Option 1: One of them plants a kiss on the other (or they go in simultaneously).
Option 2: They both break into tears and hug each other.
Option 3: They both turn away embarrassed as all get go.
Tune in (virtual) tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel….
If this is a ship, I’m not a fan. I could see it if it became a triad between Shawna, Castela and Hiroshi, but as a stand alone couple not right now. And since it probably will be brought up, most of the couplings work in the narrative of the story, Atsali and Nadette; and Monica and Georgette comes to mind immediately.
Just this one, if it becomes immediately romantic, feels force.
Well that’s awkward pause of the century hanging there. Both of them thinking at least for a moment. “maybe the best guy for me isn’t a guy at all… maybe the best person for me is her. OMG why did I think that!” BLUSH! that could light any major city in the world at midnight. Ahh for the young days when we all struggled searching for our sexual identity. (some of do so their whole life) so many thoughts so many choices. The confusion the angst! will others judge me. will other accept me or reject me. who am I? what am I? let the drama and adventure of life begin. I both envy and lament what Castela and Shawna are about to go though. both so young they have both tasted just a drop of what the search for love can a will do to you.
P.S. I got lucky VERY lucky. found the person who is my other half. my moon and stars. the yin to my yang. I know how rare that is. the chance any of us have to find the person who is not only the best friend you have ever had. but also be the person who fits perfectly into your heart. is like winning the lottery. twice. in the same day. which is why I don’t play the lottery any more.. I used any and all luck I will ever have on finding her. I wish all the rest of you well on your search for your other half. who ever that maybe.
…Sometimes you just need someone who will just listen while you talk, and then be honest, earnest, and non-judgemental when you stop. Bravado, snark, and tuff-luv are not cure-alls.
Some people go to priests, life-coaches, therapists, etc. for this, but a LOT =don’t= get this, from anyone, ever.
Remember, Castela, when you walked in on Atsali and Nadette? Someday, you and Shawna may provide an image we’ll have to scrub *our* eyeballs to try to get rid of.
Meanwhile, there’s still that wall hanging there at school like Chekhov’s gun, waiting for someone to come along in utter frustration, punch it and turn into the opposite sex for a month.
You know, not everything needs to be sexual/romantic. Paul does still use blushes for plain old embarrassment. I just read this as two people thinking that they had put their feet in their mouths. Or realizing that they each have found a friend that cares.
Oh, dear, look at those blushes. Have Shawna and Castela found out something about themselves?
Daylla and Hiroshi will be *so* jealous…
Are you kidding? That’s a blush for the AGES!!!
Freudian slip, Centaur71?
Could be subtly pointing out that both characters are still minors at this time in the canon.
Option 1: One of them plants a kiss on the other (or they go in simultaneously).
Option 2: They both break into tears and hug each other.
Option 3: They both turn away embarrassed as all get go.
Tune in (virtual) tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel….
Actually, tune in Monday, at the earliest. Dang cliffhangers!
actually i think that’s the “VIBE” Great Scott was going for with the ‘ (virtual) ‘ remark…
Any of the options is possible but it’s probably gonna be C
(this joke brought to you by Funny, Inc.)
If this is a ship, I’m not a fan. I could see it if it became a triad between Shawna, Castela and Hiroshi, but as a stand alone couple not right now. And since it probably will be brought up, most of the couplings work in the narrative of the story, Atsali and Nadette; and Monica and Georgette comes to mind immediately.
Just this one, if it becomes immediately romantic, feels force.
Forced, like Stela and Hiro? o_O
If something cums of this, it won’t be immediate
Interesting spelling, given the subject at hand. xD
Nearly all ‘mispellings’ are intentional
Nearly all, except when ottocorrect is involved!
They’ve each found out something about themselves. Just not with each other.
I see this as more of a conversation opener
To quote one of my favorite Star Trek actors: “Oh my”
Ship it, ship it gooood!!!
Also, context!
I like this ark very much so far and I’m perfectly happy to follow along to see where Paul takes it.,
Well, that escalated quickly.
Not… really, they have been slowly circling for months
I haven’t commented on here for ages. But this needs my vote;
Yeah. I’d ship it.
this seems like a good spot for this.!!
That is hilarious! Thanks, I needed a good laugh this morning!
I’ve seen ^other^ A(nime)M(usic)V(ideos), on YouTube, using that same song
Now that’s a lightbulb moment!
I didn’t know I needed that video until I watched it.
The song was meh, but good video.
That was hilarious.
And then in the ad, Carlos Santana offered to teach me to play guitar!
Which is much like when I offer to teach the cats to type.
That version is much better than the M.L.P. one
Well that’s awkward pause of the century hanging there. Both of them thinking at least for a moment. “maybe the best guy for me isn’t a guy at all… maybe the best person for me is her. OMG why did I think that!” BLUSH! that could light any major city in the world at midnight. Ahh for the young days when we all struggled searching for our sexual identity. (some of do so their whole life) so many thoughts so many choices. The confusion the angst! will others judge me. will other accept me or reject me. who am I? what am I? let the drama and adventure of life begin. I both envy and lament what Castela and Shawna are about to go though. both so young they have both tasted just a drop of what the search for love can a will do to you.
P.S. I got lucky VERY lucky. found the person who is my other half. my moon and stars. the yin to my yang. I know how rare that is. the chance any of us have to find the person who is not only the best friend you have ever had. but also be the person who fits perfectly into your heart. is like winning the lottery. twice. in the same day. which is why I don’t play the lottery any more.. I used any and all luck I will ever have on finding her. I wish all the rest of you well on your search for your other half. who ever that maybe.
In a different time and place, I feel the next line would be, “How about them Bears?”
Here, I have no idea what’s next and that’s the best feeling in a story.
This is a satisfying narrative solution.
I’m feeling like next page they’ll both burst out laughing at unintentional innuendo.
…Sometimes you just need someone who will just listen while you talk, and then be honest, earnest, and non-judgemental when you stop. Bravado, snark, and tuff-luv are not cure-alls.
Some people go to priests, life-coaches, therapists, etc. for this, but a LOT =don’t= get this, from anyone, ever.
I am waiting for the flowers to explode out of her head.
“Ev’rything’s comin’ up RO-OOSSSES…”
Remember, Castela, when you walked in on Atsali and Nadette? Someday, you and Shawna may provide an image we’ll have to scrub *our* eyeballs to try to get rid of.
I’m betting on Daylla busting in one them, and…
And requesting to join in? o_O
Meanwhile, there’s still that wall hanging there at school like Chekhov’s gun, waiting for someone to come along in utter frustration, punch it and turn into the opposite sex for a month.
Just saying.
You know, not everything needs to be sexual/romantic. Paul does still use blushes for plain old embarrassment. I just read this as two people thinking that they had put their feet in their mouths. Or realizing that they each have found a friend that cares.
I think you may be right.
I notice neither of them are wearing overcoats.
reads through the comment to see my previous “now kiss” comment, doesn’t find it… damn Mandela Effect. ~<3