Valerie really has some self-confidence issues, doesn’t she? Also, whoa Digit, ease up a bit there . .
(Although, she might just be doing this to get Valerie to react . . .)
Remember, at this point they have worked together for I’m guessing about three or four years. That familiarity will be in the right places in her mind so that this type of forced visualization can realy force her to see the truth. Also I would think that Dietzel will soon be meeting a new friend.
I dunno, but this seems a bit odd and out of character for Valerie. She was very self confident giving advice to Cori and when she advised Digit right before the Ghost Hunter Clubs sleepover in the school.
I’m a lot like Valerie.. I can give plenty of encouragement and helpful advice to others but as soon as it comes to myself I’m a self-destructing disaster.
Digit’s been working on her facial expressions, I see.
Valerie really has some self-confidence issues, doesn’t she? Also, whoa Digit, ease up a bit there . .
(Although, she might just be doing this to get Valerie to react . . .)
Not to *react* per se but to get her (Valerie’s) undivided attention on her (Digit) and away from her (Valerie’s) neuroses.
Remember, at this point they have worked together for I’m guessing about three or four years. That familiarity will be in the right places in her mind so that this type of forced visualization can realy force her to see the truth. Also I would think that Dietzel will soon be meeting a new friend.
Now that is some serious facial expression and vocal inflection going on there.
Digit is going to have to resort to some more hands on measures to break her out of her shell.
I don’t think pulling her mask off would be socially acceptable behaviour.
Oh, right. You meant figuratively, not literally.
If Digit gets any more worked up, we may see the mandibles come out!
Perhaps this is directly linked to Valerie’s inability to present a human face.
Which came first, her inability or her lack of confidence?
Lately, we’ve been seeing Valerieʾs mask occasionally show emotions
I like her. But if I were in a social situation, I’d be worried about how she’d feel about me.
Hee hee hee
(I heard her this way for some reason:
Digit right now:
Agreed. LoL
I dunno, but this seems a bit odd and out of character for Valerie. She was very self confident giving advice to Cori and when she advised Digit right before the Ghost Hunter Clubs sleepover in the school.
I’m a lot like Valerie.. I can give plenty of encouragement and helpful advice to others but as soon as it comes to myself I’m a self-destructing disaster.
That’s tDigit’s arachnid aggression talking…
Jeez Digit calm down.
I read that last panel in my best Carol Kane voice.