What exactly are the walls of the Warehouse the Gilchrist’s were given, by the M.I.B. made of? Judging by the cookie cutter image in the last frame Castela just put Reginald THROUGH one! Clearly he must have Fae Magic, [or Plot Armor,] protecting him. He won’t end up a bug on a windshield.
NICE Right Cross BTW.
OTOH, Castella has no worries about being a “Normal Girl.” She is normal, as dangerous as any human female, even a touch Anime-Cliche, and sadly for Reginald, High Maintenance.
Well, I remember looking at the walls when they first moved in, and it looked as if the outer walls were steel reinforced. And the para safety door looked sturdy enough for a vault…
Doesn’t mean that the interior walls is as sturdy. Drywall probably. Doesn’t have to be more than that, and it makes patching up any boyfriend shaped holes cheap and easy…
Embarrassment alone didn’t launch Reggie on his maiden flight as a humanoid boy. Surprise and shock was probably more responsible for the impromptu flight.
As for Timothy I doubt it would ever had been much of a problem. He wouldn’t have just turned up unannounced and naked in her bedroom when she knew she was home alone. And if/when they got to the stage of getting naked together he’d been the one to BSOD the first few times, and after that they would probably no longer feel very embarrassed about it.
That’s one thing I hate about the anime cliche. The situation is clearly engineered to produce the event, especially in anime where it is a recurring gag. And when these comic overreactions are ALL ONE EVER SEES, one gets to assuming that any time a girl/woman reacts like that its the same thing. And then, “crying wolf”, the woman isn’t believed when she tries to complain that she really was molested on the subway, or whatever. Or because the anime couple is destined to get together in the end, so that makes it “okay”. Let’s not perpetuate this any more.
@ Xheralt: There’s lots of problems here.
Situation: Inadvertent nudity, usually female.
responses include:
1. Extreme body shame for comedic effect.
2. Extreme female violence for comedic effect.
Either over-reaction is a problem for all the reasons you mention.
Body shame for humor reinforces the real sense of body shame pervasive across gender lines in most western culture.
Female on male violence for humor also trivializes such violence in the real world.
I don’t blame the artist. It’s our culture that’s screwed up. And to be fair, the kid does seem to be nigh invulnerable. But still…
I was just thinking that. Given the Stinkweed’s abilities, getting punched through a wall is one of the least violent things that could’ve happened to him.
k-k-k-k-k-k-k-KO!!! Was expecting that reaction though. Could crush a planet, but crumbles in the face of self esteem. Bud could tell her a thing or two.
That had occurred to me, Jamwa. But I think it goes along with the “It’s OK if the boys see a mermaid’s lower half when she’s in fishy form but not in human form” back in the early days of the school sequence. The kids are being taught to conform to human norms, and that includes societal norms. After all, there’s no inherent reason human nudity has to be a problem even for those of us who are stuck with only that shape, and in many cultures/situations it isn’t… but knowing that doesn’t always help.
Actually, this brings me back to a more basic question, which I assume was answered in comments I didn’t read: Why does Cas identify as female? Some plants are gendered, so it may in fact be correct… or it could have been an arbitrary choice… or it could be something more basic that explains why so many creatures seem to have human-related forms even “at rest”… Only that last, I think, might justify her having human-style sexuality. Though that brings us back to the question of how much of this is how our society expresses grooming behavior and how much is Cas’s natural reactions.
@Michael Birks: He’s already got facial expressions down, so this isn’t like what happened to Digit. More likely he was originally a human(oid) and got turned into a butterfly somehow, and Castella’s healing concoction turned him back.
She finds a naked there, when she’s changing out of clothes
She throws him through a wall, and she screams and covers those…
For all the speculation, there’s something that’s not known.
“What will Castela do there, when she knows she’s all alone.”
I called the her not looking at him till after she got naked and turned around. But I was wrong about mom coming home and walking in right when that happened. So now I will switch to mom coming home and finding a huge hole in the wall w/ a battered knocked out cold nude boy in her living room…. maybe bathroom he could land in the tub. all depends on the wall she put him though. I really hope he isn’t draped over a traffic light or something .
Here’s hoping Reggie is durable.
well his butterfly form survived, he should be ok… ??
Well, there goes Reginald…
Good thing Reginald’s already proven to be indestructible.
and we have liftoff of the space shuttle Discovery.. lol
Correction: the space shuttle Reginald.
With his luck his naked behind will photobomb someone’s picture of the eclipse.
“Check it out, two moons!”
…that’s no moon!
Three, surely?
What exactly are the walls of the Warehouse the Gilchrist’s were given, by the M.I.B. made of? Judging by the cookie cutter image in the last frame Castela just put Reginald THROUGH one! Clearly he must have Fae Magic, [or Plot Armor,] protecting him. He won’t end up a bug on a windshield.
NICE Right Cross BTW.
OTOH, Castella has no worries about being a “Normal Girl.” She is normal, as dangerous as any human female, even a touch Anime-Cliche, and sadly for Reginald, High Maintenance.
whatever they are made of…. ‘rule of funny’

Well, I remember looking at the walls when they first moved in, and it looked as if the outer walls were steel reinforced. And the para safety door looked sturdy enough for a vault…
Doesn’t mean that the interior walls is as sturdy. Drywall probably. Doesn’t have to be more than that, and it makes patching up any boyfriend shaped holes cheap and easy…
That’s my recollection, but if that’s an interior wall, it’s 4″ to 6″ thick. It’s clearly not Castella,
or Reginald proof.
Castela screams ‘…in Four Part Harmony’…
If Reginald is still alive, well, as a butterfly he should be used to flying.
I think that this may be Castela’s way of expressing embarrassment.
I also think that Timothy should be very glad that he chose Miss Scarlet.
Embarrassment alone didn’t launch Reggie on his maiden flight as a humanoid boy. Surprise and shock was probably more responsible for the impromptu flight.
As for Timothy I doubt it would ever had been much of a problem. He wouldn’t have just turned up unannounced and naked in her bedroom when she knew she was home alone. And if/when they got to the stage of getting naked together he’d been the one to BSOD the first few times, and after that they would probably no longer feel very embarrassed about it.
Reggie’s gonna need more root-beer.
“Naked man lands in middle of St. Paul Saints game. Film at 11.”
Well. I think Reggie got off lightly.
I think he was assaulted through no fault of his own.
That’s one thing I hate about the anime cliche. The situation is clearly engineered to produce the event, especially in anime where it is a recurring gag. And when these comic overreactions are ALL ONE EVER SEES, one gets to assuming that any time a girl/woman reacts like that its the same thing. And then, “crying wolf”, the woman isn’t believed when she tries to complain that she really was molested on the subway, or whatever. Or because the anime couple is destined to get together in the end, so that makes it “okay”. Let’s not perpetuate this any more.
@ Xheralt: There’s lots of problems here.
Situation: Inadvertent nudity, usually female.
responses include:
1. Extreme body shame for comedic effect.
2. Extreme female violence for comedic effect.
Either over-reaction is a problem for all the reasons you mention.
Body shame for humor reinforces the real sense of body shame pervasive across gender lines in most western culture.
Female on male violence for humor also trivializes such violence in the real world.
I don’t blame the artist. It’s our culture that’s screwed up. And to be fair, the kid does seem to be nigh invulnerable. But still…
I was just thinking that. Given the Stinkweed’s abilities, getting punched through a wall is one of the least violent things that could’ve happened to him.
Pop Art masterpiece by Handy Wallhole.
Y’know, this naked-teenager-shaped hole is going to be harder to explain than the one that just fit her fist.
k-k-k-k-k-k-k-KO!!! Was expecting that reaction though. Could crush a planet, but crumbles in the face of self esteem. Bud could tell her a thing or two.
the odd thing is why is she worried if he sees this form? isn’t her natural form just a real long viney mass?
That had occurred to me, Jamwa. But I think it goes along with the “It’s OK if the boys see a mermaid’s lower half when she’s in fishy form but not in human form” back in the early days of the school sequence. The kids are being taught to conform to human norms, and that includes societal norms. After all, there’s no inherent reason human nudity has to be a problem even for those of us who are stuck with only that shape, and in many cultures/situations it isn’t… but knowing that doesn’t always help.
Actually, this brings me back to a more basic question, which I assume was answered in comments I didn’t read: Why does Cas identify as female? Some plants are gendered, so it may in fact be correct… or it could have been an arbitrary choice… or it could be something more basic that explains why so many creatures seem to have human-related forms even “at rest”… Only that last, I think, might justify her having human-style sexuality. Though that brings us back to the question of how much of this is how our society expresses grooming behavior and how much is Cas’s natural reactions.
Well, she didn’t vaporize him.
Maybe she suddenly got the whole picture and realised she had been spied on. By a boy.
You would think that, having put that body together with vines, she wouldn’t be so self-conscious about it.
I call socialisation.
Well, that was unexpected. Poor Reginald, he didn’t ask for any of that.
He could have spoken up before she got naked.
Can he speak?
@Michael Birks: He’s already got facial expressions down, so this isn’t like what happened to Digit. More likely he was originally a human(oid) and got turned into a butterfly somehow, and Castella’s healing concoction turned him back.
At least he got a good look before he got his block knocked off.
Yeah, because that is what totally matters
When you used to be a butterfly, yeah, probably.
At least she had the presence of mind not to vaporize him.
He’s got that nervous “please don’t kill me” grin on his face
It’ll be an odd place to hang a picture frame.
She finds a naked there, when she’s changing out of clothes
She throws him through a wall, and she screams and covers those…
For all the speculation, there’s something that’s not known.
“What will Castela do there, when she knows she’s all alone.”
Was sure I typed “kid” between “naked” and “there” in Line One. Ah, well.
I can suspend disbelief about that guy making a shaped hole in the wall, but I can’t suspend disbelief about his hair doing it.
Modern hair-styling gel is amazingly durable. They do such wonderful things with polymers these days…
Reggie should have had adorable bug antennae, like digit’s mandibles. I would have died from the cuteness.
I called the her not looking at him till after she got naked and turned around. But I was wrong about mom coming home and walking in right when that happened. So now I will switch to mom coming home and finding a huge hole in the wall w/ a battered knocked out cold nude boy in her living room…. maybe bathroom he could land in the tub. all depends on the wall she put him though. I really hope he isn’t draped over a traffic light or something .
Reggie will fly through the wall and smack into her windshield, for added irony.
That hole might be more creative license than literal, as it seems to be a hole IN the screaming, rather than the actual wall.
I take it Castela does NOT scream like a little girl?