Judging from the way our mystery lady and Bud came out of Shelly in last week’s strip, she probably landed face first on the ground and probably couldn’t smell anything else but dirt at this point.
Bud kick butt! And now who’s expecting one heck of a family reunion?
Maybe the lady Bud rescued (Jin’s mom seems the popular choice) is just noticing the scent of the real world which she hasn’t smelled in, what – how many centuries?
80,000 years and change, if I remember correctly. Roughly 1450 years for each loop, times 50-odd resets of the calendar machine. A long time to spend “ripped out of place and time”.
You see Shelly? The “this will not hurt one bit” line is ALWAYS a lie. Man, that looks like the mother of all pen explosions; consider that shirt a complete loss.
Hopefully, Jin’s mom isn’t jilted after just being jerked from a perilous parallel dimensional (?) prison of epic proportions.
Bud’s brashness and bravery will hopefully not go unnoticed by Jin, but Brandi may balefully brandish a bad omen for or bicker with bud for not including her in the plan. Or just bop her on the brain-case.
(?) = Can anyone confirm if the dimensions (demon, real, other) are parallel or some other form of perhaps intersecting dimensions?
Considering Jin’s mother was a murdering bitch with little or no regard for human life, just why did she deserve rescuing from what seems to be a fitting punishment for her horrific crimes?
This is a good question. And, it could very well be the theme of the strip from here on out.
The idea is, apparently, that Mayahuel took the role of “wizard” to the evil prince in the strip that led off The Timekeeper’s Daughter so as to advance the plans to get the time machine back working. Why, we don’t know.
By the way: I sense that her “real” name is actually Mae or May, since Jin’s “full” Aztec name would be Centontochtli, which could be reduced to “Cen” or, more accurately, “Jin”.
First thing that comes to mind is Bud’s loyalty to Jin and Brandi. Jin wanted to grow old and die – but wasn’t that predicated on the calendar machine being fixed? It’s not fixed — it’s gone. Mayahuel was the only person there when the machine went off the rails, who had a hand in creating it. Does she know something that Bud feels is going to be needed? Remember, this is not the repair foreseen — the whole time track just went sideways on us.
More — Mayahuel is, after all, the one who created the technology to create golems. She is herself a golem – did Bud hope to have her reverse the process? Or give up keys to let her, and Brandi, and Jin, live more normal lives?
The calendar machine was the stop in the time loop, and has now been removed. In theory, time will now run unimpeded. But will this solve all problems, and let all become sweetness and light? I don’t think so. Removing the calendar machine might have just pulled the cork out of the genie’s bottle, and all sorts of nasty things that have been hanging fire are now free to escape …
Right here: . The point being she was so powerful she didn’t have to kill anyone to get in to see the king, she just took those lives so as to impress him.
Mentioned previously back in December of 2006 (You Need Better Protection). That was initially believed to be Jin in a past incarnation, but it has been hinted that her mom has actually “made appearances” at times during the calendar machine’s run. How, why, when and where, we don’t know (except for the teaching Monica how to speak glyph).
Ah, ok thanks… yes, I was definitely under the impression that that was Jin, not her mother (since in the strip before that one Brandi says Jin mentioned her “last interview”). But it sounds like you guys have probably already debated this at length!
Well, even if she deserved a life sentence for what she did, serving 80,000 years should allow a reprieve or parole at least. And, besides, Jin (and maybe the other GGs) seem to need her.
Everybody seems to be assuming that this is Jin’s mom. While I do think that makes an awful lot of sense I had another interesting theory. From the back that would be any number of people, including Tina, the girl from the coffee shop. Bud and her did have an encounter the one time where Bud was obviously not pleased with Demon-Tina’s presence. Perhaps when Tina died she was sent to the demon world because of her demons staying behind and possessing her body..
If it is Tina, does that mean the demons that make up the current Tina go back to her, or does she get a whole new set, or will she just be demonless? I’m still sticking with it being Amelia Earhart.
It’s shown indirectly in the flashback sequence when Monica runs away from Doubt and runs in front of a bus in Mexico City. Tina is killed when her car runs into the back of the bus when it stops very suddenly (assisted by Jin).
The consensus is that Monica, age fourteen (as i recall) was attempting suicide and she winds up in a retreat for the very very bewildered for a couple years.
“very very bewildered” well… That’s one way to put it. I like the euphemism. And quite bewildered she was. I am morbidly curious in how many ways she tried suicide. At least two are known of, but the bus incident may not EXACTLY have been a suicide attempt given that she was running from DEMONS (Tina’s to be exact, if I remember correctly from comics and comments, and hence why her demons (Tina’s) now have forgotten all things previous to being ‘Tina’, etc.). But stabbing a sharpened pencil into an artery… that is a very VERY “hardcore” suicide attempt (not to say that being “hardcore” is a good thing [Please Insert Usual “DON’T FUCKING TRY THIS AT HOME” disclaimer here]). Which it does make me wonder at times with the people who attempt suicide on their state of lucidity. They are lucid enough to attempt it and sometimes succeed, but they are somewhat “bewildered” to be driven to it in the first place…
and who was last seen coolly exiting the scene after Shelly broke off the blade in Monica’s skull, thereby “locking” her? I don’t think so.
I think it’s Jin’s mom – and the reason she’s commenting on smelling dirt is she’s going to accuse them all of living like pigs the last 80,000 years and clean the place up. Moms do that when they visit.
Out of the loop demons, HA! Sounds like a band. Or that’s just me.
You know you’ve been gone a long time when you start to miss the little things like the smell of dirt. In fiery pits or other traditionally demon infested planes you don’t get any breaks to stop and smell the roses (or in this case, dirt) cause there aren’t any. And there’s demons after you. Both compelling reasons.
And painless tattoo removal via poit? Sounds like this could turn into a business!
Shelly will be all right. At least she didn’t get it lasered off all at once. Her entire front would be all tender and ashy, and she might end up with a killer moisterizing lotion bill.
OH snap! Get ready for some crazy ass introductions!
When did the smell of dirt come up before? I don’t remember.
I don’t think it has.
I think it’s more that she back where there is dirt to smell. I.e., no longer in the demonscape.
I think living without the scent of soil would be a harsh price, indeed.
Love the Kukuburi avatar. =]
Ah – thanks 🙂
I’d include petrichor – the smell after a rain.
Judging from the way our mystery lady and Bud came out of Shelly in last week’s strip, she probably landed face first on the ground and probably couldn’t smell anything else but dirt at this point.
That’s not Bud. Based on the hair color, I would put my bet on Jin’s mother.
Shelly should keep that shirt. It’d be a crazy design and it would remind her what getting a tattoo removed feels like.
“I can smell dirt again.” That’s got to be the most unique first words in the history of comics.
Bud kick butt! And now who’s expecting one heck of a family reunion?
Maybe the lady Bud rescued (Jin’s mom seems the popular choice) is just noticing the scent of the real world which she hasn’t smelled in, what – how many centuries?
80,000 years and change, if I remember correctly. Roughly 1450 years for each loop, times 50-odd resets of the calendar machine. A long time to spend “ripped out of place and time”.
You see Shelly? The “this will not hurt one bit” line is ALWAYS a lie. Man, that looks like the mother of all pen explosions; consider that shirt a complete loss.
But at least she saved the bra…
That’s what happened to the boots!
I said they were ass-kicking boots – Bud had a few more asses to kick than she expected or planned on and wore ’em out.
She kicked some demons in their asses and they got stuck there I’d bet.
…, painlessly poiting the pigment from my pelt …
alliteration is always awesome!
Discerning the odeur of dark, dingy dirt delightfully…
Poisoning pigeons in the park…
Lehrer lyrics leave me LOL’ing.
combo’ed comments should keep coming
Hopefully, Jin’s mom isn’t jilted after just being jerked from a perilous parallel dimensional (?) prison of epic proportions.
Bud’s brashness and bravery will hopefully not go unnoticed by Jin, but Brandi may balefully brandish a bad omen for or bicker with bud for not including her in the plan. Or just bop her on the brain-case.
(?) = Can anyone confirm if the dimensions (demon, real, other) are parallel or some other form of perhaps intersecting dimensions?
Everyone’s efforts encourage excessively elaborate elocutions.
I was actually expecting Shelly to say “Sunova bitch my boobs hurt!” … or something similar….
But deep fried? Yowch.
The new Meso-American Sensation: Deep Fried Tattoo Removal!
What boobs? They aren’t discernible in the second panel at all! How sad. Perhaps Bud pulled out more than ink… Ow.
Deep-fried boobs. Nah… I’ll pass. ;^)
Someone should serve deep fried Cassatella di sant’Agata on a stick at county or state fairs.
Considering Jin’s mother was a murdering bitch with little or no regard for human life, just why did she deserve rescuing from what seems to be a fitting punishment for her horrific crimes?
This is a good question. And, it could very well be the theme of the strip from here on out.
The idea is, apparently, that Mayahuel took the role of “wizard” to the evil prince in the strip that led off The Timekeeper’s Daughter so as to advance the plans to get the time machine back working. Why, we don’t know.
By the way: I sense that her “real” name is actually Mae or May, since Jin’s “full” Aztec name would be Centontochtli, which could be reduced to “Cen” or, more accurately, “Jin”.
A number of possible reasons.
First thing that comes to mind is Bud’s loyalty to Jin and Brandi. Jin wanted to grow old and die – but wasn’t that predicated on the calendar machine being fixed? It’s not fixed — it’s gone. Mayahuel was the only person there when the machine went off the rails, who had a hand in creating it. Does she know something that Bud feels is going to be needed? Remember, this is not the repair foreseen — the whole time track just went sideways on us.
More — Mayahuel is, after all, the one who created the technology to create golems. She is herself a golem – did Bud hope to have her reverse the process? Or give up keys to let her, and Brandi, and Jin, live more normal lives?
The calendar machine was the stop in the time loop, and has now been removed. In theory, time will now run unimpeded. But will this solve all problems, and let all become sweetness and light? I don’t think so. Removing the calendar machine might have just pulled the cork out of the genie’s bottle, and all sorts of nasty things that have been hanging fire are now free to escape …
If you wouldn’t mind, please remind me why her mum is a murdering bitch? I forget the strips where that was established.
Right here: . The point being she was so powerful she didn’t have to kill anyone to get in to see the king, she just took those lives so as to impress him.
Mentioned previously back in December of 2006 (You Need Better Protection). That was initially believed to be Jin in a past incarnation, but it has been hinted that her mom has actually “made appearances” at times during the calendar machine’s run. How, why, when and where, we don’t know (except for the teaching Monica how to speak glyph).
Darn! I guess I screwed up the link formating in my post. Anyway, jwhouk has it in his.
Ah, ok thanks… yes, I was definitely under the impression that that was Jin, not her mother (since in the strip before that one Brandi says Jin mentioned her “last interview”). But it sounds like you guys have probably already debated this at length!
Well, even if she deserved a life sentence for what she did, serving 80,000 years should allow a reprieve or parole at least. And, besides, Jin (and maybe the other GGs) seem to need her.
Here’s a shot in the dark. What if the mystery woman is the real Tina?
Monica still hasn’t drawn Chekov’s gun, let alone fire it.
Oh, don’t go saying that NOW…
No – Pablo drew it.
Right there in Panel 1.
I wish I could draw and fire it for that last pun…
Everybody seems to be assuming that this is Jin’s mom. While I do think that makes an awful lot of sense I had another interesting theory. From the back that would be any number of people, including Tina, the girl from the coffee shop. Bud and her did have an encounter the one time where Bud was obviously not pleased with Demon-Tina’s presence. Perhaps when Tina died she was sent to the demon world because of her demons staying behind and possessing her body..
If it is Tina, does that mean the demons that make up the current Tina go back to her, or does she get a whole new set, or will she just be demonless? I’m still sticking with it being Amelia Earhart.
That’s weird. Submitted a reply to SoWhyMe, and it never posted.
gus3, who are you, and why do you have my avatar? :p
If you don’t get an avatar from Gravatar, it posts random ones that happen to be site-related.
Ah, so. Perhaps I should get a “gravatar”, then.
Sister and I agree – this page is quite a good example of how your art has evolved. It has the right dynamic for a different story, now.
Do not worry, Shelly – now you have your very own custom tie dye tshirt. Put it under black light, see what it does.
Aside from Tina, there is another long-haired brunette who died in mysterious circumstances, with some sort of connection to the calendar machine.
Tina would be about the only one… unless you’re talking about someone else’s mom?…
Exactly. Someone else. How did she get those dolls in the first place? Maybe this is not a mystery and I missed a spot of exposition.
Where in the series does it show Tina’s death? Or is this only revealed through dialog at some point?
It’s shown indirectly in the flashback sequence when Monica runs away from Doubt and runs in front of a bus in Mexico City. Tina is killed when her car runs into the back of the bus when it stops very suddenly (assisted by Jin).
The consensus is that Monica, age fourteen (as i recall) was attempting suicide and she winds up in a retreat for the very very bewildered for a couple years.
“very very bewildered” well… That’s one way to put it. I like the euphemism. And quite bewildered she was. I am morbidly curious in how many ways she tried suicide. At least two are known of, but the bus incident may not EXACTLY have been a suicide attempt given that she was running from DEMONS (Tina’s to be exact, if I remember correctly from comics and comments, and hence why her demons (Tina’s) now have forgotten all things previous to being ‘Tina’, etc.). But stabbing a sharpened pencil into an artery… that is a very VERY “hardcore” suicide attempt (not to say that being “hardcore” is a good thing [Please Insert Usual “DON’T FUCKING TRY THIS AT HOME” disclaimer here]). Which it does make me wonder at times with the people who attempt suicide on their state of lucidity. They are lucid enough to attempt it and sometimes succeed, but they are somewhat “bewildered” to be driven to it in the first place…
the stranger looks like doubt. she hid behind monica remember and she was the main one orchestraiting everything in monicas past.
and who was last seen coolly exiting the scene after Shelly broke off the blade in Monica’s skull, thereby “locking” her? I don’t think so.
I think it’s Jin’s mom – and the reason she’s commenting on smelling dirt is she’s going to accuse them all of living like pigs the last 80,000 years and clean the place up. Moms do that when they visit.
I meant “make them clean the place up.”
Out of the loop demons, HA! Sounds like a band. Or that’s just me.
You know you’ve been gone a long time when you start to miss the little things like the smell of dirt. In fiery pits or other traditionally demon infested planes you don’t get any breaks to stop and smell the roses (or in this case, dirt) cause there aren’t any. And there’s demons after you. Both compelling reasons.
And painless tattoo removal via poit? Sounds like this could turn into a business!
Am I the only one who looks at her t-shirt and sees a zombie chipmunk?
…or possibly an undead squirrel?
Well, Mr. Rorschach, would you also perhaps see a howling coyote?
oh yea. its in the middle 🙂
I think it’s Jin, that’s the only way she would be able to age as a GGG.
Shelly will be all right. At least she didn’t get it lasered off all at once. Her entire front would be all tender and ashy, and she might end up with a killer moisterizing lotion bill.
May should be in a catatonic sensory overload since she has been without typical “senses” for as long as the loop has lasted
Man, what a ride.
Just sayin’.