Sorta appropriate that the two who are somewhat clueless about how appealing they are should wind up together, at least for now. The relationship may not last… but they have a friendship first, which means that if they do separate they’ve got good odds of being able to fall back to friendship reinforced by the experience of it having been more. That’s something too few people get these days,when it’s common to try to skip the basics and they may not get filled in later.
Okay, placing bets now. I’m betting that that at “peak instability” of Scarlets’ experiment, these two will kiss, and end up in each other’s body, freaky-friday style!
Her buttons are on the correct side, as she is a 21st century person who dresses herself, not a 19th century noblewoman who needs a right-handed maid to dress her.
I’ve been told clothes are supposed to be cut and sewed one way for boys and the other way for girls…and Mindy’s top is cut the boy’s way. Proves nothing, really, as I’ve seen plenty of things in the women’s department that way…though very little the other way in the men’s section. Might indeed be a “this day and age” thing.
D’aaawww . . .
Yeah, watch the two plot threads dovetail in a very weird way. That’s not love you two are feeling, it’s foreshadowing.
No possible way this could go wrong. Not at all…
Ominous musical theme plays on a tuba…
Large, cross-dimensional fin appears, swimming through the ground…
these two are so cute. That said. I am waiting for the fish to start falling out of the sky. Or the lighting to come out of the ground and go up…..
Neither of those things are odd.
Well, fish rain requires a special set of circumstances, but the lighting thing – that’s exactly what does happen.
I hope those feelings are just hormones and not a bleedover from the previous couple comics. 🙂
So that’s the event that made everything go Pic-Asso?
I don’t think they’re going to get a lot of studying done for some reason…
Possibly in Braille.
These two are sweet. Sans raging hormones, it strikes me that they would be a good long-term couple.
Sorta appropriate that the two who are somewhat clueless about how appealing they are should wind up together, at least for now. The relationship may not last… but they have a friendship first, which means that if they do separate they’ve got good odds of being able to fall back to friendship reinforced by the experience of it having been more. That’s something too few people get these days,when it’s common to try to skip the basics and they may not get filled in later.
Well, I knew Mindy was a day student, but I thought Hiroshi was a boarder. This is Hiroshi’s home?
Hiroshi’s house appears that it could be as Japanese as his name is 😏
This cherished moment is about to go sideways when the Picasso Wave from Scarlet’s experiment hits…
Small detail . . . her blouse buttons are arranged “boy style”.
Those aren’t buttons. They’re rivets.
^ heh heh ^
Blouse button failure runs in her family. One of the main trigger conditions is the presence of cute males.
And there was much Canoodling…….and maybe a little doodling as well.
If you want ‘CanoodleDoodles’ you’ll have to join the Patreon!
I’m already a card carrying member me Bucko! 😉
Her buttons are on the wrong side… unless that was originally a mens’ tubetop?
Oh, let’s just give them this moment, so they can remember it for their grandchildren.
Okay, placing bets now. I’m betting that that at “peak instability” of Scarlets’ experiment, these two will kiss, and end up in each other’s body, freaky-friday style!
I love how nerdy these two are
Oh no. I just read other comments and now instead of being just nerdy their lines speak of foreshadowing of some specific hijinks inbound
It’s a good thing Bud crushed the Calendar Machine and threw it into the sun, or I’d expect it to be waiting for them in Hiroshi’s room.
Her buttons are on the correct side, as she is a 21st century person who dresses herself, not a 19th century noblewoman who needs a right-handed maid to dress her.
I’ve been told clothes are supposed to be cut and sewed one way for boys and the other way for girls…and Mindy’s top is cut the boy’s way. Proves nothing, really, as I’ve seen plenty of things in the women’s department that way…though very little the other way in the men’s section. Might indeed be a “this day and age” thing.
Clothing designers rarely cater for the left-handed.
Pleaaaase tell me the sister is hiding with a camera. XD
Think Kellye might have done a disappearing act, so she won’t have to answer awkward questions from Mindy.😉😄
She’s there for……..ahem…….”tutoring”
Judging by the way her breasts have been repositioning themselves, I‘d say it looks like Mindy hasn‘t been wearing a bra 🥴