If she can vaporize ceramic, is it safe to assume she’s got the hots for him? Stoked up the fires? Getting fired up? Ready to cook? A total believer in science friction?
…Okay that last was going a bit far. Sorry.
Well..Bud is a horny little minx.
Remember that , when drunk, she even tries to hump the wind, according to ger fellow golem girls.
Bud, deep down, is more of a “have itch, will scratch”- type of girl, it seems…
On a more serious note, though. Brandi sortof had a fit when hearing of a vimana-cell used to make Jin “human”, but it seems to me that Bud is torn on a much deeper level than she wants to admit, hence the “crazy woman act”.
Acting crazy can keep real touchy-feely stuff at bay, to a certain extent, but is mostly a shield against getting too deeply involved. To a point where control is lost.
All three GG’s have some sort of “control” issue, having been powerless against their grisly fate ( think of it: being burnt alive by being doused in oil and set alight…*shiver* ), so, they all deal with that in their own way.
-Brandi got all book-y in an attempt to learn as much as possible, hoping that it would gain her some control over happenings. A bit like trying to find “The manual to life, and stuff”
-Bud acts crazy-woman, so she feels to be the one in control.
-Jin set-up an elaborate scheme over centuries, to prevent any uncontrollable events -impossible, but she tried-
All about control, an deep-seated fear for the loss of it. Clay jars? Yes, but só human, so útterly human…..
Her abduction and time in the pit before being murdered doesn’t count of course. After that, she was the tool of whoever used her to guard or destroy in whatever fashion amused her masters. Then, being an unfocused drunk (via Tepoz), at least she had a bit of fun, and intimacy may have been an amusement.
But a real Dinner-and-a-movie relationship? I doubt it. She certainly has 12+ millenia of experiences, but probably next to no experience with this particular part of life.
She was robbed. Now it’s time to get it back. Good for her
Other than the probable rape prior to being golem-ized? I’d wager she was a virgin…if for no other reason than how much more potent most baddies seem to find the trauma of a person who is still innocent.
Bud is plainly very experienced with sexual and romantic relationships. She played meeting Monica, and then the relationship between Mon and Kevin, like the violin that Faith Erin gave to Jin last Friday.
She’s been in the guise of a dancing girl, and all that implies. She has been engaged with human passions of all the best and worst kinds for millennia. But none of these included someone noticing her for herself.
It little matters how much sex she’s “had”– what matters is how long she’s gone without someone special to care about her. Hence the disconnect between panels 2 and 3: Bud is declaring her right to sleep around in panel 2, but is broadcasting her need for a “keeper” of her own everywhere else.
This seemingly light conversation is looking like it’s really starting to wear on the GGs. I really hope the men of the Twin Cities are ready for the Spring 2012 season.
So the question has been answered. As terrible as the experience must have been be glad it happened, because if she still had her hymen when she became indestructible… Dearie me, dearie me.
Ummm… that darkening shade in Brandi’s eye suggests that she’s actually rather stirred up about this issue! Last time we saw her go dark-eyed was during the Great Bucket Of Golf Balls Go Boom incident. Maybe her mother-hen instincts are working a bit too much overtime?
On the other hand, it’s oddly comforting to know that the GGs are still human enough to really need their coffee in the morning!
I am kinda hoping that all of our remaining team members find someone for them, especially Bud, Brandy, Amanda and Kath . I would add Maya, but I have a feeling that she could easily take Phix’s methods to bear
I’m actually hoping that some of the characters remain unattached. I think it would be a better representation of the real world to show that at least one or two of them are perfectly happy remaining single…and while this isn’t the real world, Paul’s depiction of real emotions and character growth is one of the aspects of this story that makes it more enjoyable and relatable.
And I have plenty of friends who feel the same way…
However, I also have a best friend who likes to flirt with people…maybe even occasionally make out with people (usually when she’s drunk)…but is so commitment-scared that she tries to shove her friends (even me) away on a regular basis. She’s pretty dead-set on growing up to be the the “old maiden aunt” who has never been married and never will be. She’s also extremely content with herself sans relationship.
Yes, the matchmaker (and selfish person) in me would love to see her “find the right guy” and get married, even have kids (I really want to see mini-versions of her running around), but I know she’s perfectly fine on her own (and isn’t really parent material…at least not at this point).
*shrugs* Those people exist…the confirmed bachelors and self-content women, and I think it’s nice to occasionally read about characters who don’t crave the presense of another in order to feel whole.
That being said ,I think Acacia should look at guys like she does in panel 2. Maybe ‘flutter her eyelashes’ at em. Just don’t tell them her name is “Bud”, she’l just attract Horny, young College-Fraternity dudes and ….What was my point?
I’m just hoping that Brandi will stop Bud from wrecking the Justin-Shelly partnership, especially if she’s just looking for “recreational activities” and nothing lasting.
I had that thought, too. I wonder if Bud is aware of the Shelly/Justin relationship. If not, would this lead to another upset Bud situation when she realizes she’s interested in the guy that “belongs” to a friend?
Then again, I also wondered if Justin’s really the only cop with glasses…
ya know.. nobody has inquired as to the nature of BRANDI’S “recreational activities” yet!? Bud’s impish look on her face as she says that implies that its not a “normal” guy-catching activity like HER method is! i wonder what Brandi does in HER spare time? (when not reading books that is.)
As an avid reader of books, here’s a list of my not-reading-books activities.
* Throwing bad books against the wall
* Hunting for books worth reading
* Playing console games with little success
* Generic housekeeping duties
* Raising a kid
* Reading online comics
* Taking writing courses so I can write books worth reading because I’m so tired of fixing that hole in the wall over and over
Hmmm… Brandi may be reading online comics… but I’d be far more worried about what would happen should she turn to authorship. Bookworms sitting quietly and thinking are dangerous–especially when we start making notes.
As for bedroom adventures in Brandiland… I suspect she’ll be more picky than any of the other characters. There’s the cute factor… and then there’s the smart factor… and then there’s the “knows how to let me feel smart” factor… and romantic ability beyond that… and… she’s probably starting with “What’s your opinion of veganism?” as a pickup line. Maybe.
Agreed on all points. I also kind of see Brandi as the type of person who doesn’t end up in a relationship (or even a fling) unless it falls on her head and then is an exceptionally perfect match to her tastes/interests.
Maybe it’s just because she’s so “mom-like” that imagining her with a sex-life is weird in a similar way to thinking about your own parents having sex.
I wonder, too, whether Brandi’s possibly going dark-eyed not because she’s upset about Bud’s flirting, but because Bud is teasing her about her own recreational activities. Is she embarrassed, and becoming defensive in response? Is there a particular incident (noodle or otherwise) that Bud’s referring to here?
@Danzier, I agree that Brandi’s likely to be very selective about the person she’d hook up with. Even with that selectivity, I suspect that they might end up having a more difficult relationship than many couples would. We know that Brandi is scary-bright, probably has Asperger syndrome (which is tough on interpersonal communications), and has admitted her own tendency to be manipulative if she lets herself know enough about what’s going on in a situation.
All of that could make it very tough for real intimacy and trust to develop.
In a way, a relationship between Brandi and ??? could be a bit like the current relationship between Shelly and Justin. It would either have to stay very shallow and superficial, or go to the other extreme – very honest and deep – in order to survive. I don’t think a halfway-along relationship would be stable enough to last, in either case.
Monica and Jin have been lucky, having hooked up with guys who had the strength of character to deal with the craziness of the situation. Shelly’s situation with Justin is still an open question… maybe she’ll tell him, and maybe he’ll be up to handling it or maybe not.
Brandi would need a partner of equal quality, at least… and given her tendency to self-isolate, she may not really be up to even looking for one at this point.
Bud was probably not exaggerating about feeling like a floormop. Just hoping Brandi is making these moves in order to defuse Bud’s interest in Justin, and not involving Bud’s feelings in some wider and riskier gambit.
This is why I like Bud so much. She’s the action girl of the bunch. When you need someone to get blown up and survive, who do you go to? When you need to demonstrate how important coffee is to world survival: Bud. Inadvertantly make diamonds? Bud. When you need to remind people just how dang powerful the GGGs are, have Bud throw a golf ball through the Earth or throw a trashed calendar machine to rondevu with the sun, Bud’s your girl.
If only I could meet Buds eyes, haha
Some one get that girl some coffee quick, before she offers to demonstrate.
best yet ‘i need coffee’ phrase eva!!!
If she can vaporize ceramic, is it safe to assume she’s got the hots for him? Stoked up the fires? Getting fired up? Ready to cook? A total believer in science friction?
…Okay that last was going a bit far. Sorry.
Well..Bud is a horny little minx.
Remember that , when drunk, she even tries to hump the wind, according to ger fellow golem girls.
Bud, deep down, is more of a “have itch, will scratch”- type of girl, it seems…
On a more serious note, though. Brandi sortof had a fit when hearing of a vimana-cell used to make Jin “human”, but it seems to me that Bud is torn on a much deeper level than she wants to admit, hence the “crazy woman act”.
Acting crazy can keep real touchy-feely stuff at bay, to a certain extent, but is mostly a shield against getting too deeply involved. To a point where control is lost.
All three GG’s have some sort of “control” issue, having been powerless against their grisly fate ( think of it: being burnt alive by being doused in oil and set alight…*shiver* ), so, they all deal with that in their own way.
-Brandi got all book-y in an attempt to learn as much as possible, hoping that it would gain her some control over happenings. A bit like trying to find “The manual to life, and stuff”
-Bud acts crazy-woman, so she feels to be the one in control.
-Jin set-up an elaborate scheme over centuries, to prevent any uncontrollable events -impossible, but she tried-
All about control, an deep-seated fear for the loss of it. Clay jars? Yes, but só human, so útterly human…..
Has Bud ever had sex? Being so young when fetched, I have to wonder.
Her abduction and time in the pit before being murdered doesn’t count of course. After that, she was the tool of whoever used her to guard or destroy in whatever fashion amused her masters. Then, being an unfocused drunk (via Tepoz), at least she had a bit of fun, and intimacy may have been an amusement.
But a real Dinner-and-a-movie relationship? I doubt it. She certainly has 12+ millenia of experiences, but probably next to no experience with this particular part of life.
She was robbed. Now it’s time to get it back. Good for her
Other than the probable rape prior to being golem-ized? I’d wager she was a virgin…if for no other reason than how much more potent most baddies seem to find the trauma of a person who is still innocent.
Brandi and Bud were raped repeatedly by the Lanthan priests. So, yes… but whether she’s ever had consensual, enjoyable relations is unknown.
Bud is plainly very experienced with sexual and romantic relationships. She played meeting Monica, and then the relationship between Mon and Kevin, like the violin that Faith Erin gave to Jin last Friday.
She’s been in the guise of a dancing girl, and all that implies. She has been engaged with human passions of all the best and worst kinds for millennia. But none of these included someone noticing her for herself.
It little matters how much sex she’s “had”– what matters is how long she’s gone without someone special to care about her. Hence the disconnect between panels 2 and 3: Bud is declaring her right to sleep around in panel 2, but is broadcasting her need for a “keeper” of her own everywhere else.
This seemingly light conversation is looking like it’s really starting to wear on the GGs. I really hope the men of the Twin Cities are ready for the Spring 2012 season.
So the question has been answered. As terrible as the experience must have been be glad it happened, because if she still had her hymen when she became indestructible… Dearie me, dearie me.
Ummm… that darkening shade in Brandi’s eye suggests that she’s actually rather stirred up about this issue! Last time we saw her go dark-eyed was during the Great Bucket Of Golf Balls Go Boom incident. Maybe her mother-hen instincts are working a bit too much overtime?
On the other hand, it’s oddly comforting to know that the GGs are still human enough to really need their coffee in the morning!
Noticed that too. Brandi also seems to always get herself fired-up whenever Bud starts ogling boys (despite encouraging boys to ogle Bud).
Yup, I saw that also. It basically means that the lion is getting ready to come out…
Hasn’t she had that dark-eyed look when goofing off with Bud before? Her “fake angry”?
Yup, “that face”
I hope it’s Bud’s turn to find some happy soon. ^_^
I am kinda hoping that all of our remaining team members find someone for them, especially Bud, Brandy, Amanda and Kath . I would add Maya, but I have a feeling that she could easily take Phix’s methods to bear
I’m actually hoping that some of the characters remain unattached. I think it would be a better representation of the real world to show that at least one or two of them are perfectly happy remaining single…and while this isn’t the real world, Paul’s depiction of real emotions and character growth is one of the aspects of this story that makes it more enjoyable and relatable.
I’ve been single for two years now, I’m certainly not perfectly happy with it.
And I have plenty of friends who feel the same way…
However, I also have a best friend who likes to flirt with people…maybe even occasionally make out with people (usually when she’s drunk)…but is so commitment-scared that she tries to shove her friends (even me) away on a regular basis. She’s pretty dead-set on growing up to be the the “old maiden aunt” who has never been married and never will be. She’s also extremely content with herself sans relationship.
Yes, the matchmaker (and selfish person) in me would love to see her “find the right guy” and get married, even have kids (I really want to see mini-versions of her running around), but I know she’s perfectly fine on her own (and isn’t really parent material…at least not at this point).
*shrugs* Those people exist…the confirmed bachelors and self-content women, and I think it’s nice to occasionally read about characters who don’t crave the presense of another in order to feel whole.
Vaporize ceramics… I wonder if she means silicon???
No, she actually vaporized a coffee cup by breathing fire on it — while holding it in her hand! Haven’t got time to find the link.
Ceramic, as in ” the coffeemug I once vaporized to scare monica”
Heh.. Fatuncle beat me to it….
Question remains, why did Brandi go ” scary eyes”???
Maybe “Mother Hen” doesn’t want to lose her “Baby-girl.”
Well, every now and then, Brandi just gets “that face”.
Ah thank you Julie, I didn’t have time to look it up this morning.
*tips hat* I didn’t have time to look for it either…I just preferred looking for it to doing actual work on a day I’d rather be at home.
That being said ,I think Acacia should look at guys like she does in panel 2. Maybe ‘flutter her eyelashes’ at em. Just don’t tell them her name is “Bud”, she’l just attract Horny, young College-Fraternity dudes and ….What was my point?
I’m just hoping that Brandi will stop Bud from wrecking the Justin-Shelly partnership, especially if she’s just looking for “recreational activities” and nothing lasting.
I had that thought, too. I wonder if Bud is aware of the Shelly/Justin relationship. If not, would this lead to another upset Bud situation when she realizes she’s interested in the guy that “belongs” to a friend?
Then again, I also wondered if Justin’s really the only cop with glasses…
How else would Paul pull our legs and surprise us with the outcome??
Fair point.
Let Bud have her fun, but in the name of all that is holy, unholy and inert, please, let it be one other human on the planet who is not dating Jin.
DOI, Shelly, I meant Shelly. [Shuffles off to find coffee cup #2]
ya know.. nobody has inquired as to the nature of BRANDI’S “recreational activities” yet!? Bud’s impish look on her face as she says that implies that its not a “normal” guy-catching activity like HER method is! i wonder what Brandi does in HER spare time? (when not reading books that is.)
Challenge accepted.
As an avid reader of books, here’s a list of my not-reading-books activities.
* Throwing bad books against the wall
* Hunting for books worth reading
* Playing console games with little success
* Generic housekeeping duties
* Raising a kid
* Reading online comics
* Taking writing courses so I can write books worth reading because I’m so tired of fixing that hole in the wall over and over
Hmmm… Brandi may be reading online comics… but I’d be far more worried about what would happen should she turn to authorship. Bookworms sitting quietly and thinking are dangerous–especially when we start making notes.
As for bedroom adventures in Brandiland… I suspect she’ll be more picky than any of the other characters. There’s the cute factor… and then there’s the smart factor… and then there’s the “knows how to let me feel smart” factor… and romantic ability beyond that… and… she’s probably starting with “What’s your opinion of veganism?” as a pickup line. Maybe.
Agreed on all points.
I also kind of see Brandi as the type of person who doesn’t end up in a relationship (or even a fling) unless it falls on her head and then is an exceptionally perfect match to her tastes/interests.
Maybe it’s just because she’s so “mom-like” that imagining her with a sex-life is weird in a similar way to thinking about your own parents having sex.
I wonder, too, whether Brandi’s possibly going dark-eyed not because she’s upset about Bud’s flirting, but because Bud is teasing her about her own recreational activities. Is she embarrassed, and becoming defensive in response? Is there a particular incident (noodle or otherwise) that Bud’s referring to here?
@Danzier, I agree that Brandi’s likely to be very selective about the person she’d hook up with. Even with that selectivity, I suspect that they might end up having a more difficult relationship than many couples would. We know that Brandi is scary-bright, probably has Asperger syndrome (which is tough on interpersonal communications), and has admitted her own tendency to be manipulative if she lets herself know enough about what’s going on in a situation.
All of that could make it very tough for real intimacy and trust to develop.
In a way, a relationship between Brandi and ??? could be a bit like the current relationship between Shelly and Justin. It would either have to stay very shallow and superficial, or go to the other extreme – very honest and deep – in order to survive. I don’t think a halfway-along relationship would be stable enough to last, in either case.
Monica and Jin have been lucky, having hooked up with guys who had the strength of character to deal with the craziness of the situation. Shelly’s situation with Justin is still an open question… maybe she’ll tell him, and maybe he’ll be up to handling it or maybe not.
Brandi would need a partner of equal quality, at least… and given her tendency to self-isolate, she may not really be up to even looking for one at this point.
Sometimes with life-size pieces.
Bud was probably not exaggerating about feeling like a floormop. Just hoping Brandi is making these moves in order to defuse Bud’s interest in Justin, and not involving Bud’s feelings in some wider and riskier gambit.
Holidays, holidays, holidays. They make me miss days of regular storyline comics. Then I feel so happy when I get to read them all at once.
This is why I like Bud so much. She’s the action girl of the bunch. When you need someone to get blown up and survive, who do you go to? When you need to demonstrate how important coffee is to world survival: Bud. Inadvertantly make diamonds? Bud. When you need to remind people just how dang powerful the GGGs are, have Bud throw a golf ball through the Earth or throw a trashed calendar machine to rondevu with the sun, Bud’s your girl.
We need to find another galaxy to live in if Bud and Kali decide to duke it out.
Is that supposed to be Bud dressed as the Coffee Hunter from Sharing a Universe?
Oboy; Brandi’s starting to let her Golem self peek out…literally!