Next Animated Short “Unlimited Power”
by Paul Taylor
on February 10, 2024
at 3:17 pm
I have begun work on my next animated short and if you’d like to help out with finances for the voice actors, and various digital assets (while any amount is appreciated, $50 or more will also get your name in the special thanks section in my animated short) please feel free to use the link below.
“Crack the Sky.” I remember a band from the 1970s named “Crack the Sky,” but the only song I remember is a cover of “I Am the Walrus.” From what I glean on Wikipedia, they’re still active.
A few years ago, they supported a medical-foundation fundraiser by auctioning off a concert… the auction winner got to have a private Crack the Sky concert in their home, and a CD “For Catherine” was made to raise additional funds. Happy to have it in my collection!
You might possibly have heard the original studio version of this when it first came out – it got a lot of airplay:
“Will you stand by me against the cold night?
or are you afraid of the ice?”
Can’t recall if I’ve heard it—usually I can—but it’s pretty good.
Is Bud an RN? Or is that a hollowweenie costume?
I don’t think that’s a practical outfit, but I appreciate the rear view. Very nice, Bud.
Anything planned for VDSD this year?