Shelly’s lack of embarrassment is definitely chuckle-worthy, but not in the same magnitude as the other two. Certainly adds to the humor, though, and likely helps boost the rest of the hilarity!
Although popcorn seems like the most likely candidate for what’s in the bag we don’t actually see what’s in there. It could be something else. A bag of Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies for example. Or a bag of beef jerky. Luci seems like a beef jerky kind of gal.
True, but “bag of popcorn” is a reliable trope-ic shorthand for “sit back and watch this unfold”. So, while it might not be a bag of actual popcorn, it’s definitely a bag of figurative popcorn.
I am glad that Luci called Shelly to tell these stories, because they were not her stories to tell.
I do suspect there may be a little residual resentment there, considering her distrust when she was tapped to mentor Castella, so I have to wonder what she’ll do when she finds out about Shelly’s heritage and alternate form.
You spent 80,000 years essentially alone, with only an Elemental that appeared like your 10 year old-self, and had to watch 56 other yous die to lethal radiation? And your mom faked her own death just to “toughen you up” at that age of 10 , that resulted in over a decade of trama? And your mom-god was also psychologically busted by being in the proximity to a functional apocalypse? Who’s three parts you are friends with? …. If you were a book, your cover art does not at all match your contents.
I think we’re talking about different things. I meant Luci, when approached to mentor Castella, had an instant distrust of the assignment on learning it was Shelly who recommended her.
(Although there was a fair amount of skepticism all around.)
So, with that, I would not have put it past her to tell Shelly’s stories, but I’m glad she refrained and got Shelly to tell them instead.
Why is it shocking that Owen has not been mentioned since he and Lakshmi left?
Until now, there would have been no reason to bring him up, and even now it is only in passing (like bad gas)
Cause Mr. and Mrs. “no longer appearing in this comic” still have fans and we wonder how they’re doing. We still get glimpses of pretty much every other recurring character(I think even Heather had an appearance not all that long ago). The new generation has grown on me(pun not intended), but I love seeing the original cast from before the time skip that brought the story to center more on Castela
So, we really need somebody (perhaps Phix) to do a three-way ranking as to whose screwups were worse: Castela, Shelly, or Timmy with his slide-whistle flatulence during a math test.
Pretty sure she’s clued in on all this stuff now… I don’t know if sphinxes have been specifically mentioned, but she’s certainly aware of stuff like what Castela is…
Y’know, it could be a bag of jawbreakers, or some other appropriate movie candy. (We usually favored Jujubees, but they don’t sell them over the counter ’round here anymore.)
Junior mints can be quite refreshing (especially when observing abdominal surgery in the operating theater).
A neighbor and I went to see the “Sabrina” remake (looong time ago now) and she introduced me to the delightful practice of pouring a large box of whoppers into the vat-o-popcirn. Delish!
Is it just me? or is Shelly rocking her own Gray[at thhe TEMPLES!]
A> Isn’t that a MALE graying pattern? and
B> If thhat is hair-shine, wouldn’t it follow the shape of her head, and change as she moved?
Ah… youth. Definitely a sure sign of it is the certainty that no one else has gone through what you have or that nothing will ever be as serious as it is right now. Don’t miss those parts!
…I do miss the high metabolist, though
I’m not sure what’s funnier in that last panel: Castela’s shocked face, or Luci’s bag of popcorn. XD
Luci’s popcorn
Deffo the popcorn
Before the movie starts, I’ll have cheese nachos and a Coke, please
Or Shelly’s complete lack of embarrassment about telling these stories…
Shelly’s lack of embarrassment is definitely chuckle-worthy, but not in the same magnitude as the other two. Certainly adds to the humor, though, and likely helps boost the rest of the hilarity!
She has had 80,000 years to ruminate over it all
Definitely the popcorn.
Popcorn. But the bag should be bigger.
The bag should be a big bowl so she can share.
The popcorn. The face is good, but the popcorn takes it over the top.
The popcorn. Todays comic is comic gold.
Gotta have popcorn
Although popcorn seems like the most likely candidate for what’s in the bag we don’t actually see what’s in there. It could be something else. A bag of Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies for example. Or a bag of beef jerky. Luci seems like a beef jerky kind of gal.
True, but “bag of popcorn” is a reliable trope-ic shorthand for “sit back and watch this unfold”. So, while it might not be a bag of actual popcorn, it’s definitely a bag of figurative popcorn.
Pass the popcorn, please.
“Ok, granted, that was 80,000 years ago, but Holy Crom On A Biscuit!“
Your God…
Crom laughs at your four winds. Laughs on his mountain.
But the four winds are above Crom…heh heh…
Oh, and, contemplate this on the tree of woe…
whoa… ,
First mention of Owen in a good while, hope he and his Lakshmi are doing well
We may find out…
well, they surely were doing “it” well last time we heard of them…
Ah, a word we’ve not heard since what, 2004? 2005?
Luci pulled the bag from the popcorn equivalent of hammer-space!
I am glad that Luci called Shelly to tell these stories, because they were not her stories to tell.
I do suspect there may be a little residual resentment there, considering her distrust when she was tapped to mentor Castella, so I have to wonder what she’ll do when she finds out about Shelly’s heritage and alternate form.
You spent 80,000 years essentially alone, with only an Elemental that appeared like your 10 year old-self, and had to watch 56 other yous die to lethal radiation? And your mom faked her own death just to “toughen you up” at that age of 10 , that resulted in over a decade of trama? And your mom-god was also psychologically busted by being in the proximity to a functional apocalypse? Who’s three parts you are friends with? …. If you were a book, your cover art does not at all match your contents.
I think we’re talking about different things. I meant Luci, when approached to mentor Castella, had an instant distrust of the assignment on learning it was Shelly who recommended her.
(Although there was a fair amount of skepticism all around.)
So, with that, I would not have put it past her to tell Shelly’s stories, but I’m glad she refrained and got Shelly to tell them instead.
Well, i figured she was gonna tell stories about her own encounters with Shelly.
I particularly recall the tire pump.
Bring in Monica and they can play a game of “can you top this?”
(And I think it’s the first we’ve heard of Owen since he and Lakshmi eloped.)
Yep. Aunt M needs to be brought into this… Hell PHIX needs to be brought in on this one.
I’m sure MOST of the ladies in this comic need to be brought in.
At Which Point the stink weed points out.. Well damn.. I come from a long line of whack jobs.
She can finally take some consolation in knowing she was adopted.
You may be adopted Stinkweed, but you fit right in!
Why is it shocking that Owen has not been mentioned since he and Lakshmi left?
Until now, there would have been no reason to bring him up, and even now it is only in passing (like bad gas)
Cause Mr. and Mrs. “no longer appearing in this comic” still have fans and we wonder how they’re doing. We still get glimpses of pretty much every other recurring character(I think even Heather had an appearance not all that long ago). The new generation has grown on me(pun not intended), but I love seeing the original cast from before the time skip that brought the story to center more on Castela
If you cannot be a good example at least be a dire warning.
Yup, every little weed believes their mistakes were worse, or the first
Love the popcorn, Luci knew what was coming. Castela needs the “blue screen of death” in her eyes or something.
The good, old fashioned, double TILT.
So, we really need somebody (perhaps Phix) to do a three-way ranking as to whose screwups were worse: Castela, Shelly, or Timmy with his slide-whistle flatulence during a math test.
Best use of popcorn meme ever!
Actually, I’d claim it’s only tied for best use in an episode involving Shelly:
(Of course, that’s a pretty high bar.)
You are quite right! Id forgotten that : Thanks!
Pretty sure she’s clued in on all this stuff now… I don’t know if sphinxes have been specifically mentioned, but she’s certainly aware of stuff like what Castela is…
Luci met Phix, and fan-gushed all over the poor befuddled Librarian – so I kinda think Luci knows about Sphinxes…
Close your mouth, stinkweed . . . or are you related to the venus flytrap?
Y’know, it could be a bag of jawbreakers, or some other appropriate movie candy. (We usually favored Jujubees, but they don’t sell them over the counter ’round here anymore.)
Junior mints can be quite refreshing (especially when observing abdominal surgery in the operating theater).
A neighbor and I went to see the “Sabrina” remake (looong time ago now) and she introduced me to the delightful practice of pouring a large box of whoppers into the vat-o-popcirn. Delish!
Shelly will always be my favorite character.
Is it just me? or is Shelly rocking her own Gray[at thhe TEMPLES!]
A> Isn’t that a MALE graying pattern? and
B> If thhat is hair-shine, wouldn’t it follow the shape of her head, and change as she moved?
Ah… youth. Definitely a sure sign of it is the certainty that no one else has gone through what you have or that nothing will ever be as serious as it is right now. Don’t miss those parts!
…I do miss the high metabolist, though