I’m a Daylla, any place someone said was haunted I went exploring or camping. I was a security guard at a 99% abandoned hospital complex in Connecticut where I personally observed some truly strange things; buildings with no power having lights on in different windows/stairwells from night to night. Strange sounds. Trees blowing in complete silence when it was dead calm. During daylight (I wasn’t completely crazy) shifts I entered and explored all but one new building of 11 stories that had better/newer locks although the caretaker did take me up to the roof in an elevator that sounded like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and one house that would not let me in, literally, I slipped the locks, unlocked a window, used a tire iron, the house was sealed.
Now that’s my style of curiosity! Equal parts bravery and lunacy, with a good leavening of near but not total disregard for consequences. “Because it’s there (and I haven’t seen it yet)” was always a good enough reason for me to get into places I wasn’t supposed to be in…
Bothy comments bring me back, to my “salad days” (whatever THAT means). I used to climb and jump and squeeze into and explore fearlessly, before I took an Arthritis to my knee…
Only a girl made of indestructible steel can feel that way.
Steel is hardly indestructible – a titbit Daylla should keep in mind perhaps.
Still, a girl of steel. There’s probably not any Kryptonite around.
Just sayin’.
Saying Gryphon is safe sounds like he just stole a base.
Someone set us up the bomb.
For great justice
Paul, I am LOVING how you draw Daylla these days.
Or you two dingusses (sp?) could go talk to Digit in the library about the history of that room.
But that would be the smart and easy way to do things. Just think back to when you were 12 to 13 years of age.
Dangerous zones? Idiot wizards? Ms. Alger had previously shown less-than-stellar judgement.
I don’t know how you would classify a Checkov’s Wall that might give someone an Elliot Dunkel makeover:
I’m a Daylla, any place someone said was haunted I went exploring or camping. I was a security guard at a 99% abandoned hospital complex in Connecticut where I personally observed some truly strange things; buildings with no power having lights on in different windows/stairwells from night to night. Strange sounds. Trees blowing in complete silence when it was dead calm. During daylight (I wasn’t completely crazy) shifts I entered and explored all but one new building of 11 stories that had better/newer locks although the caretaker did take me up to the roof in an elevator that sounded like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and one house that would not let me in, literally, I slipped the locks, unlocked a window, used a tire iron, the house was sealed.
Now that’s my style of curiosity! Equal parts bravery and lunacy, with a good leavening of near but not total disregard for consequences. “Because it’s there (and I haven’t seen it yet)” was always a good enough reason for me to get into places I wasn’t supposed to be in…
Bothy comments bring me back, to my “salad days” (whatever THAT means). I used to climb and jump and squeeze into and explore fearlessly, before I took an Arthritis to my knee…
A sleepover in a haunted zone? Uh-oh, this does NOT bode well; I feel a story arc comin’ on…
Scarlett: “Let’s do a thing.”
Daylla: “Let’s do the total opposite of that thing!”
I’m going to file this under Captain Janeway’s bad ideas.
Daylla got a visit from the great idea Fairy, hopefully they don’t get bite by Demon Murphy.
I think you’re too late . . . Daylla’s already been bitten.
At least she hasn’t said “let’s split up”.
. . .
The whole club, or just the girls?
Loving Scar’s face in the last panel: “CRAP!!!”