I’m suddenly remembering a comic a while back (don’t have the direct url handy) in which Jin is sitting at a bar (possibly in the coffee shop) thinking to herself about Shelly, “She’s not your friend in this loop” or along those lines, like she was trying to console herself.
Consider, they might want to destroy all portals, to prevent something like this from happening again.
In all of Wapsi I’m the least fond of the Shelly character and yet she was “pushed” into this entire story arc because Jin shifted the tattoo to her. Otherwise she would not have been a needed participant. Thus out of all of them I find I’m most sympathetic to her at the moment. I feel it would have been better to have at least one male character involved as it has felt like 5 women fixing a dishwasher… A time controling malfunctioning dishwasher!
(Note today marks 70 Wapsi strips without a male character speaking)
From what I’ve seen everyone involved in this got pushed into it. I would have liked to see Kevin’s input here to though. However bringing up your perception of female incompetence in dealing with machinery probably isn’t the way to go about getting that.
Used to be someone who signed itself “scottfreitas” commenting on editorial cartoons at GoComics – it was not only a far-right wingnut but also a raving homophobic misogynist – anything it diodn’t like it blames on “feminized Demoncrats”…
Interesting – I said nothing about incompetence. Rather the lack of male participation in the storyline has left me wondering about them. It is a good thing that Kevin did start the process by suggesting they fix the dishwasher early.
Shelly was pulled into the situation by someone already stuck in it – a bit different than the other involvements.
Well said Paul… Sorry, I will try and be more mindful of other people’s triggers. It is too bad they would automatically assume that 5 women could not fix a supernatural dishwasher.
“Is that a hair-trigger or are you just happy to misunderstand me?”
Not me. I like it just the way it is. Just because the story does not go the typical soap opera route and dwell endlessly on inter-gender relationships does not make it bad. That’s just typical politically correct thinking. The story line is about the inter-personal relationships between these women/monsters/demons. They have other relationships, but they are not germane to the Wapsi world as setup these past years. My vote? Don’t change a thing.
What I’m wondering is:
Will there always be a portal stuck in the demon realm?
I imagine it would be hard to grab a portal cloth and pull it with you as you go through it!!!
Actually, that was exactly what I was wondering. Would it be possible for Bud to push Jin’s mother thru the portal cloth, then as she jumps through, would the last thing be her hand reaching back through, grabbing the edge of the cloth, and pulling hard to drag the fabric through the event horizon.
There was an old episode of Futurama where the Professor had boxes and boxes filled with complete universes. The gang met up with their alternate selves in a sister universe. At the end, the two professors reach through their own boxes to the other universe, grabbed the other’s box, and pulled, so that each had the box containing their own universe in their own universe instead of the others. (I guess you had to see it.)
It was “a very unnerving sensation” when Tina came out of her the 1st time.
I anticipate the promise that “it won’t hurt” from a being that is nigh indestructible and may not remember base sensations like pain on a normal human level any more is not what I would call “confidence inspiring.”
Love their expressions!
As for the tattoo, is it like a semi-invisible/visible type tattoo at times?
Wonder how it would look as a blacklight tattoo (haven’t tried one of those myself yet, but would be quite cool to have and see it glow in a club)
It was in locked mode, like on this page: http://wapsisquare.com/comic/dontfreak/
2nd Panel ROCKS!
I just love the look on their faces, and its great to see Jin normal again!
It’s like the one scene in the intro to Scooby Doo, where they all suddenly look at the camera at the same time!
Well, except insofar as when Jin has these “normal” eyes, it’s an indication that she is having a mental break. So, tread carefully!
Shelly certainly would be popular in a rave party, like this.
They are all “Ooooh~”
What’s gonna come out!? What’s gonna come out!?
Huh, whenever somebody tells me that, they are freaking lying! I have a feeling that whatever is going to happen is going to hurt…a lot.
Man, Shelly looks real cool in the last panel. That and her “Bud better not have lied to me” expression.
Maybe she’ll get a lollipop after, like at the doctor’s office.
She knows that it won’t hurt – at least, it didn’t hurt the last time…
But was it glowing like this the last time? This looks different from when Tina went through.
Could be where they’re coming from?
I’m thinking that’s the case – remember, Tina just came out of a dark, damp basement.
Link to when Tina came through:
Whoever comes through is gonna get stuck in Shelly’s shirt. Rip or elastiman noises, hmmmmm…..
Hey, no fair! I want a giant glowing face tattoo too! Unless it really does hurt, in which case I only want a small one.
The glow goes right through her pants… She has a GLOWING crotch. Would make private evenings rather interesting wouldn’t it? XD
But in all honesty that is an excellent panel. ^_^
Aztech’s invented boy shorts!
Aha! I think I’m finally starting to understand how the ancient magic works
in this world. It’s been rather confusing at times…
The first thing occurring to my admittedly simple mind is that Bud will be coming back through with Jin’s mother …
Either that or a fully-functional calendar machine. With Mamma in tow.
Ah, it was fully functional. At least now it will be Properly Functional!
Actually, what Bud told Shelly was “You may feel a little pressure….”
Wait, did you say, “You may feel a little pleasure…”
I’m suddenly remembering a comic a while back (don’t have the direct url handy) in which Jin is sitting at a bar (possibly in the coffee shop) thinking to herself about Shelly, “She’s not your friend in this loop” or along those lines, like she was trying to console herself.
Consider, they might want to destroy all portals, to prevent something like this from happening again.
I’m suddenly very worried for Shelly.
Okay, not what I remember. But I don’t know if it makes it better or worse…
I always knew she was a bright young woman!
In all of Wapsi I’m the least fond of the Shelly character and yet she was “pushed” into this entire story arc because Jin shifted the tattoo to her. Otherwise she would not have been a needed participant. Thus out of all of them I find I’m most sympathetic to her at the moment. I feel it would have been better to have at least one male character involved as it has felt like 5 women fixing a dishwasher… A time controling malfunctioning dishwasher!
(Note today marks 70 Wapsi strips without a male character speaking)
…undt zo?
From what I’ve seen everyone involved in this got pushed into it. I would have liked to see Kevin’s input here to though. However bringing up your perception of female incompetence in dealing with machinery probably isn’t the way to go about getting that.
Used to be someone who signed itself “scottfreitas” commenting on editorial cartoons at GoComics – it was not only a far-right wingnut but also a raving homophobic misogynist – anything it diodn’t like it blames on “feminized Demoncrats”…
Interesting – I said nothing about incompetence. Rather the lack of male participation in the storyline has left me wondering about them. It is a good thing that Kevin did start the process by suggesting they fix the dishwasher early.
Shelly was pulled into the situation by someone already stuck in it – a bit different than the other involvements.
I think the part where you said, “it has felt like 5 women fixing a dishwasher” might have triggered a misunderstanding of what you meant.
Well said Paul… Sorry, I will try and be more mindful of other people’s triggers. It is too bad they would automatically assume that 5 women could not fix a supernatural dishwasher.
“Is that a hair-trigger or are you just happy to misunderstand me?”
Nimrod, you are so wrong; it is a supernatural xerox machine.
Not me. I like it just the way it is. Just because the story does not go the typical soap opera route and dwell endlessly on inter-gender relationships does not make it bad. That’s just typical politically correct thinking. The story line is about the inter-personal relationships between these women/monsters/demons. They have other relationships, but they are not germane to the Wapsi world as setup these past years. My vote? Don’t change a thing.
I remember when Shelly first got the tattoo and everyone was wondering what the tattoo looked like beyond the beltline. Now we know!
Well, actually we knew from the original cloth that Tepoz “analyzed” for Monica way back when…
What I’m wondering is:
Will there always be a portal stuck in the demon realm?
I imagine it would be hard to grab a portal cloth and pull it with you as you go through it!!!
Actually, that was exactly what I was wondering. Would it be possible for Bud to push Jin’s mother thru the portal cloth, then as she jumps through, would the last thing be her hand reaching back through, grabbing the edge of the cloth, and pulling hard to drag the fabric through the event horizon.
There was an old episode of Futurama where the Professor had boxes and boxes filled with complete universes. The gang met up with their alternate selves in a sister universe. At the end, the two professors reach through their own boxes to the other universe, grabbed the other’s box, and pulled, so that each had the box containing their own universe in their own universe instead of the others. (I guess you had to see it.)
Seems to me I remember it was done in a past strip, but not sure…
It was “a very unnerving sensation” when Tina came out of her the 1st time.
I anticipate the promise that “it won’t hurt” from a being that is nigh indestructible and may not remember base sensations like pain on a normal human level any more is not what I would call “confidence inspiring.”
Is it just my imagination, or does that bottom left image on the bottom panel look like Dietzel?
I’ve assumed it’s a jaguar carving on my read-throughs over the years. I’ve yet to catch a clue that it is otherwise.
It’s kind of funny how after all her worrying and fretting about it, Monica wasn’t really required to actually DO anything other than show up.
Don’t forget being stabbed in the head by her close friend. And the freakout that played out beforehand.
I just read from page one to now in the course of two days. This cliffhanger stuff is damned killing me now.
Here comes that gut feeling…