Alas, I’m a bit confused as to what Monica’s saying here, since I don’t speak Spanish. Well, rather, there’s only one word I couldn’t make out: muñeca. So I went and looked it up on BabelFish (I know, I know, but I don’t know of anything better off the top of my head) and it came back with… “wrist,” which so far as I can tell makes no sense in context here… little help please?
Also, wonderfully creepy and disturbing shot there. I think I’d scream, too, if I was stumbling around a dark basement and saw that., you say? Thank you, I’ll remember that next time.
Like I said, got “for the Day of the Dead” part… just wasn’t sure what muñeca was, and the translation Babelfish gave didn’t make any sense in context.
that’s crazy…that might be somehow linked to somehow hidden reality…
My definition of a coincidence : you were looking at the other side (read it in some John Brunner novel, if I remember well)
I have very little Spanish – thankfully Wiki is multi-lingual. We now know what it is, what’s it for? To play hostess for the visiting ancestor spirits?
I’m gonna be so impressed if that was right)
Some people believe that possessing “Día de los Muertos” items can bring good luck. Many people get tattoos or have dolls of the dead to carry with them. They also clean their houses and prepare the favorite dishes of their deceased loved ones to place upon their altar or ofrenda.
I would chide you for giving Paul Ideas, but I’m sure he already knows about her. Oh, yes, and thanks for the visual ‘defleshed body’ description, gonna see her tnight in dreams…
From what I could piece together from my Google-Fu, I think Monica is referring to a doll for the Day of the Dead. It is a Mexican Holiday, centered around ancestor worship. The Catholic Church incorporated it, since it is really close to All Saints Day, as I recall. A tad on the “way too realistic” side, if you ask me. Also, is it just me, or does it resemble our favorite Latin Barista?
And the hair resembles Tina’s. Now that I have time to look, I’m seeing more similarities between the markings on the dolls face and the markings on Nudge and on Tina the first time she was in the Cerberus Club. Is Tina copying the doll or was the doll chosen to look like Tina?
Tina has a much broader and more angular face than the doll. Other than that, I think the body is similar.
The day after All Saints (Nov 1) is All Soul’s Day (2nd), a solemn day of remembrance of the dead – so that is even closer to the celebration of dia de los muertos.
So it’s a bad news good news kinda thing. On the one hand it’s just a (well endowed) dummy (darn!). On the other hand at least it’s a nice and creepy, cleavage flashing dummy (Yea!). Now … do the eyes light up? Or maybe the nipples? Better yet, maybe the foundation is a real skeleton. Okay, so, my morbid mind’s machinations make me macabre.
Wait, does this mean that Tina celebrates…herself on the Day of the Dead?
Because, she’s technically dead and all… or at least the original part of her is/was.
What makes everyone think that it is actually a doll for the day of the dead and not, oh I don’t know, a spare shell for Tina’s demons? Maybe this is where Nudge was “employed” before moving into Tina.
Because that is what Monica said that it was! And what with our beloved Monica being some kinda expert in Meso-American cultures and stuff, I’m inclined to take her word for it.
Also … “Monica” comes from the root “Muñeca”, meaning “doll” or “Mannequin” … hmm … curiouser and curiouser …
I think that that is actually Tina’s body. ” a hollow shell and collection of personal demons. When the original Tina died in a car crash, her personal demons were left behind and like rats on a sinking ship, patched the holes and sailed off with their newly acquired ship. ” ( Quote from cast page). I think the body that Monica talks to everyday is actually a fake.
So they look the thing over carefully, and then go back upstairs and tell Tina that that is one creepy looking doll she’s keeping in her basement. And Tina looks at them blankly and says, “Doll? What doll?”
If not, to set the scene, barbarian warrior Typhan-Knee (typical square-jawed blonde fur jockstrap barbarian), in rescuing Princess Peonie from Evil Wizard Faden, gets turned into tall, large-busted Tiffany.
There’s a story – by Ted Sturgeon, i think (if not it’s Bradbury … and if that’s still not right, it’s Bloch) that ends “…and then some fool turned on the lights.”
Well, since Amanda didn’t lecture Monica about not turning the lights on, I’ll guess it was Tina. But if Tina could turn on the lights, then why did she seem so reluctant to go down into the basement? Is she afraid of the doll?
No cause Nudge is the representation of the Tina’s inner demons. plus if you look back at all of the different inner demons the have made apperences in the story they all look symbolic. What i mean by that is that they look like in some way like the emotion or whatever that they represent. this body looks more like some had too much fun with a BeDazzler.
Actually, as I understand things, Nudge is simply one of the demons in Tina. She/it simply tends to speak out of turn quite a bit, spurring the rest into some sort of action, whether they want to or not. Shelly, on the other hand, has one creature which represents all her demons. Perhaps it is she of whom you are thinking.
And, yes, they do tend to have an appearance related to their function, but many also have distinct markings, both on their bodies and faces. Much like tattoos.
SoWhyMe is right, Nudge is just the most vociferous of Tina’s Pandemonium, (I wonder if they get a special group rate?) Shelly’s the one with the Unified Pandemonium.
I think we can take Paul’s (in that he puts the words in Monica’s mouth) clue that this is Tina’s Muñeca para el Dia de los Muertos and accept the fact that we’ll find out why its there at some later date.
Not up on my Spanish; I had to do a lot of Googling to figure out that what scared the heck out of Monica was some sort of mannequin for the Latino “Day of the Dead” celebration.
Looks like Amanda’s got a healthy grip, there.
Well that explains why she wasn’t running away screaming. Just a simple old creepy doll.
Ah…uummm…oh yes : AAaauuuugh!
…and I love the faces in panel 2 – specially Tina’s (remember yesterday : “she loves me” : well, here’s the hug!)
Think you mean Monica’s
uh, yeah, my bad!
I guess I felt so concrned about Tina, I messed the whole thing!
but then again : AAAAAAAAAAUUGH!
Have to go look that up – I have no idea what it is.
It’s “Tina’s mannequin for the Day of the Dead” celebrations. Tina’s demons stil commemorate her even if they don’t quite remember her.
Oh, there’s Tina’s original eyeballs.
Alas, I’m a bit confused as to what Monica’s saying here, since I don’t speak Spanish. Well, rather, there’s only one word I couldn’t make out: muñeca. So I went and looked it up on BabelFish (I know, I know, but I don’t know of anything better off the top of my head) and it came back with… “wrist,” which so far as I can tell makes no sense in context here… little help please?
Also, wonderfully creepy and disturbing shot there. I think I’d scream, too, if I was stumbling around a dark basement and saw that.
Basically its a mannequin-doll thing for The Day of The Dead celebration.
Could also mean ‘doll,’ ‘dummy,’ and ‘dollish’ besides ‘wrist.’
Next time, you could also try, you say? Thank you, I’ll remember that next time.
Like I said, got “for the Day of the Dead” part… just wasn’t sure what muñeca was, and the translation Babelfish gave didn’t make any sense in context.
… wait a sec… muñeca… Monica… no, that’s crazy.
that’s crazy…that might be somehow linked to somehow hidden reality…
My definition of a coincidence : you were looking at the other side (read it in some John Brunner novel, if I remember well)
Coincidence is common. It may be the rule.
NicolasA: “COINCIDENCE You weren’t playing attention to the other half of what was going on.”
― John Brunner, Stand on Zanzibar
Nice quote!
Muñeca just means doll.
translation please?
thats how I would have reacted to seeing that thing
Just got back from looking it up – ‘Substitute doll for All Souls Day’, I think………..
“Tina’s Doll for the Day of the Dead” (literally)
And, yep, she’s a hangin’.
sweet thanks..only thing i got when i looked it up was in spnish and i only know a few cuzz words lol…i need to make me only of those
cuss >.>
I have very little Spanish – thankfully Wiki is multi-lingual. We now know what it is, what’s it for? To play hostess for the visiting ancestor spirits?
I’m gonna be so impressed if that was right)
From Wikipedia’s entry on Day of the Dead:
Oh, and what’s this? The Queen of the Dead?
I would chide you for giving Paul Ideas, but I’m sure he already knows about her. Oh, yes, and thanks for the visual ‘defleshed body’ description, gonna see her tnight in dreams…
Being queen of the dead must suck. I mean, you’re still dead after all. So, whoop-de-friggin-do!
If you squeeze the bottom end of a toothpaste tube with the lid on, you force the contents up to the top and it bulges.
Look at Monica’s cheeks…
So, her tits have moved?
Way Cool … Physics in Action.
Day of the Dead doll. That’s what the spanish says.
From what I could piece together from my Google-Fu, I think Monica is referring to a doll for the Day of the Dead. It is a Mexican Holiday, centered around ancestor worship. The Catholic Church incorporated it, since it is really close to All Saints Day, as I recall. A tad on the “way too realistic” side, if you ask me. Also, is it just me, or does it resemble our favorite Latin Barista?
Why wouldn’t Nudge and pals remember Tina on Dia de la Muerte?
I don’t think it looks like Tina. I even checked the way Nudge looked and Tina at the Cerberus club.
Yes, it does resemble Tina. And how creepy is that?
far more…racked to be Tina, IMHO…so, muñeca/Monica, who else is that racked around here?
Note the doll has drawn-on a choker too.
And the hair resembles Tina’s. Now that I have time to look, I’m seeing more similarities between the markings on the dolls face and the markings on Nudge and on Tina the first time she was in the Cerberus Club. Is Tina copying the doll or was the doll chosen to look like Tina?
Tina has a much broader and more angular face than the doll. Other than that, I think the body is similar.
The day after All Saints (Nov 1) is All Soul’s Day (2nd), a solemn day of remembrance of the dead – so that is even closer to the celebration of dia de los muertos.
No, Amanda! Don’t crush the Twins!
Poor Monica…
Sorry but that comment is funnier taking your avatar into account
Huh, well that’s… umm.. Almost as creepy as the whole lead-up to it, actually.
I bet the day of the dead is kind of a weird time for Tina. You know, what with her being dead and all. How’s that work?
Perhaps her demons recognize a few former “employers” on that day.
barring the fingers thats a very lifelike doll.
wonder if she celebrates day of the dead as a deamon or as part of the old tina?
So it’s a bad news good news kinda thing. On the one hand it’s just a (well endowed) dummy (darn!). On the other hand at least it’s a nice and creepy, cleavage flashing dummy (Yea!). Now … do the eyes light up? Or maybe the nipples? Better yet, maybe the foundation is a real skeleton. Okay, so, my morbid mind’s machinations make me macabre.
I offer you one interwebz cookie for your alliteration!
Wait, does this mean that Tina celebrates…herself on the Day of the Dead?
Because, she’s technically dead and all… or at least the original part of her is/was.
What makes everyone think that it is actually a doll for the day of the dead and not, oh I don’t know, a spare shell for Tina’s demons? Maybe this is where Nudge was “employed” before moving into Tina.
Because that is what Monica said that it was! And what with our beloved Monica being some kinda expert in Meso-American cultures and stuff, I’m inclined to take her word for it.
Also … “Monica” comes from the root “Muñeca”, meaning “doll” or “Mannequin” … hmm … curiouser and curiouser …
Somehow, the term “puppet”, as in “marionette” has also just come to mind…
Nonsense! She is clearly named for Saint Monica.
I think that that is actually Tina’s body. ” a hollow shell and collection of personal demons. When the original Tina died in a car crash, her personal demons were left behind and like rats on a sinking ship, patched the holes and sailed off with their newly acquired ship. ” ( Quote from cast page). I think the body that Monica talks to everyday is actually a fake.
You and DJ may be on the right track…
So they look the thing over carefully, and then go back upstairs and tell Tina that that is one creepy looking doll she’s keeping in her basement. And Tina looks at them blankly and says, “Doll? What doll?”
Well, of COURSE that’s what she’s going to tell them. This is Wapsi Square, after all.
But if Paul predicted you would say that…
: / Not sure what to guess here.
*shudders* Wow…I’d have screamed too.
Yeah, I’m afraid under those circumstances, I’d have to agree — though in my case it’d be a strong, manly scream of course (*ahem*).
“Strong, many scream”?
Ever encounter Exiern?
If not, to set the scene, barbarian warrior Typhan-Knee (typical square-jawed blonde fur jockstrap barbarian), in rescuing Princess Peonie from Evil Wizard Faden, gets turned into tall, large-busted Tiffany.
At this point, Tiffany is hunting for whatever killed about six armoured warriors at once.
And in this strip, she finds out what it was…
Not having vocal chords, I would guess my scream would more akin to Elsa Lanchester in the original “Bride of Frankenstein.”
That is the freakiest thing I’ve seen in this comic yet. #_#
Yeah, I don’t like dark places as a general rule, and encountering this would have been cleanup on aisle four…
You would have been able to track me home by the damp yellow footprints … which would have started in a smelly brown puddle …
Is it a Mexican Gigai?
What I want to know is…
Who turned on the lights?
There’s a story – by Ted Sturgeon, i think (if not it’s Bradbury … and if that’s still not right, it’s Bloch) that ends “…and then some fool turned on the lights.”
Bradbury, I think — The Thing At The Top Of The Stairs.
Well, since Amanda didn’t lecture Monica about not turning the lights on, I’ll guess it was Tina. But if Tina could turn on the lights, then why did she seem so reluctant to go down into the basement? Is she afraid of the doll?
Will we see/meet the REAL Tina (her real soul comes back just for one day) on the day of the dead?
Very cool, very beautiful art work.
Could be the face was patterned after one of Tina’s demons.
No cause Nudge is the representation of the Tina’s inner demons. plus if you look back at all of the different inner demons the have made apperences in the story they all look symbolic. What i mean by that is that they look like in some way like the emotion or whatever that they represent. this body looks more like some had too much fun with a BeDazzler.
Actually, as I understand things, Nudge is simply one of the demons in Tina. She/it simply tends to speak out of turn quite a bit, spurring the rest into some sort of action, whether they want to or not. Shelly, on the other hand, has one creature which represents all her demons. Perhaps it is she of whom you are thinking.
And, yes, they do tend to have an appearance related to their function, but many also have distinct markings, both on their bodies and faces. Much like tattoos.
SoWhyMe is right, Nudge is just the most vociferous of Tina’s Pandemonium, (I wonder if they get a special group rate?) Shelly’s the one with the Unified Pandemonium.
I think we can take Paul’s (in that he puts the words in Monica’s mouth) clue that this is Tina’s Muñeca para el Dia de los Muertos and accept the fact that we’ll find out why its there at some later date.
Not up on my Spanish; I had to do a lot of Googling to figure out that what scared the heck out of Monica was some sort of mannequin for the Latino “Day of the Dead” celebration.
If he keeps this up we’re going to have to rename this site “Waspi SCREAM”
Ya know, beer is delicious late in the afternoon…
And probably condusive to the better understanding of this comic in general.
DAYAM! Dark basement, eerie locale, and now she bumps into THIS? YA DAMN TOOTIN’ SHE’S GONNA SCREAM HER ASS OFF! I WOULD!!!
That…THING… clattering in the wind on a spooky night; I’d run faster than my horseshoes could keep up with! fer real tho’
As i said the other day – “If you’re too proud to run, step aside for a man who isn’t!”
I am never calling my Latina friends “Muñeca” ever again. XD
The most Natural Reaction to being caught by surprise,
First Monica … Now Amanda.
It looks like the unholy love-child of Tina and Monica….’s demons.
That’s so cool, I wish I had a statue like that.