a trickster goddess,
a demon-infested dead girl who can make anyone’s favorite coffee (although I’m not sure how that would work in a super heroic situation) but can also lay a beat-down on a trickster goddess.
And a partridge in a pear tree.
Did I miss anyone?
Just kidding. I was just thinking of all the different supernatural beings in this strip and realized that the Avengers would be lucky to have this much power.
Re the coffee super-hero status of the “demon-infested dead girl”… I refer you to a comic strip that has been posted in my company’s break room for some time. It shows that that there is a precedent for what you’re thinking about.
There’s something of the dispatcher trope about Tina. But don’t forget that her ability to come up with the perfect coffee is a subset of her more important ability to see auras and sometimes into other realms.
May, I think, would be the older power who is occasionally consulted but who rarely acts in the story on a routine basis. The Old Man (Woman!) on the Mountain.
And we do not yet know the full range of Deitzel’s abilities. He’s no ordinary dog. How does he call for pizza?
It’s easy, he’s got Papa’s Pizza on speed-dial, they see the number and know it Dietzel…
He uses Moncia’s phone, duh!
There’s always…
On the other hand, this team has already done quite a bit of cosmic repair–and has a few more jobs to get to before their done.
The Avengers, IIRC, worked more on a human level of change.
It’s those sneaky birds in capes that you really have to watch out for.
(I did an image search for partridges in capes and this is what it gave me. Teh interwebz strikes back?)
I just have to say I am IN LOVE with Belle.
Just for funsies…
…And I would love to know what’s up with that gravatar, there…
Found a line drawing that looks very much like a character I write about, so I colored it.
I kinda liked the way it turned out.
Nice choice for Euryale’s eye color. “Sea-green” seems appropriate.
Although, I’ve had a fancy that her eyes change color with her mood, like Aliera e’Kieron’s… anywhere from gray to green to blue most times, but perhaps going reddish when her snakes pop out. Or, perhaps, icy-blue at those moments would be more appropriate.
I’d have thought Monica’s eyes might be a darker brown, based on her Latina heritage?
I was trying another way of coloring the eyes, and hers turned out a little more orange that it should have.
(I’m going back to the old way of coloring them…)
beautiful as always
she looks so 50s like that
umm … orange eyes?
Hey Paul?
I’m seeing all the comment text centered. The gravatars still line up; it’s just the text. Is it supposed to do that, is it the site, or have I broken something on my lappy?
I get that occasionally. I don’t know if it’s the ancient browser on my work computer, or the crappy interwebs connection at my hooch.
Check to see what version of MSIE, if that’s what you’re using, the newer ones don’t seem to do that for me.
text always ok in Opera & firefox… tried IE once at work, showed centred… ya know what ya should do….
I just used the HTML/DOM validation service at to check this page (with the comments).
It showed a number of HTML errors – some use of “obsolete” tags (it recommends use of CSS instead), but others that appear to be real errors.
In particular, it reports several instances in which a “center” tag is used, but there’s no matching “/center” to close it. In a couple of case the closing tags are entirely absent, while in one it’s written as “center/” rather than “/center” (this is valid XML, I believe, but not valid HTML?)
Some of these problems look as if they’re up in the “Amazon wishlist” link area, while others may be down at the bottom of the page.
I suspect that IE and other browsers may be interpreting this slightly-broken HTML in different ways, and that the lack of a valid /center tag is probably why Danzier is seeing all-centered comment text.
Firefox (Iceweasel) and Epiphany are rendering the text without forced centering, on my Linux system. Haven’t tried IE yet.
The W3.ORG CSS validation service also reports some problems with the style sheet for this page… a bunch of attributes which it says don’t exist (probably benign, as they may apply only to some browsers), and some parsing errors (which may not be benign).
Yikes, never noticed anything with Firefox. I found the “center” tags that I can edit and did fix them. Let me know if that helps. You may need to dump your cache and close your browser.
Please dont force centering… looks awful…
BUT please can you expand the text area if poss?? some of us with giant widescreen monitors find that the text is a small strip in the middle of the screen…
Also, if there are *many* replies, it shrinks to about 2 or three words per line!!

maybe not your fault or expensive…. but hey keep up the great work!

A thought on this… the left column of the comments area seems to be dominated by the donation buttons, and by the archive/search fields. Below that point it’s almost entirely unused.
Most of the right column is empty, as well.
If the donation and search areas were moved over to the right column, below (or above) the voting/ranking area, the whole left column could be collapsed into nothingness, and the center comments area could expand over to the left side of the page.
I think the “centering” was only supposed to apply to the alignment of the “donation” subdivision (that’s how it looked in the HTML) and that its propagation to the text of the comments was accidental and due to the small error in the HTML coding. There are some other “center” tags down at the bottom of the page but I think these apply only to the “Post COmment” button and to the page footer.
Well, to be fair, the page has two basic purposes; to generate ad revenue and to display the comic. The ads need to be displayed as prominently as possible, and as many as possible for best revenue. Anything else, including a place for comments, is down the list. The narrow comment area gives Paul the best chance for revenue generation by having large ads on each side.
Since almost everyone here cares about Paul doing well so he can keep drawing, I think it’s a small price to pay and doesn’t actually cost the commenters anything.
*hugs SoWhyMe* totally not sarcastically.
I just took a look at the page using my “crufty old browser” test case – Internet Explorer 5, running in a Windows 2000 emulation under QEMU.
The comments look there pretty much as they do under a current Firefox or Epiphany – the text of each is left-justified rather than centered.
This may indicate that your fix has been effective… we’ll have to wait for Danzier to report in, to be certain. Your change doesn’t seem to have had any ill effects anywhere that I can see.
Damn, Tina! You are one HOT demonic conglomeration chick!
Another voice?