Friggen Masterpiece by Paul Taylor on March 1, 2021 at 12:17 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Barbara, Castela, Mindy, Scarlet, ShawnaLocation: Gryphon Club Room Little Nightmares Little Nightmares II Related Comics ¬ Fair Enough Better Than Not Real Zed One With You Two
Wait. Little nightmare? What?
Also, what’s the matter with you? You don’t walk into a room yelling. You wait to see what’s going on.
This one’s not strong on the social graces, unfortunately.
Who’s yelling?
So who’s the most socially awkward of their group?
Is this a competition?
“Little nightmares? I’ll sh-show you nightmares!!”
So, where’s the rest of the gang?
I didn’t recognize Cas with her “human” eyes installed.
Mindy and Barbara; these two are the odd couple from the word go…
If Cass is blowing something out of proportion, does that mean she’s padding her bra?
She don’t need to ‘pad’.
If she decides ‘they’ need to be another size (or shape… or number) she can alter ‘them’ with a little effort.
I’m pretty sure there are quite a number of RL females who would envy that ability.
Oh yes . . . I’ve known many that would have gone for smaller.
And even more who would have loved the ability to morph at will . . .
Heck, I know (and am one of) quite a number of RL *males* who envy and would love the ability to morph at will!
RL’s ? Is that the new term for us, i.e. the Wapsi equivalent to “Muggles”?