Food Court by Paul Taylor on December 1, 2020 at 12:27 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Abbie, AprilLocation: Gullfaxi University Related Comics ¬ Grab Your Seat Formerly A Spider Better Not Knowing Pony Theme Running Late
Holy Crepe!
That poor little pastry never stood a chance — never even knew what hit it!
😉 … 🙂 … 😛 … 😀
Off across the great Rainbow Baking Sheet it goes, headed for Pastry Heaven.
If it was particularly virtuous in this life, perhaps it will be allowed to reincarnate as a funnel cake.
I always thought crepes were a French thing.
Of course, and they are, but apparently the Japanese have taken them up a notch…
the japanese take crepe making very very seriously almost as serious as Mochi.
japanese mille crepe cake! Sooo yummy!
The Japanese excel at taking perfectly wonderful things from other cultures and making them even better.
Like curry 😏
That’s a perfect justification for cramming all sorts of delicious things into my gaping maw. 😉
I like a girl who knows how to enjoy a meal.
Is that… powdered sugar? Did she sneeze?
Is that the impact crater/implosion where dust of deliciousness once lived?
Look at her biceps!
That’s what comes with crepe-ing around…
April is obviously not a japanese name 🤨
The vowel/consonant combination is incompatible with japanese sylabary and spelling 🙄