Also, Tina’s fangs are fully bared as she stares eyelessly in our direction (so to speak). Normally, when a person sees something like that, they wake up screaming.
You know, that might be what’s so jarring: all these horrors behaving in such a mundane fashion. It’s like a zombie eating your brains, and then taking a Tums …
When a demon starts worrying about “the muffin-top” I think we can finally say : “Welcome to being human. You lot are now, officially, declared human.”
You know Jeffery Dahmer seemed normal to most people. He just had a bad habit of killing and eatting his house guest. But other than that, pretty stand up guy.
NO! Jeffrey Dahmer got away with what he did as long as he did not because people thought he was normal but because everybody (including the cops) dismissed him as an “icky f****t” and did not want to get involved in some sort of “deviant” domestic dispute. Another way in which homophobia kills.
Welp, since I don’t think homosexuality is abnormal…I will accept the “they thought Dahmer was normal” response. Doesn’t matter that they thought it was “icky”.
Betcha those people redefined their idea of “icky” after that. Just sayin.
Its nice to see the Tina set goes through the same issues all other women have to! They put their ridiculously tight skinny jeans on one leg at a time!
Old Wolf you surprise me, as I did not think that was your style! So much for judging a book by your cover!!! I miss the Comfy Couch of Confusion forum. Glad to see you again!
It would figure… those #€%*$&@ “fabric freshener” sprays and dryer sheets are quite definitely demonic in origin.
(I’m allergic to a lot of perfumes… if someone arrives wearing clothes saturated in that stuff I have to get the hell out of Dodge immediately, or risk getting a headache ranging from mild up to true migrane intensity. A dose of Georgio perfume from a co-worker actually left me aphasic for several hours… gave me an idea what it must be like to have a stroke… very scary!)
Someplace recently, I read or heard that the active odor-neutralizing compound in Febreeze is odorless (duh), but selling unscented stink killer didn’t work out so well. Turns out that people don’t notice that their own furniture stinks. And so, they had to develop perfumes so strong that the Febreeze couldn’t neutralize them, so they could sell “springtime synthetic nuclear migraine ester fresh.”
Better things for better living through marketing research.
Welcome to the Church of Scientology! Hmmm… it says here your Thetan levels are quite low. For $10,000 we can up your Thetan level for you!
Zenu be praised.
Tss.. And here I was, thinking that those New-Agers and their hippie-talk about “Vibrationz”were weird…
Even weirder.. Scientology was the result of a bet between Asimov, Hubbard and, I believe Niven and Heinlein, that it wás, or wásn’t possible to construct a new religion..
I’ve heard that the “tipping point” was when Hubbard discovered how much money could be made from believers. Before that, his plan was to reveal the bet and what he had done; after that, he was in for the duration.
( not to turn this into a political arena/slaughterhouse, but, do those American Politicians even realize the enormous entertainment value they have for foreigners like me? )
If they don’t they’re dumber than they sound…and I think “talking out of one’s butt” is not reserved for any particular political party. I’m fairly certain they all have that skill covered.
<— Hates politics almost as much as the 24 hour news channels that discuss them all the time.
We’ll try to remain cool and calm
when Alabama gets The Bomb!
What always worries me is that for every wingnut politician spouting nonsense (Left, Right, or sideways) there’s clearly a cohort of voters who take him/her seriously, and agree.
The best brain fart or verbal faux pas I’ve seen today is the one that made the Doonesbury website:
Baltimore radio interviewer: “One of the things, Ann Romney, that folks talk about with your husband, Mitt Romney…Sometimes he comes off stiff…”
Ann Romney: “Well, you know, I guess we better unzip him and let the real Mitt Romney out, because he’s not!”
Well, we already knew from her bikini picture that Tina has Dem Hips, now we know she also has Dat Ass.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but to me Tina could hardly be more attractive right now, multiple personalities, fangs, tentacles and all included
We’ve known for a while that Tina (that is, Tina’s body) is thirty-something, a bit older than pre-forest Selly; this might be the most exact number yet.
Just occurred to me that (if my calculations are correct) that Tina 2.x has had sole possession of the body for the same amount of time that Tina 1.x was alive inside it.
I think not; the traffic accident which killed Tina 1.0 happened only about 10 or 12 years ago, so she would have been in her mid-20s. At the time Monica was 14 (and at the other end of the bus), while Shelly was 13 (and in Minnesota); thanks to Yamara for the chronology page.
It does tend to explain the parallel-parking incident, doesn’t it? A bit of poorly-timed bickering, a bit too much distracted argument, some slight misunderstanding as to who should be watching the curb and who should be running the brake pedal, and then somebody just had to get grabby with that last donut…
I’ve been in meetings like that… too many of ’em. *sigh*.
They’re about as “together” as most of the committees I’ve worked with over the past few decades. Heinlein was right… any group of more than three, has trouble even agreeing in when to have lunch.
Hmm.. Say she throws on some sweats and stop at Kmart on the way to work.
As for Badonkadonk, it wasn’t that bad til I saw the video.
Seriously messed up to watch a “country” video full of wantabe rappers.
Skinny jeans are a crime against humanity (in most cases). They are almost always a crime against self-esteems everywhere, too. Poor Tina…she needs to do her laundry more frequently.
On the Grand Cosmic Scale of Morning Routines, this seems pretty average for any human. Tina gets extra points for being manned by a crew. And this is before anyone has gotten any coffee.
I have the same reaction. The way she tried to hold it together, and then broke down into tears, after she’d (apparently) come so close to death in the great Phix/Nudge punch-out… her musings on her own mortality… her touching respect for Tina 1.0 as shown in the death-doll she made and sometimes speaks to…
Somehow, between them, this gang of demons makes up a pretty nice person (albeit still a “wild animal” who/which cannot entirely be trusted). I’ve met quite a few bona fide humans that I like and trust less than I would Tina.
The biggest redeeming factor of Tina’s “Daemon” (because they are closer to the greek variation of “” inspiration”and such) is that they actually try to do good.
Funny on a deeper level, is that Paul uses Tina to illustrate an old philosophical conundrum: Are we “good”because we want to? And do we want to be “good”because it gives us a “nice feeling”which is egoístic, a negative, non-good emotion.
The Utilitarian view, so to speak.
I would guess that whatever allows demons to enjoy pizza involves the otherwise normal functions of the host body.
Thus, morning sticky buns and nightly pizzas are making the host gain weight.
Though in keeping with the “You are what you eat” theme, the demons may be affected by their own appetites. They have no one to torment but themselves.
Not to mention finishing tucking her bodacious tushie into that shrink-wrap. Hmm…heat-shrink pants…naw, there is always someone out there who will use it for evil rather than good.
“Heat shrink” was how I thought Tsillah might have gotten into that outfit of hers. I was wrong (almost certainly) but it certainly seems as if it might be an idea which has some application?
This week’s strips raise an interesting question: just how corporeal are the demons, under what conditions?
Up until now, I don’t recall our seeing much about demons interacting physically with external objects. We’ve seen demons interacting with each other to some extent (Tina head-conking the two Doubts together) and we’ve seen Monica’s Doubt give her a nose-flick.
Is this (yesterday’s get-the-blinds bit) the first time we’ve ever seen a demon-form directly manipulate an external object, without acting through or on a human body?
The fact that Mr. Tentacle was squooshed out of Tina’s mouth by pressure from below, does suggest that the demons are corporeal to each other, at least part of the time…
I have a pet theory that Blackwing is the main proprietor of the eyes. She may not be up yet. But they obviously are simply not there without demonic corporality.
I believe I recall Doubt picking up the phone and offering to dial for pizza. And the Golem Girls have directly interacted with some of Monica’s demons before.
True, but Tina and the Golem Girls grabbing demons is a supernatural-on-supernatural interaction. It’s not proof demons can handle mundane unliving matter.
Upon further reflection, I find this whole sequence to be more amusing than disturbing. I love how the demons are treated like people just as much as the actual humans.
I suspect saying only guys re-wear dirty clothes is a lot like saying women don’t fart. The only difference here is that since it isn’t a necessary bodily function a lot of them actually probably don’t, but the ones who do will still never admit it.
Semi-dead inside, but reasonably fresh & squeezable exterior.. I don’t see the problem of me being charmed by a well.. preserved…. corpse..ehh..wait… >.<
*tries desperately to find an excuse that does NOT sound too perverse, to explain attraction to the 30-something demon-barista*
What time zone does Paul live in? The time stamps say the pages post at midnight, but I usually don’t get it til at least 2 (usually asleep by then, but I know it’s after 1).
He lives in Minneapolis, which should put him in Central Time (like me in Fort Smith, Ark), but, yeah, 2am appearance times for ‘midnight’ postings. I don’t worry much, it’ll be up tomorrow; I do wonder sometimes if he’s okay (or power fail, internet fail, etc.)
Why is this even creepier than yesterday?
Just a guess, Uncle, but it may be the tentacle in the eye socket….
Also, Tina’s fangs are fully bared as she stares eyelessly in our direction (so to speak). Normally, when a person sees something like that, they wake up screaming.
Have to say, though, that first panel would make one hell of an ad for some popular brand of toothpaste…
…. in Hell, that is.
As scary as Tina is in this strip, I shudder at the thought of how Paul might draw a hung over Tina…
It’s scarier because now we’re certain that those marks on her thighs… are . . .
I would rather have a girl that’s fat, then flat!
Nah, just lumpy demons.
What makes this so creepy?
“We can haz badonka donk?!”
Such a cute phrase, but from her mouth, it has such a terrifying aspect.
It’s actually coming from her neck =)
Because we’re not used to thinking of eyes as an oriface.
Gotta remember; Tina is a demon-actuated corpse; a zed puppet that looked exactly that way when she was laying on the coroner’s exam table.
And yet they manage to seem so together in public.
I think we don’t appreciate how normal Tina seems. Yes…I said normal. All things considered, Tina acts pretty damn normal.
I’d go so far as to say that I have known people who are less likely to be pegged as a “normal human” than Tina.
You know, that might be what’s so jarring: all these horrors behaving in such a mundane fashion. It’s like a zombie eating your brains, and then taking a Tums …
Not to be a pain in the analogy, but I approve of that statement.
I believe you just defined the Uncanny Valley.
I guess so.
When a demon starts worrying about “the muffin-top” I think we can finally say : “Welcome to being human. You lot are now, officially, declared human.”
You know Jeffery Dahmer seemed normal to most people. He just had a bad habit of killing and eatting his house guest. But other than that, pretty stand up guy.
NO! Jeffrey Dahmer got away with what he did as long as he did not because people thought he was normal but because everybody (including the cops) dismissed him as an “icky f****t” and did not want to get involved in some sort of “deviant” domestic dispute. Another way in which homophobia kills.
Welp, since I don’t think homosexuality is abnormal…I will accept the “they thought Dahmer was normal” response. Doesn’t matter that they thought it was “icky”.
Betcha those people redefined their idea of “icky” after that. Just sayin.
trouble is, the definitions of ‘normal’ have almost the same number as there are families in the world…. :/
Yes. “Normal” is what you grew up with.
Just as I read something recently that mentioned a man’s “golden age” is how things were when he was about 7-11.
An the last panel has found a new meme for the internet. Nice one Paul.
It seems planning ahead is not their strong suite. Reacting, however….
silly humans … there are lots of creatures inside of every woman … inside of most guys? … who knows..?
True dat! But I’ve yet to hear a couple of them having an inner dialogue that went further than “brrpl..blôrp..blørpa..”
Its nice to see the Tina set goes through the same issues all other women have to! They put their ridiculously tight skinny jeans on one leg at a time!
OMG this scene is too cute for words! I know what you’re thinking and no I am not crazy… trust me.
If you’re in the group, you’re probably a LITTLE crazy. Sorry.
BTW – I still like her best. And we FINALLY got her age?
Yeah I am kinda surprised I figured her age would be a bit more seperated from mine than that.
hey dont worry!!
life these days is soooo bleep, bleep, bleeeeeep, that you have to be a bit crazy to survive it!!! 
Paul, whatever you’re smoking over there can I please have some?
Agreed and seconded!
Thirded. And I ain’t even toked ‘baccer in 21 years now…
fourthed just… make sure there’s no tentacle goo on it…
Old Wolf you surprise me, as I did not think that was your style! So much for judging a book by your cover!!! I miss the Comfy Couch of Confusion forum. Glad to see you again!
Don’t worry, the Confusion Couch is over in the corner of the cafe collecting dust. Damnit Bigchiroal, now I want some coffee!
*goes into cafe*
Haha! Tina’s not the only one who looks normal outside! Good to see you, bigXPal!
You sir have created a new internet meme. “I can haz BadonkaDonk” is not taken. Copyright that puppy! And may I say. STILL “Rule 34”.
Interesting combo – combat dentition and badonkadonk butt.
Hint, Tina – sweatpants and a long top over that. And Febreez.
It would figure… those #€%*$&@ “fabric freshener” sprays and dryer sheets are quite definitely demonic in origin.
(I’m allergic to a lot of perfumes… if someone arrives wearing clothes saturated in that stuff I have to get the hell out of Dodge immediately, or risk getting a headache ranging from mild up to true migrane intensity. A dose of Georgio perfume from a co-worker actually left me aphasic for several hours… gave me an idea what it must be like to have a stroke… very scary!)
I can’t last more than five minutes in a fabric store because of the sizing in the air. Most people don’t even really notice it.
How ANYone can go into a fabric store and not be run outa there by the accumulated formaldehyde is a source of amazement to me.
Someplace recently, I read or heard that the active odor-neutralizing compound in Febreeze is odorless (duh), but selling unscented stink killer didn’t work out so well. Turns out that people don’t notice that their own furniture stinks. And so, they had to develop perfumes so strong that the Febreeze couldn’t neutralize them, so they could sell “springtime synthetic nuclear migraine ester fresh.”
Better things for better living through marketing research.
Hmmm. Apparently some of the Collective want a boyfriend.
Yes, but should he squeeze too hard …
suddenly I’m flashing to Galaxy Quest when Kwan discovers the girl’s got tentacles, she grins …
Fleegman: Oh, that’s not right.
Fleegman?!… But i thought he was just “crewman #6”??
“We can haz…”
I knew that meme was demonic all along!
Yes, TIna, you definitely can haz badonkadonk.
Oh! OH! ME! ME!
Hoo-ee! Shut my mouth,slap yo’ gra’ma!
SHOOT! Fallconscat beat me to it.
You mangled the name, which made me giggle till the service dog looked at me like “go the hell to sleep, mom!”
Great minds think alike!
You want country boyz rappin’?
OMG!! That was Frickin’ HILARIOUS…
Try this one:
Don’t know if I could handle a “badonkadonk” – maybe a “tootulydo” – but only after two cups of Jamaica Blue .
Honey, seriously, your demons are showing
Adorable. So very adorable. Tina’s demon’s act just like a sub-conscience…maybe we all are just a collection of lost souls…
Welcome to the Church of Scientology! Hmmm… it says here your Thetan levels are quite low. For $10,000 we can up your Thetan level for you!
Zenu be praised.
exactly what I was thought after I typed it.. XD
Tss.. And here I was, thinking that those New-Agers and their hippie-talk about “Vibrationz”were weird…
Even weirder.. Scientology was the result of a bet between Asimov, Hubbard and, I believe Niven and Heinlein, that it wás, or wásn’t possible to construct a new religion..
Thát went out of hand pretty quick…
I’ve heard that the “tipping point” was when Hubbard discovered how much money could be made from believers. Before that, his plan was to reveal the bet and what he had done; after that, he was in for the duration.
I kind of feel bad for being so amused by this; it’s happened to me too. Well, minus the heart-patterned underwear, that is.
But, WITH the tentacles in the eye socket? You sir, are talking out your butt (like Tina).
Huh, we’re the same age. Hmm, she looks better than me, minus the tentacles. Go with the badonkadonk, Tina, some of us wish we had one.
It’d be interesting to know which voice belonged to which demon.
::glances at your avatar::
::glances at his watch::
Dayyyyyyyyyum! Set an all-new speed record for turning a comic into a Gravatar, did we? I’m impressed!
Heh, would have been up yesterday except I forgot to give it a G rating instead of PG.
Is she talking out of her butt in the last panel?
It would depend on the gender of the ‘butt demon’, surely….
This doesn’t make Tina a republican does it?
Depends on where the brain-farts come from.
( not to turn this into a political arena/slaughterhouse, but, do those American Politicians even realize the enormous entertainment value they have for foreigners like me? )
If they don’t they’re dumber than they sound…and I think “talking out of one’s butt” is not reserved for any particular political party. I’m fairly certain they all have that skill covered.
<— Hates politics almost as much as the 24 hour news channels that discuss them all the time.
<— Couldn't agree more.
We’ll try to remain cool and calm
when Alabama gets The Bomb!
What always worries me is that for every wingnut politician spouting nonsense (Left, Right, or sideways) there’s clearly a cohort of voters who take him/her seriously, and agree.
The best brain fart or verbal faux pas I’ve seen today is the one that made the Doonesbury website:
Baltimore radio interviewer: “One of the things, Ann Romney, that folks talk about with your husband, Mitt Romney…Sometimes he comes off stiff…”
Ann Romney: “Well, you know, I guess we better unzip him and let the real Mitt Romney out, because he’s not!”
There is now, nor has there ever been, an Etch-A-Sketch powerful enough to erase that image, Wyvern.
now = not now
Please vote for me this Election Day.
…..Aaand cue Sir Mixalot!
Oh…my…gawd! Tina’s demons seriously need to work on their time management skills. LMFAO!!!!
i lean more towards this:
trace atkins. honkytonk badonkadonk. cheesy country, and i cant get enough of that silliness.
With the tentacle coming out of Tina, it really alters my impression of “My anaconda don’t want none unless you got buns hun.”
… “Did you mean your butt, or my butt?“
Try Coulton.
Yes, you can haz one Tina, and how …. demons aside, hard to believe she’s still single, heh.
Well, we already knew from her bikini picture that Tina has Dem Hips, now we know she also has Dat Ass.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but to me Tina could hardly be more attractive right now, multiple personalities, fangs, tentacles and all included
I guess some people just have trouble putting it together in the morning.
So, now we know how old Tina is… oh, wait, how old her body is.
Isn’t that true for all of us.
Only bodies have ages, the soul(s) whether angelic or demonic are timeless.
It is only when we are incarnate that we are bound by time.
incarnate: from the latin caro, made meat, cf chilli con carne.
We’ve known for a while that Tina (that is, Tina’s body) is thirty-something, a bit older than pre-forest Selly; this might be the most exact number yet.
Just occurred to me that (if my calculations are correct) that Tina 2.x has had sole possession of the body for the same amount of time that Tina 1.x was alive inside it.
Doubt it. Tina 1.0 was a therapist; you’d have to be mid-twenties or so for that.
I think not; the traffic accident which killed Tina 1.0 happened only about 10 or 12 years ago, so she would have been in her mid-20s. At the time Monica was 14 (and at the other end of the bus), while Shelly was 13 (and in Minnesota); thanks to Yamara for the chronology page.
Brrr. I am not going there.
True Chronology and Comics are -more often than not, incompatible.
Shouldn’t that be, “Eye can has badonkadonk”?
Who’s got the Pun Jar? Fill it to the top, Dane!
You know, if Tina wasn’t already dead, these demons of her would have killed her.
It does tend to explain the parallel-parking incident, doesn’t it? A bit of poorly-timed bickering, a bit too much distracted argument, some slight misunderstanding as to who should be watching the curb and who should be running the brake pedal, and then somebody just had to get grabby with that last donut…
I’ve been in meetings like that… too many of ’em. *sigh*.
Do these pants make my demons make me look fat?
And here I was thinking that demons INVENTED skinny jeans…guess I was wrong.
Ahhh.. Gotta love The Collective. They’ve become Só good at human mannerisms, that they even start worrying about their expanding a$$
How human can you get?
They’re just being frugal. Why buy new clothes when the old ones still fit? Only now they don’t any more.
the beautiful thing about being a host to demons is that you have so many mouths to feed and only one stomach.
Let’s go shopping!!!
They’re about as “together” as most of the committees I’ve worked with over the past few decades. Heinlein was right… any group of more than three, has trouble even agreeing in when to have lunch.
Gotta love Tinas’ Lovely…..Assets.
Hmm.. Say she throws on some sweats and stop at Kmart on the way to work.
As for Badonkadonk, it wasn’t that bad til I saw the video.
Seriously messed up to watch a “country” video full of wantabe rappers.
That is seriously wrong.
Skinny jeans are a crime against humanity (in most cases). They are almost always a crime against self-esteems everywhere, too. Poor Tina…she needs to do her laundry more frequently.
And her toothbrush is in dire need of replacement.
Sure, deck your lower limbs in pants.
Yours are the legs, my sweeting.
You look just great as you advance –
Have you seen yourself retreating?
– Ogden Nash.
On the Grand Cosmic Scale of Morning Routines, this seems pretty average for any human. Tina gets extra points for being manned by a crew. And this is before anyone has gotten any coffee.
I hate to say it … but, this ruins my cuteness ideas about Tina.
A bit like the comments about viewing Politics and Sausage Making.
None of us look good trying to squeeze into too-tight clothes. There doesn’t seem to be any easy fix for body issues, either.
I still find her quite cute. Except now it’s more on an emotional level than a physical one. The humanness of the demons is rather endearing.
I have the same reaction. The way she tried to hold it together, and then broke down into tears, after she’d (apparently) come so close to death in the great Phix/Nudge punch-out… her musings on her own mortality… her touching respect for Tina 1.0 as shown in the death-doll she made and sometimes speaks to…
Somehow, between them, this gang of demons makes up a pretty nice person (albeit still a “wild animal” who/which cannot entirely be trusted). I’ve met quite a few bona fide humans that I like and trust less than I would Tina.
The biggest redeeming factor of Tina’s “Daemon” (because they are closer to the greek variation of “” inspiration”and such) is that they actually try to do good.
Funny on a deeper level, is that Paul uses Tina to illustrate an old philosophical conundrum: Are we “good”because we want to? And do we want to be “good”because it gives us a “nice feeling”which is egoístic, a negative, non-good emotion.
The Utilitarian view, so to speak.
I finally get what I want, Tina fan service. Thank you Paul.

My only regret is that I am comment #70… I wanted the comments to stay at 69!
You honestly don’t think 69 works the same for Tina 2.0 as it does for everyone else, do you?
Think “Galaxy Quest.” Oh, that’s not right…
The Imortal Words of ‘GUY’
We’re up to Tina 2.1 now that Nudge has found another place to live.
Good point! I shall remember that for future discussion.
Okay…interesting though. Given her pizza habit and the lack of ability to fit, is it Tina Gaining weight, or the demons inside?
I would guess that whatever allows demons to enjoy pizza involves the otherwise normal functions of the host body.
Thus, morning sticky buns and nightly pizzas are making the host gain weight.
Though in keeping with the “You are what you eat” theme, the demons may be affected by their own appetites. They have no one to torment but themselves.
Too many demons for that body.
Methinks they have grown unchecked and unfettered by a mortal soul to keep them under control.
Might not be a bad idea to “vote some off the island” so to speak.
The worst part of this whole rigamarole?
She still needs to find a top and get dressed above the waist!
Not to mention finishing tucking her bodacious tushie into that shrink-wrap. Hmm…heat-shrink pants…naw, there is always someone out there who will use it for evil rather than good.
“Heat shrink” was how I thought Tsillah might have gotten into that outfit of hers. I was wrong (almost certainly) but it certainly seems as if it might be an idea which has some application?
This week’s strips raise an interesting question: just how corporeal are the demons, under what conditions?
Up until now, I don’t recall our seeing much about demons interacting physically with external objects. We’ve seen demons interacting with each other to some extent (Tina head-conking the two Doubts together) and we’ve seen Monica’s Doubt give her a nose-flick.
Is this (yesterday’s get-the-blinds bit) the first time we’ve ever seen a demon-form directly manipulate an external object, without acting through or on a human body?
The fact that Mr. Tentacle was squooshed out of Tina’s mouth by pressure from below, does suggest that the demons are corporeal to each other, at least part of the time…
I have a pet theory that Blackwing is the main proprietor of the eyes. She may not be up yet. But they obviously are simply not there without demonic corporality.
I believe I recall Doubt picking up the phone and offering to dial for pizza. And the Golem Girls have directly interacted with some of Monica’s demons before.
Tina banged the two Doubts’ heads together.
True, but Tina and the Golem Girls grabbing demons is a supernatural-on-supernatural interaction. It’s not proof demons can handle mundane unliving matter.
I just said Monica’s Doubt picked up the phone. Pay attention when people type.
Well… Guess that answers my question about Tina’s age. Among others.
Upon further reflection, I find this whole sequence to be more amusing than disturbing. I love how the demons are treated like people just as much as the actual humans.
Quick question…how many things in that laundry basket have been worn more than once? Oh wait, that’s guy thinking.
I suspect saying only guys re-wear dirty clothes is a lot like saying women don’t fart. The only difference here is that since it isn’t a necessary bodily function a lot of them actually probably don’t, but the ones who do will still never admit it.
A bit of Chris’s extra art from “Misfile” (for those who don’t know the strip, Ash is a by transformed by a misfile in Heaven into a girl, having to learn to be a girl):
Paul, I <3 you for using Can Haz with Badonkadonk.
Dead girl cheesecake. Ew.
THANK you for that image.
Semi-dead inside, but reasonably fresh & squeezable exterior.. I don’t see the problem of me being charmed by a well.. preserved…. corpse..ehh..wait… >.<
*tries desperately to find an excuse that does NOT sound too perverse, to explain attraction to the 30-something demon-barista*
What time zone does Paul live in? The time stamps say the pages post at midnight, but I usually don’t get it til at least 2 (usually asleep by then, but I know it’s after 1).
Minnesota with current time zone offset: UTC/GMT -5 hours
He lives in Minneapolis, which should put him in Central Time (like me in Fort Smith, Ark), but, yeah, 2am appearance times for ‘midnight’ postings. I don’t worry much, it’ll be up tomorrow; I do wonder sometimes if he’s okay (or power fail, internet fail, etc.)
Ummph. Just realized that when one of a collection of body-possessing demons says “Dress in layers”…
… the innermost layer in question is, perhaps, the body itself.
Why, oh why, do I think of these things just before trying to go to sleep?
BTW, Paul, in panel 5 she says “it’s those damn …” then there’s blank space as if you meant to put another word in there?
I suspect she just interrupted herselves in midthought. We’ve all done that, right?
Nicely played out. We all have this kind of internal dialogue between various subselves, even if they aren’t quite this concrete and independent…
Crap! I forgot to check the bid on this one before getting ready for work and someone sniped my bid!
Guess I’ll be going for the print on this one …