Need Company by Paul Taylor on August 17, 2016 at 7:11 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Castela, MonicaLocation: Monica's Island Related Comics ¬ Recordsenergy Showyousomething 09/12/2001 Run Away What Was It
Sometimes fate gives you what and who you need.
Well, someone asked what happened to Monica ans Shelly.
Comic relief and help with growing pains.
Awwwwww and Pickle goes straight to the heart.
OMG sooooo cute
Choklit == Instant Explosive-Situation Defuser. 🙂
It seems Pickle is the only one who brought payment to use the island.
She’s already taller than M! 😂
(Nearly everyone is taller than M…! )
Actually, it looks more like Pickle is standing on her feet, while Monica is still on her knees.
From royally pissed to maternally concerned in about 0.36 seconds. LOL
Sharing Chocolate covers a multitude of sins.
So now she’s schitzophrenic as well as a psychopath?
no, just easily distracted. 🙂
That’s neither a symptom of schizophrenia nor the correct way of spelling schizophrenia.
Source: is actually a schizophrenic and really doesn’t appreciate people throwing the term around when they don’t know anything about it.
To b fair, psychopaths tend to have shallow, intense, but short lived emotional responses.
Attention Deficit… Ooh, Shiny!
he used it first! 🙂 AFAIK.. 😛
Keti Jones: Look Jin – Pretty flower!
Daniel Grey: Thanks. You’re quicker than you look.
Keti Jones: Oh, look, Jin – rude half-wolf!
….And this is why I love this comic…………..**sigh**
M in second panel = win
And I think we see where Pickle got her potty mouth from now…likely not intentional on M’s part. It’s nice to see Shelly and Monica popping in on the story again. I do hope we get to see how Bud and Kevin are doing
Gran’ma Lily contributed, too.
I think it may also have been from whoever tended her in the nursery before she was “born”.
Castela strikes me as an “old soul”.
I see Pickle is working on her bikini body.
Who better than Monica to help her with those.
I was not ready for that. She was little kid shaped only a few pages ago; why is she turning all woman shaped?
Insert any standard ‘growing up too fast’ whine here…
Heh. It’s not always “peace and quiet” that you want, but just the right level of “noise”. ^_^