Insert physics discussion of mammary displacement inertia regarding kevlar/carbon fiber suspensories regarding center of gravity displacement while leaping.
The Classical Greeks used to have a jump using hand-held weights to get more distance. Maybe M has figured out how to time her jumps to get a height boost from the resonance of her built-in weights?
I can see the coroners report. Accidently choked to death while french kissing. (Insert bad joke about saying it tounge in cheek) Major deposit to pun vault.
I’m still predicting a huge crash once all this exercise finally catches up with Monica unless she’s somehow poiting away her muscles’ fatigue poisons. Looks like they’re going to get in some mind-blowing sex before that happens at least.
Also, Monica is clearing a net that should be around 3 feet high by about half a foot. That’s an inch shy of Michael Jordan 43 inch vertical. Pretty good for a 4’10” shorty.
I don’t like to mention this, but I was just looking at the last frame, and does it look to anyone else that Monica appears to have a RABBIT glued to the back of her head?
That’s “too”, not “to”.
(Lucky guy, anyway…)
Maybe he knows what he’s doing.
Or maybe he’s just as bad at tennis as he is at throwing a frisbee.
OK. My prediction from 2 days ago was wrong. It appears that Kevin will “score” during the match…if Monica has anything to do with it.
And one must wonder would that be unsportman-like conduct. Or would the referee not care.
Right now, I believe the score is love.
Boy she is an aggressive one when she gets all hot and bothered.
Don’t remember this one?
Insert “get a room” shout from the next court over.
Also: Monica’s got some damn high ups. Least 6 inches to a foot over the net, and her knees are barely tucked.
Insert physics discussion of mammary displacement inertia regarding kevlar/carbon fiber suspensories regarding center of gravity displacement while leaping.
Or not….
The Classical Greeks used to have a jump using hand-held weights to get more distance. Maybe M has figured out how to time her jumps to get a height boost from the resonance of her built-in weights?
I say its because of magnets! How do they work?
I don’t want to talk to a scientist
motherfuckerslying and getting me pissed!
I blame it on her ability to poit.
Monica busted some slick moves at the bra shop for a jelly donut.
Yeah, that’s worth a tennis ball or two to the head.
And here all I was thinking was “M’s sports bra doesn’t have that much cleavage.”
Yup. Both my Mother and aunt the nurses confirm that is not how you do mouth to mouth respiration.
By the way, amazing how she flies over the net that way.
doncha know?? you gotta breathe through the nose, to ensure full lingual-intubation!!!…

and yeah, and when their ‘sweetie’ is injured, most girls get super strength… <3 <3
Wait, is this Mystery Men? I thought we all swore that there would be no instances of Smash Mouth?
well you might as well be walking on the pun.
@ geek: considering how long her tongue is, it might be just to clear his airways
Suddenly, I’m remembering the dimensions of Monica’s tongue.
Yeah. She may mean it literally.
I can see the coroners report. Accidently choked to death while french kissing. (Insert bad joke about saying it tounge in cheek) Major deposit to pun vault.
She’ll be well passed his cheeks with that toad-tongue she possesses…
She could stick her tongue down his throat and find out what he had for breakfast…..just hope had doesn’t have a sensitive gag reflex.

It is really long. I mean, can’t she lick her own eyeballs or something?
Monica’s tongue is the other body part thats large for her size. Its…its…well see for yourself.
Ah! Found it — 28 Dec 2006 — with some color added:
I see msyendor found it in the archives already….
I was thinking the same thing…I hope Kevin doesn’t have much of a gag reflex.
Breakfast, hell…she could stick her tongue down his throat and give him fellatio.
Alien face-huggers got nothing on her.
Er, is this a private or public court? Just a little too public for this kind of therapy….
Also kind of awkward for Tina and Jin’s boyfriend during the halftime show, there guys….
And how’s he gonna play tennis now with a stiffy?
Alan: hey Tina, you must teach Jin some tennis… she must be home by now… {makes speedy exit}
That’s wire-fu class acrobatics there!
Is Monica super-strong now?
She obviously studied under Muhammad Ali, sting like a bee then float like a butterfly.
Don’t worry, she’s played a doctor on TV.
Tina needs to find a boyfriend! Alan has Jin, and Kevin is getting ‘cured’ by M, but Tina is all on her own. She deserves a fella!
I volunteer, for the greater good.
Irresistibly reminded of the simile:
“Toungues entwined like worms mating”
Of course, it was all planned from the outset….
This makes me wonder, what would Monica do if he had a groin injury?
I’m not sure, but she supplied the ball-washer when they played golf once…
WHAT?!? Wait-A-Sec!
To use the Mouth to Mouth Technic, you are suppose to ‘Clear the Air Way of Obstructions’ … NOT put Obstructions in the Air Way!
Maybe she is clearing obstructions…?
Now, the $64,000 Question: Did Mon aim for his head on purpose, or did Kevin take the hit on purpose?
DAYAM! these kids are thowin’ DOWN!
Crazy woman on the court!
I’m still predicting a huge crash once all this exercise finally catches up with Monica unless she’s somehow poiting away her muscles’ fatigue poisons. Looks like they’re going to get in some mind-blowing sex before that happens at least.
Also, Monica is clearing a net that should be around 3 feet high by about half a foot. That’s an inch shy of Michael Jordan 43 inch vertical. Pretty good for a 4’10” shorty.
She’s flying high upon the wings of love…
I imagine the “Rule of Funny” is helping to propel her upward.
I heard somewhere that the Titan Nike was her great-aunt or something.
I am SOOOO jealous of him.
I don’t like to mention this, but I was just looking at the last frame, and does it look to anyone else that Monica appears to have a RABBIT glued to the back of her head?
Ok, I’ll come quietly…..
I was thinking more squirrel, but I can see that too.
also, insert joke about hares and hair…
…avoiding the suggestion that Hroth’s neighbors need soundproofing because of the attempts to come quietly…
Hey! Don’t make fun of her Bun-ny!!