Hey, weren’t the “handlebars” jokes passed around the very first time she showed up? (IE, “Now close your left eye” or something like that)
You know, I’d have to imagine that if I had horns, the idea of someone using them as handlebars during any circumstance might lead to an awfully sore neck.
Exceptions might be allowed for piggy-back rides. Just ’cause that would be adorable.
OK…so a little unrelated to Wapsi, but sense you posted it; Do you know the up-date schedule for Pawn? I just read the whole thing and LOVED it. ^-^ Thanks if you can and thanks if you can’t for the lovely new comic to follow.
Being powerful requires three things: 1: General Knowledge; 2: Specific knowledge of specific individuals; and 3: Ability to take action.
1: It’s The Library. It’s got that in the bag.
2: Can the Library spy on little kids as they grow up so it can get to know individuals and make a judgment on whether they would be useful in powerful situations? It sound like the library is somewhat limited in this aspect. Thus Phix and Nudge.
3: Poiting books into peoples laps or poiting people to the library is a potent ability, but their again, I suspect the library’s power may be limited and thus the need for Phix and Nudge.
i was right. It’s Tina throwing her voice over the PA…yeah. I didn’t thing anyone else would be it either.
So the Library is a sentient being. Who can apparently alter decrees of other higher beings. Or did the Library just agree to hold Nudge and Phix prisoner? This is getting a bit confusing…
Not prisoners…the Library said they aren’t condemned to stay. They just get to run the place…well…assuming that they don’t lose their jobs because the Library decides it wants newer, fresher, younger faces and ideas. I hear that happens sometimes.
It depends on how much the Library values experience and the accumulation of knowledge–in a practical, organized sense. I think I would prefer older spirits, as long as they don’t get hidebound.
And now Fermented Banana has a new venue to play!
Well, maybe in the parking lot for the Used Book Sale and Fundraiser. Yesterdays invocation of L-Space was genius. Too bad most of the comments are posted while I’m asleep or at work. Ook.
The Library is really cruel. I’m sure Phix could have used some conversation from time to time in all those thousands of years. A kind word, anything.
From what I gather they are both now free to leave the library as they wish, but they are still bound to it as head librarians (whatever that may mean). I suppose they will live there, just not prisoners as such. These disembodied voices are always vague on the details.
The roomies bit is funny. I guess Nudge doesn’t hold a grudge for long. Even when beaten and choked repeatedly. Wag that tail, girl!
On second thought, yesterday probably meant: “You both need to learn how to work together. The library would be the place to do that. Otherwise, you’ll keep acting like jackasses.”
Today seems to validate that higher powers wanted Nudge to help Tina do her part in fixing the calendar machine and rogue demon problems. I almost suggested this yesterday, but I wonder if the voice could be the previous loop Brandi somehow.
It’s a bit strange that Phix isn’t treated as if she is one of the sphinxes anymore. The sphinxes will guard the library (from what?). She’s one of the head librarians.
Oh, i see the occasional “Splat!” and flying horseshoes (probably in retaliation for a bucket of whitewash propped over a doorway) as being almost a part of their respective job descriptions.
“…The Library is really cruel. I’m sure Phix could have used some conversation from time to time in all those thousands of years. A kind word, anything.”
OK, another plausible scenario, probability unknown. (Forgive me, my brain does weird things on pain and cold medicines.)
The Library did not speak to Phix because the Library’s persona wasn’t home. It had been in link with Nudge when Nudge made her escape, and was caught flatfooted by the unexpected – and in still in link with Nudge, rode out the door with her.
This would explain UncleRice‘s observation about lawful stupid – the Library left behind was lobotomized, only the autonomous functions still up and running. It explains the longstanding injustice of Phix’s sentence, which has really stuck in my craw — the intelligence was not at home, and the Library could only mindlessly obey the rules. It explains Nudge’s eyes changing color – the persona has been uploading itself back into the Library.
Nudge might not have known. Indeed, the persona might not have known until it found itself back in the Library, as unexpectedly as it found itself severed from it — only the personality would have come across — memory would have been among the functions left behind. It would have been just as Tina was – no memory of how and why it got there.
In fact, what we think of as Tina could have been mostly the Library, which would explain the really weird anomaly of a living corpse, which we have encountered nowhere else, under any circumstances.
You might have to stay on the meds, ’cause you always say some insightful stuff while on them. And dang isn’t that cold over with yet!? Hopefully soon.
I think I caught two, back to back. I don’t get one often, but when I do, it’s a dilly.
I’m always theorizing, and discarding theories as the tale disproves them, but generally have sense enough to keep my fool mouth shut.
Wapsi Square fascinates me. It’s like a role playing game, a bit, or a really good crossword puzzle, or a good game of chess. Or all three!
And Paul doesn’t cheat, or change the rules — everything he does is a logical progression of what came before. It’s just that he goes around some really odd corners, most unexpectedly.
Ooo…I like this idea…minus the bits about the implications for Tina. I still think that Tina, while an anomaly, is not something that couldn’t happen to others. Tina’s relationship with her demons was probably just different than the average humans…or I suppose the fact that they were running an errand (so to speak) when she died may have affected things. I’m not entirely sure how it worked, but I think (because I’m an optimist) that she’ll be fine without Nudge.
Nudge’s tail is acting more canine than equine. If it is equine it needs conditioner (Mane & Tail) braided up and stuck in a tail-bag until it grows out. Unless she has Appaloosa in her, then there is no hope.
Nudge strikes me as the kind of person who just tends to be happy. But also, she’s not confined to the Library anymore. Or out and being hunted by an angry Sphinx. She’s got freedom to do what she wants, a place to stay, and a BRAND NEW ROOMIE who isn’t a bunch of suspicious demons. That in itself should be an improvement, even if Phix has a tendancy to use her fists…
I think somebody else said that it is kinda like Bud hitting Jin. Phix hitting Nudge was more annoying than really painful. Dang, this could lead to Three Stooges type humor.
You know, that makes me wonder…will we get to see a “human” form for Nudge so she can go out and about? Or will she just have to poit to visit friends and go nowhere else?
Well, that was not the reaction I was hoping for. But since you are wondering, that’s a good question. We don’t even know if she can poit, but she escaped the first time, so she probably can. I think it’s normal for tricksters to disguise themselves, so she probably can change forms, but I’m not sure.
*grumble* *grumble*
I’ve been waiting for weeks for someone to ask where Dietzel was, so I could say he was curtailed. Finally, it dawned on me that I could use it on Nudge, too, but I can’t tell if anybody got it. I don’t even think that TheOldWolf knew that it was intentional.
That was a “stealth” pun. Now you know you have to look for them. The only reason I noticed it was because there is so many punsters around here I was sure it was on purpose, but didn’t acknowledge it ’cause it was really sneaky and the punster can “Deny all knowledge” and plead ignorance “and not have to watch dark alleys and their sixes”.
And now – can we get a shot of Tina to be sure the grrl is okay? Or is this gonna be the cliff-hangar reveal for Friday?
Can you hear us, sweetie?”
Of course, this could all be a trick of Nudge’s. Something she set up before escaping before. In that first panel she seems to have a look of “is she buying this?”
Being a practical, grounded guy, I am not only worried about Tina, but the fact that Tina and Monica were poit-ed out of the coffee shop during buisness hours. The shop has been left unmanned with the door unlocked.
It would be bad enough just having to duck every time Nudge walked by. Living with her wouldn’t be as bad as sitting next to her at a tennis match, though.
I understand that while Paul has a good idea of the overall direction of the tale, written well out in advance, the day-to-day details are more short term, and subject to change.
I think horns generally imply magic or otherworldly beings. I read a comic (I think it was a comic) where the horns were cut off of the character and he lost his magic. Also see Horned God.
I just thought of something. Phix said she hid the book of law that says that Nudge must remain in the library and serve as the librarian. The sphinxes must enforce that book. Nothing the voice said seems to have actually changed anything.
I doubt the book could have been edited. The book probably isn’t in the library or Nudge could have found it. There is no indication that the library could retrieve anything, except maybe the sphinxes. It would be strange if a library could edit its own books, anyway. If someone had the book elsewhere and had the ability to edit it, I don’t know why they would have impersonated the library, so I doubt that happened. So nothing the library said today probably would affect Nudge.
As for Phix, I don’t see how anything affected her, either, except that she may be awed enough to believe that it did. Phix could come and go before and now she was told that she will still be able to do that. She probably could have volunteered to help the library patrons, so being told to do it as a co-head librarian wouldn’t really change anything, except in her mind.
I am by no means certain that it is the library talking. I’m not sure that Tina would be clever enough to pull this off, but she might have wanted to do it to keep Phix occupied. Perhaps it is Jin, particularly if Jin happened to be taking refuge from her schizophrenia in the library.
I wonder what would happen if the Nudge tried to leave the library. Would Phix and the other sphinxes be compelled to bring her back? How else could anything the voice said be verified?
Oh I don’t know…laws change from time to time in government. I don’t see why they couldn’t be changed in a Library. Yes I know I’m making light of a serious conjecture, but my point remains the same. We don’t know much about the Library as an entity at all since it’s only just been formally introduced as something more than a nebulous entity. It could have all sorts of powers over its books…especially those that concern its own laws.
Now, the idea that the voice could belong to someone other than the Library…at this point I’m inclined to agree that its not Tina. I doubt Tina would make the kind of sweeping “law-changing” kind of statement that was just made. After all, she’s been a law enforcer, too (i.e. when Monica’s Doubt and Jin’s Doubt pitted the two against each other).
I’m not sure I agree that it could be Jin because she’s seemed a little less in control and far more childlike of late. This kind of assured comment is more in line with the Jin she was before the calendar machine fiasco was resolved.
Now…Bud I could see making this kind of statement…I just don’t think she’d be here given how little she has trusted Phix in the past. Or maybe Mayahuel could be the voice, but I don’t know why she’d be qualified to make that kind of judgment.
Nope…I’m going to go with “the Library is its own separate entity (or perhaps is powered by a man behind a curtain).” I think they’d have recognized the voice of one of the other characters by now.
Heh, I think I sounded more certain than I was. Originally, there was a “who knows?” in there that I edited out. Still, if the library’s enforcement system allowed Nudge to escape simply because a destroyed book hadn’t yet been recreated, things are lawful stupid, at best, as other people have been saying.
The other thing is that I get the impression that the library didn’t say anything to Phix, ever. Why would it choose now, but not when Nudge escaped, to talk to Phix.
FWIW, I could almost imagine Brandi being the voice. After all, it was like a mother to say, “You two need to settle down and stop fighting like that,” but the current loop Brandi probably wouldn’t be misleading. Speaking of mothers though, Maya would be a voice that they might not recognize and if Monica recognized her, she might not say anything. But who knows?
You know, apart from the big spirally horns, I bet Nudge-hugs are awfully.. umm… cozy!
Gods yes. Nudge can hug me anytime!
Yes, quite. She has handlebars too.
oh god its better than a beard to hang onto! (‘scuse the blackadder reference)
may cause neck issues tho’
Could be worse. You could have said ‘get a little tail’.
…now I did.
*hangs head in shame*
Hey, weren’t the “handlebars” jokes passed around the very first time she showed up? (IE, “Now close your left eye” or something like that)
You know, I’d have to imagine that if I had horns, the idea of someone using them as handlebars during any circumstance might lead to an awfully sore neck.
Exceptions might be allowed for piggy-back rides. Just ’cause that would be adorable.
Mebbe. But I don’t think Phix is getting any warm, fuzzy feelings about this
Indeed, she reminds me of Pawn (http://www.pawn.se)
OK…so a little unrelated to Wapsi, but sense you posted it; Do you know the up-date schedule for Pawn? I just read the whole thing and LOVED it. ^-^ Thanks if you can and thanks if you can’t for the lovely new comic to follow.
Cut “The Odd Couple” theme song….
er… Cue….
Which one’s Oscar , and which one’s Felix ?
Phix is Felix, she strikes me as the ‘neat freak’. So Nudge must be Oscar.
Wouldn’t that be Phelix?
I laughed at that! Go Paul! Roomies!!!! *snicker*
As did I. Out loud.
Awwww But I like furries…and technically Phix and Nudge are furrries, too…. and so is Bud, and Brandi, and Jin sometimes.
Well, Jin’s a scalie.
I don’t think turning into an animal classifies one as a Furry, PBH
So, just how powerful is this library? Knowing everything anybody has written is good, but if you have no arms?
If the Library can poit others and other things, that’s almost good enough. Actual telekenesis would be better. Probably can do both, at least…..
Being powerful requires three things: 1: General Knowledge; 2: Specific knowledge of specific individuals; and 3: Ability to take action.
1: It’s The Library. It’s got that in the bag.
2: Can the Library spy on little kids as they grow up so it can get to know individuals and make a judgment on whether they would be useful in powerful situations? It sound like the library is somewhat limited in this aspect. Thus Phix and Nudge.
3: Poiting books into peoples laps or poiting people to the library is a potent ability, but their again, I suspect the library’s power may be limited and thus the need for Phix and Nudge.
i was right. It’s Tina throwing her voice over the PA…yeah. I didn’t thing anyone else would be it either.
So the Library is a sentient being. Who can apparently alter decrees of other higher beings. Or did the Library just agree to hold Nudge and Phix prisoner? This is getting a bit confusing…
Not prisoners…the Library said they aren’t condemned to stay.
They just get to run the place…well…assuming that they don’t lose their jobs because the Library decides it wants newer, fresher, younger faces and ideas. I hear that happens sometimes. 
It depends on how much the Library values experience and the accumulation of knowledge–in a practical, organized sense. I think I would prefer older spirits, as long as they don’t get hidebound.
Wait, when did Phix pick up the English accent? Also, cuddlyNudge = so cute!
thats funny, Phix has always had an English accent to me!
For me, at least since this one, leading me to wonder if Phix learnt her English from some Tommies..
…and Phix’s dialog irresistibly puts me in mind of Maggie Smith in this film…
The contrast to her usual (relatively) well-bred diction is perfect.
I explained to a fan once at a convention that I hear Alex Kingston’s voice when I’m writing Phix.
Yes, you also mentioned it here awhile ago, and to me it upped Phix’s sexiness factor by quite a lot!
Okay, i can “hear” that.
Continuing in the same vein, i could also “hear” Catherine Tate.
“Oi oi oi!”
And now Fermented Banana has a new venue to play!
Well, maybe in the parking lot for the Used Book Sale and Fundraiser. Yesterdays invocation of L-Space was genius. Too bad most of the comments are posted while I’m asleep or at work. Ook.
I’ve mentioned L-Space before. In fact, i’m truly amazed that Monica hasn’t encountered an ape filing books back in the stacks somewhere already.
that explains why i heard a cockney accent in that first pannel!
phix is channeling moll flanders
WAIT! YOU MEAN DR FREAKING SONG!?!?!? oh DUH! Now it all makes sense! Silence in the friggin Library! HAH!!! Check your records motherfucka!!
…. ok i’m done. (^_^)
…..spoilers, Doctor…..
Phixy’s British. I think I might faint.
And I imagine her to sound like a very angry Keira Knightley.
Dr Song? River song from Dr Who?
“Silence in the end of all things” oh i get it
WOW! Nice choice. She does have a good voice.
Ah, okay, that changes her up a bit for me but it works.
“Bollocks, Monica! The poor girl passed out!” She drinks tea, of course.
Not all tea drinkers are British. I absolutely adore tea and will drink it before I touch coffee or even soft drinks (most times).
Well, some British drink coffee, too. BTW, my sister won’t touch coffee at all. Only tea.
Totally missed that, and I even had that strip as an avitar for a minute.
It’s a fair cop. XD
For the LULZ!
Okay – yesterday we were talking about Cute Nudge.
Über Cute Nudge!
Agreed. This is the first time I’ve thought of Nudge as “cute” or “adorable.” Yesterday was close, but this seals the deal.
Oh Ghods… it’s a paranormal Odd-couple! (Bets on which one is Felix?)
Yep .
The Library is really cruel. I’m sure Phix could have used some conversation from time to time in all those thousands of years. A kind word, anything.
From what I gather they are both now free to leave the library as they wish, but they are still bound to it as head librarians (whatever that may mean). I suppose they will live there, just not prisoners as such. These disembodied voices are always vague on the details.
The roomies bit is funny. I guess Nudge doesn’t hold a grudge for long. Even when beaten and choked repeatedly. Wag that tail, girl!
Yesterday: “…you both need to stay here…” Today: “You’re no longer condemned to stay in the library…Go well.” Huh?
Is “here” much more general than the library?
On second thought, yesterday probably meant: “You both need to learn how to work together. The library would be the place to do that. Otherwise, you’ll keep acting like jackasses.”
Today seems to validate that higher powers wanted Nudge to help Tina do her part in fixing the calendar machine and rogue demon problems. I almost suggested this yesterday, but I wonder if the voice could be the previous loop Brandi somehow.
It’s a bit strange that Phix isn’t treated as if she is one of the sphinxes anymore. The sphinxes will guard the library (from what?). She’s one of the head librarians.
“Here” as in “on this job”, rather than “in this (more-or-less) physical location”, perhaps?
Nudge is a trickster. Most tricksters don’t bear grudges (aside from the “I’ll her her back later!” variety); it’s part of the job description.
In which case this might be a really good point for Phix to bring down the hammer on Nudge’s head once again.
I see a followup drawing more as Phix forcefully breaking the hug and saying “Ewwwww! Demon cooties!”
I don’t know about that – but Phix’s expression in Panel Two is soooo evocative…
Oh, i see the occasional “Splat!” and flying horseshoes (probably in retaliation for a bucket of whitewash propped over a doorway) as being almost a part of their respective job descriptions.
Well, I’m wondering if this was done to annoy Phix as much as anything.
The Library is cruel. That means it can be only one thing – Pablo.
“…The Library is really cruel. I’m sure Phix could have used some conversation from time to time in all those thousands of years. A kind word, anything.”
OK, another plausible scenario, probability unknown. (Forgive me, my brain does weird things on pain and cold medicines.)
The Library did not speak to Phix because the Library’s persona wasn’t home. It had been in link with Nudge when Nudge made her escape, and was caught flatfooted by the unexpected – and in still in link with Nudge, rode out the door with her.
This would explain UncleRice‘s observation about lawful stupid – the Library left behind was lobotomized, only the autonomous functions still up and running. It explains the longstanding injustice of Phix’s sentence, which has really stuck in my craw — the intelligence was not at home, and the Library could only mindlessly obey the rules. It explains Nudge’s eyes changing color – the persona has been uploading itself back into the Library.
Nudge might not have known. Indeed, the persona might not have known until it found itself back in the Library, as unexpectedly as it found itself severed from it — only the personality would have come across — memory would have been among the functions left behind. It would have been just as Tina was – no memory of how and why it got there.
In fact, what we think of as Tina could have been mostly the Library, which would explain the really weird anomaly of a living corpse, which we have encountered nowhere else, under any circumstances.
Which … would not bode well for Tina … oh, dear …
You might have to stay on the meds, ’cause you always say some insightful stuff while on them.
And dang isn’t that cold over with yet!? Hopefully soon.
I think I caught two, back to back. I don’t get one often, but when I do, it’s a dilly.
I’m always theorizing, and discarding theories as the tale disproves them, but generally have sense enough to keep my fool mouth shut.
Wapsi Square fascinates me. It’s like a role playing game, a bit, or a really good crossword puzzle, or a good game of chess. Or all three!
And Paul doesn’t cheat, or change the rules — everything he does is a logical progression of what came before. It’s just that he goes around some really odd corners, most unexpectedly.
Ooo…I like this idea…minus the bits about the implications for Tina. I still think that Tina, while an anomaly, is not something that couldn’t happen to others. Tina’s relationship with her demons was probably just different than the average humans…or I suppose the fact that they were running an errand (so to speak) when she died may have affected things. I’m not entirely sure how it worked, but I think (because I’m an optimist) that she’ll be fine without Nudge.
I don’t think tricksters hold long grudges–they would have to hold too many at a time unless they let go every so often.
Why is Nudge so happy? She still is curtailed.
Looks more goat-tailed to me…
Nah, goats’ tails aren’t that long. You know she has horse, not goat hooves, right? Apparently, she is made up of several species.
Nudge’s tail is acting more canine than equine. If it is equine it needs conditioner (Mane & Tail) braided up and stuck in a tail-bag until it grows out. Unless she has Appaloosa in her, then there is no hope.
Cur = dog, so Nudge is curtailed.
Nudge strikes me as the kind of person who just tends to be happy. But also, she’s not confined to the Library anymore. Or out and being hunted by an angry Sphinx. She’s got freedom to do what she wants, a place to stay, and a BRAND NEW ROOMIE who isn’t a bunch of suspicious demons. That in itself should be an improvement, even if Phix has a tendancy to use her fists…
I think somebody else said that it is kinda like Bud hitting Jin. Phix hitting Nudge was more annoying than really painful. Dang, this could lead to Three Stooges type humor.
You know, that makes me wonder…will we get to see a “human” form for Nudge so she can go out and about? Or will she just have to poit to visit friends and go nowhere else?
Well, that was not the reaction I was hoping for. But since you are wondering, that’s a good question. We don’t even know if she can poit, but she escaped the first time, so she probably can. I think it’s normal for tricksters to disguise themselves, so she probably can change forms, but I’m not sure.
*grumble* *grumble*
I’ve been waiting for weeks for someone to ask where Dietzel was, so I could say he was curtailed. Finally, it dawned on me that I could use it on Nudge, too, but I can’t tell if anybody got it. I don’t even think that TheOldWolf knew that it was intentional.
That’s okay eschmenk I got it.
Heh, I thought you didn’t. Sorry.
Oh phooey…I wasn’t even looking for a pun that time.
I fail as a pun-lover.
That was a “stealth” pun. Now you know you have to look for them. The only reason I noticed it was because there is so many punsters around here I was sure it was on purpose, but didn’t acknowledge it ’cause it was really sneaky and the punster can “Deny all knowledge” and plead ignorance “and not have to watch dark alleys and their sixes”.
Too many tricky people around–including Nudge.
And now – can we get a shot of Tina to be sure the grrl is okay? Or is this gonna be the cliff-hangar reveal for Friday?
Can you hear us, sweetie?”
Of course, this could all be a trick of Nudge’s. Something she set up before escaping before. In that first panel she seems to have a look of “is she buying this?”
damn right… nudge is trying to weasel out of what other ‘punishment’ would happen if she did not stay in the library??
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say Phix is Felix .
aww ok that last pannel is adorable
… ummmm … where the fuck is Tina?
Maybe she found a book on coffee blends from other worlds and is deeply engrossed. That or demon porn.
Well we know she is alive at least pix talked to her for a second (without a replay from trina) before she went ahead to strangle nudge.
Very, very interesting. This whole deal appears to be part of the setup for another complex arc dealing with the redemption of Jin.
And yes, Nudge could hug me any day.
Can’t tell if Phix is speaking Brit or Strine at this point… I think she’d be awesome with an Aussie accent.
….I’m sorry Phix. And I suspect you would prefer a stiff drink to Nudge’s hug.
But Nudge’s hugs are like drugs or fudge…I’d trudge through sludge for a Nudge hug!
Nudge’s hugs might be crawling with bugs…. and too many will most certainly end in a slug!
When I read Phix say “Bugger” and presumed that to imply a Brit accent, my brain clicked onto Dr. River Song…..THEN I read Pauls’ comment. Nailed it.
Whoop!! No new character. They building just seems to be speaking.
AWWWWW, Nudge’s reaction is so cute. XD
Being a practical, grounded guy, I am not only worried about Tina, but the fact that Tina and Monica were poit-ed out of the coffee shop during buisness hours. The shop has been left unmanned with the door unlocked.
Don’t think I haven’t taken advantage…
I think time is relative in The Library. They’ve only been gone a nano-second back at the Mucho Mocha. That’s my story…
The Sphinx and the Demon…I smell sitcom!
“…Can the two of them live together without driving each other crazy?” (Da-da-da-da-da Daaaa…)
It would be bad enough just having to duck every time Nudge walked by. Living with her wouldn’t be as bad as sitting next to her at a tennis match, though.
I am SO going to anthrocon next year. XD
Great Googly and Moogly! The new arrangement is going to be terribly entertaining! Ms Nudge should be wagging her tail, though.
I call being in the middle of that hug!
So Phix has been promoted from the “least sphinx” to the co-head librarian with Nudge by the “Library”. I wonder if she considers it a step up?…
Sphinxes and demons and books, oh my…
Boob squish!
I want inside Paul’s head. I want the whole story, from beginning to end. I want it now. Oh, these serials are such torment!
I understand that while Paul has a good idea of the overall direction of the tale, written well out in advance, the day-to-day details are more short term, and subject to change.
Speaking of which, ain’t it time for a ‘nuther book yet?
You know, I was thinking this one myself.
Roomies? I think they made and then re-made that web comic already.
does this mean that other things like Nudge will butt heads with each other like Rams do?
I think horns generally imply magic or otherworldly beings. I read a comic (I think it was a comic) where the horns were cut off of the character and he lost his magic. Also see Horned God.
Hell, I KNEW Phix would get out of there eventually; all she needed was a small nudge!
I just thought of something. Phix said she hid the book of law that says that Nudge must remain in the library and serve as the librarian. The sphinxes must enforce that book. Nothing the voice said seems to have actually changed anything.
I doubt the book could have been edited. The book probably isn’t in the library or Nudge could have found it. There is no indication that the library could retrieve anything, except maybe the sphinxes. It would be strange if a library could edit its own books, anyway. If someone had the book elsewhere and had the ability to edit it, I don’t know why they would have impersonated the library, so I doubt that happened. So nothing the library said today probably would affect Nudge.
As for Phix, I don’t see how anything affected her, either, except that she may be awed enough to believe that it did. Phix could come and go before and now she was told that she will still be able to do that. She probably could have volunteered to help the library patrons, so being told to do it as a co-head librarian wouldn’t really change anything, except in her mind.
I am by no means certain that it is the library talking. I’m not sure that Tina would be clever enough to pull this off, but she might have wanted to do it to keep Phix occupied. Perhaps it is Jin, particularly if Jin happened to be taking refuge from her schizophrenia in the library.
I wonder what would happen if the Nudge tried to leave the library. Would Phix and the other sphinxes be compelled to bring her back? How else could anything the voice said be verified?
Oh I don’t know…laws change from time to time in government. I don’t see why they couldn’t be changed in a Library.
Yes I know I’m making light of a serious conjecture, but my point remains the same. We don’t know much about the Library as an entity at all since it’s only just been formally introduced as something more than a nebulous entity. It could have all sorts of powers over its books…especially those that concern its own laws.
Now, the idea that the voice could belong to someone other than the Library…at this point I’m inclined to agree that its not Tina. I doubt Tina would make the kind of sweeping “law-changing” kind of statement that was just made. After all, she’s been a law enforcer, too (i.e. when Monica’s Doubt and Jin’s Doubt pitted the two against each other).
I’m not sure I agree that it could be Jin because she’s seemed a little less in control and far more childlike of late. This kind of assured comment is more in line with the Jin she was before the calendar machine fiasco was resolved.
Now…Bud I could see making this kind of statement…I just don’t think she’d be here given how little she has trusted Phix in the past. Or maybe Mayahuel could be the voice, but I don’t know why she’d be qualified to make that kind of judgment.
Nope…I’m going to go with “the Library is its own separate entity (or perhaps is powered by a man behind a curtain).” I think they’d have recognized the voice of one of the other characters by now.
Heh, I think I sounded more certain than I was. Originally, there was a “who knows?” in there that I edited out. Still, if the library’s enforcement system allowed Nudge to escape simply because a destroyed book hadn’t yet been recreated, things are lawful stupid, at best, as other people have been saying.
The other thing is that I get the impression that the library didn’t say anything to Phix, ever. Why would it choose now, but not when Nudge escaped, to talk to Phix.
FWIW, I could almost imagine Brandi being the voice. After all, it was like a mother to say, “You two need to settle down and stop fighting like that,” but the current loop Brandi probably wouldn’t be misleading. Speaking of mothers though, Maya would be a voice that they might not recognize and if Monica recognized her, she might not say anything. But who knows?
Talk about an awesome odd couple! And Nudge is so adorable! I’m almost going to regret when she returns to Tina’s body! (or will she?)
“I’m going to lock your asses in this room until you either kill each other or come out hugging and singing kumbaya…..”
The library just Mom’d their asses… and I don’t see it going well.
I went back and read it again. This time I noticed Nudge biting her lip in the first panel, and laughed out loud again.
have you noticed that the library never talks while nudge is talking? are we sure that nudge doesn’t just know voice casting or verbal telepathy?