Itsimportant by Paul Taylor on December 1, 2005 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Monica, ShellyLocation: Mucho Mocha Related Comics ¬ 08/06/2003 Who Does That 11/25/2004 She Wants You 08/12/2002
Y’know, I always did think Tina’s “fangs” were just a biiiiiiiiiit too prominent
You think that’s big? try having Vamp fangs TWO inches long! (a friend I once knew does)
Holey camoley, her poor tongue! Her poor holey lips and tongue!
Mood whiplash…confusing…
Oh, lord, yes. Only two people in webcomics have been better at that, and both in QC: Padme and Tai.
For those in the know: Nudge-nudge
Wink wink, say no more.
I am really enjoying re-reading the series now that I know who and what the characters are. I missed so much the first time!
Follow me. Follow me. That’s good, that’s good! A nod’s as good as a wink to a blind bat!
“Thank you, come again!”