I hope so too…but the fact that this conversation (along with yesterday’s soul-piercing stare) is taking place, I wonder what conflict exists between these two… were they adversaries in a prior loop, and now Tina only has an instictual memory of it?
Also, notice that the collective is answering, not just Nudge…
How do you know when the collective is answering and not just Nudge? I’m not disputing I just think I may be missing some cues that you are picking up on. Tina is so complicated!
Is Nudge the only one who speaks out of turn? Previously you’ve said grey text in Tina’s speech bubbles indicated one of the committee of the whole speaking unfiltered, but not if there was only one who did so.
I don’t mean to sound confrontational, since I realize you’re exaggerating to prove your point, but still: What are you talking about?? The only woman to show any animosity towards Tina was Bud.
And Bud’s reaction had nothing to do with “bullying” Tina — Tina just creeps her out, since Bud actually sees Tina’s demon chorus in action rather than the Tina shell. Beyond that, Bud’s initial negative reaction was just following Monica’s advice on how to deal with demons (or how not to, more precisely). It goes both ways – Bud initially creeped/freaked Tina out too, since Bud has no aura (and this tends to create awkward moments since Tina depends on someone’s aura to read them emotionally).
Well, everyone has been rude to (or complained about) everyone else at one time or another, pretty much. I don’t think Tina has been singled out. In particular, I think Shelly and Monica get along well with Tina.
Here, Shelly and Monica invite Tina out to celebrate their victory with them. Here, the three of them are definitely acting like friends. Here, Jin tries to reestablish a friendship with Tina and it’s Tina that gets creeped out a few pages later. Finally, here, Bud sticks up for Tina after one of Tina’s demons belittled Monica.
This is an instance of others taking revenge on Tina, of a sort.
@SonicThunder: Bud has a problem with Tina’s “true form.” Jin has an arrogance of her own (though minor), and Brandi is more-or-less warning based on past information. Shelly (and, to a lesser extent, Kevin) seems to have minor, ordinary concerns.
OK — Tina 2.0’s demons are doing penance by maintain Tina 1.0 existence and having been blinded to the memory of their damage to Monica as a child — the Bus/Car crash.
All the GGs had visited the library (and so met Phix), but Jin was guardian to Monica, and Phix likely knew it. She likely knew it because the library is outside of the time line all but Jin had to endure, so they all reappeared every cycle. Phix certainly had to know about it and Tina 1.0’s role in things
Whatever Tina 1.0 may have know about Phix was lost in the death, but the experience lingers on for 2.0 to profoundly fear her.
And they’re here for the same reason? To help guide Monica, of course!
Alternatives, variations, or other salient points anyone?
Phix certainly knew Tina in a previous cycle, or at least an aspect of her. However, it’s not clear whether or not Tina was ever directly aware of Phix. Judging from the second panel, I’d say Tina just realizes what Phix is and knows not to fark with her, just like birds instictively know not to eat monarch butterflies. Phix’s aura is analog to the monarch’s bright coloring.
Actually, I’d still agree with your first statement. Tina’s demons could have had knowledge of Phix without Tina 1.0 ever encountering her directly. The demons have multiple hosts and exist on a separate plane of existence.
Your point on the portal.
Is Phix saying there is a portal door from the street into the annex, or is she saying there is a portal inside the annex, between the annex and the Library proper?
Exactly. The portal behaves like the protection spell on the library books. Calm and sincere – you get to read the book. Angry or unworthy – book collapses into dust.
Since Phix called it a small archive library earlier and the main library wasn’t small, I’m guessing the portal leads to the a relatively small archive collection only. I don’t know how large the real-world building is, but I suspect that Phix’s library is so much larger that it the TARDIS effect would be obvious to any of Monica’s guests. I suppose the actual location could be a closed-off room inside the main library, though.
I just interpreted Fatuncle’s comment a third way (I didn’t respond to the first), so let’s try again. Phix seemed to be explaining (for Amanda’s benefit) Monica’s reluctance to bring Amanda to the small archive library. (Monica didn’t even know it existed, so Phix wasn’t being entirely honest.) Then Phix said that she trusted Monica’s judgment about who she brought with her. That implied “to see the archive”. The portal is tuned to “Monica and her guests”, so I assume it grants access to the small archive as well.
I think that by creating the annex, Paul is creating the possibility that the museum staff and Monica’s friends can find things without having the ability to poit or even understanding that such a thing was possible or knowing that Phix’s library exists. The portal would still allow the annex to contain special stuff that would be hidden from everyone else. That might set up conflict over what to reveal to the public or other plot points.
Another point is that I can’t see Phix delegating control over who can get into the main library to anyone else, not even Monica.
I’m still thinking that somehow Katherine is going to play a big role in this outside the control of Monica. This could set that up.
“Alternatives, variations, or other salient points anyone?” Well, since you asked…
Actually, that was very good overall, but I can nitpick and provide additional thoughts.
I wouldn’t call what Tina is doing “penance”. She didn’t even remember she had done anything wrong. She eventually figured out why she could only remember the last few years. Even then, she had to be told what she had done wrong. Tina didn’t understand her compulsion to move to Minneapolis or to bring the key with her, either.
I think Phix and Tina want to be helpful in general. They aren’t just interested in helping Monica and usually don’t provide much direction.
Phix discussed Jin saving Monica with Monica, so there is no question that she knew about that. Jin didn’t save Monica because Jin was Monica’s guardian, though. Jin knew that she needed Monica and that it would have been a disaster if Monica’s demons got Monica’s powers.
I don’t think that what Tina 1.0 did was necessarily responsible for Tina fearing Phix. If it’s instinctual, it could be like a rabbit fearing a fox.
I’m glad Phix explained how the portal and door worked — that was exactly how I figured it was set up. (I wonder if the GG are considered as able to enter the annex, or only as Monica’s guests. Of course they can poit there instead if they choose.)
Ooooh, so there IS some sort of past interaction between these two! And here I thought Tina was seconds away from panicking just because Phix is a sphinx. Silly me!
Hmm…I could be wrong, but it almost seems that Phix doesn’t actually seem to be showing any overt hostility towards Tina; she looks more thoughtful than threatening. Tina, obviously, sees things differently; she’s clearly scared speechless, but also almost seems…ashamed? Subservient? I’m having some difficulty putting a word to it.
But I’d say a small child with some guilt who knows they did something wrong. I’m thinking of small child with Sister Steven from Nine Chickweed Lane.
Tina looked down in the first panel when Phix mentioned “stepping on each others toes” because that’s what Tina just did. There is some guilt there. She looks up in the second because Phix was showing some empathy and that she understands things from Tina’s point of view. Tina obviously didn’t intentionally cross Phix — she didn’t even remember that Phix existed. Yet instinctually Tina knows that Phix is something to be feared, so there is no need to punish her to teach her a lesson. That’s why the relatively emphatic “Yes.”
I realized that I had read instinctively for instinctually, and not being sure of the difference, looked up instinctually.
▸ noun: inborn pattern of behavior often responsive to specific stimuli
Inborn. Tina’s reaction to Phix was built into her demons. So… Phix is saying that Tina hasn’t met her before? That she didn’t need a memory to understand what Phix was? I read it that way.
Right. Tina just automatically recognizes that Phix is someone who absolutely must not be crossed. Presumably, Tina’s demons would have known that Phix guarded access to the library (probably common knowledge among demons) and would have figured out what library Monica was going to and why she was so reluctant to bring Amanda along if their memories hadn’t been erased. I assume that normally any demon would have been expected to know better under those circumstances.
Tina didn’t need her memories to fear stepping on Phix’s toes, but needed them to know how to avoid doing that in this case.
There doesn’t need to have been any direct interaction. It could be just that typically demons know of Phix. So Phix is pointing out that a group of demons who can’t remember still react to her.
as some here edge around the demons hold a biological prey reaction to the predator before them but are not being issued some justice by the ancient judge for past faults as all of them have been wiped with the memories effectively
About remembering: I recall that personal demons are more or less recycled between human lives, so the group inhabiting Tina-shell could have come across Sphix before they ended up in Tina -just like any other demon could have. Just a thought.
Anyone else notice that “Fix” is talking to “nudge”.. curious if their characters are related to a meaning there. Phix may help fix people to existing paths, while nudge may push them into new ones.. constructive chaos and constructive order maybe? hmm.
I think Phix is talking to the collective. It’s the collective that’s responding. If an individual demon, such as Nudge, were talking, the text would be a lighter shade of gray.
Personally, I was always under the impression that Tina, in one timeline, helped with an attempt on the Calander and something went arry harming Monica – in relation to the stabbing with the key or some such. Maybe I just ought to re-read everything. Hmm..
jeeze. reading some of these comments actually gives me a headache. I love wapsi, i’ve been reading it for quite a while.. but all this speculation and scrutiny of characters leads to distraction and headaches
Well, you know, you actually have to click on a button to open the comments. So if they give you a headache and distract you — don’t click on the button and open the comments.
If Tina has been looping and Phix exists outside the loop, there could have been a confrontation at any arbitrary point in the prior 55 iterations, so I believe Old Wolf is merely hoping to see the background of their relationship…
I like Phix, she is an Über librarian.(Hate the term, but it sure fits Phix on many levels) However, she has feline aspects that are showing in this particular scene. Phix is playing with Tina like a cat toys with a mouse or maybe I should say a lion toys with a wildebeest. Poor Tina, she knows she’s the mouse; what a horrible feeling that must be.
Oh, eschmenk, I wasn’t trying to imply that Phix would hurt Tina physically.(Although we didn’t know what to expect yesterday) I was just observing that she was toying with her mentally. Being toyed with by so powerful a being would be unpleasant even if no actual harm occurs. Kinda like finals.
Now, the “You don’t need to remember me” line set off my Spidey-Sense like a temple bell. Who couldn’t forget such an well-read example of pulchritudinal splendor? Unless, there was some kind of accident….
Paul, you must have cats.
I swear I saw my little queen in the exact same pose that Phix is holding in panel 2.
The ‘imma pretend to be all coy and playful until your attention slips…’ pose.
fenrir? he’s was just watching a movie a few strips back
old gil he was mortal from way back nearing lanthas time so no way he lives to be seen in a monica strip
Phix! Stop it! I used to like you, but if you scare my Tina, I’m going to throw the rule-book out the window and do something my mother will make me regret!
Tina also could have gone with “DUUUUHHHH!!!!!”
Ah so they have history…
History which they (Tina’s demons) have conveniently(?) forgotten…
Guess ignorance ain’t always bliss…
I really think it’s more like “AAAAAAAAAH!”
Or whatever sound a rabbit makes when it finds itself nose-to-nose with a lioness.
sooooooo, what are those reasons you’re both “here”, Phix?
To help Monica? I hope?
I hope so too…but the fact that this conversation (along with yesterday’s soul-piercing stare) is taking place, I wonder what conflict exists between these two… were they adversaries in a prior loop, and now Tina only has an instictual memory of it?
Also, notice that the collective is answering, not just Nudge…
How do you know when the collective is answering and not just Nudge? I’m not disputing I just think I may be missing some cues that you are picking up on. Tina is so complicated!
Nudge speaks in a gray-colored font.
Grey font for when Nudge speaks.
Is Nudge the only one who speaks out of turn? Previously you’ve said grey text in Tina’s speech bubbles indicated one of the committee of the whole speaking unfiltered, but not if there was only one who did so.
Animal instinct ?
Or I suppose Phix’s animal magnetism ?
Now you know the kind of effect that Phix has on Tina when she is reduced to one word answers.
Oh good. Another bully for Tina.
Seriously, the girl can’t hurt anyone directly, and doing so indirectly wipes her brain. Does every female in Wapsi-verse really have to pick on her?
*looking forward to Tina’s revenge*
I don’t mean to sound confrontational, since I realize you’re exaggerating to prove your point, but still: What are you talking about?? The only woman to show any animosity towards Tina was Bud.
And Bud’s reaction had nothing to do with “bullying” Tina — Tina just creeps her out, since Bud actually sees Tina’s demon chorus in action rather than the Tina shell. Beyond that, Bud’s initial negative reaction was just following Monica’s advice on how to deal with demons (or how not to, more precisely). It goes both ways – Bud initially creeped/freaked Tina out too, since Bud has no aura (and this tends to create awkward moments since Tina depends on someone’s aura to read them emotionally).
I really don’t feel like archive digging for exact strips… so:
Bud referring to Tina as a smug bitch and other such phrases every time Tina leaves the room.
Jin referring to Tina as an abomination in every verbal encounter the two have on-screen.
Brandi giving Tina the stare of death in their few encounters (I’ll let this one slide as unease/shock though, but still poor Tina).
Shelly always stating that Tina gives her the creeps to Monica or whoever is with her, when Tina is literally on the other side of the counter.
Really, I think the only two to enter this coffeeshop and not be rude/abrasive toward Tina are Amanda and Kevin at this point.
Well, everyone has been rude to (or complained about) everyone else at one time or another, pretty much. I don’t think Tina has been singled out. In particular, I think Shelly and Monica get along well with Tina.
Here, Shelly and Monica invite Tina out to celebrate their victory with them. Here, the three of them are definitely acting like friends. Here, Jin tries to reestablish a friendship with Tina and it’s Tina that gets creeped out a few pages later. Finally, here, Bud sticks up for Tina after one of Tina’s demons belittled Monica.
This is an instance of others taking revenge on Tina, of a sort.
@SonicThunder: Bud has a problem with Tina’s “true form.” Jin has an arrogance of her own (though minor), and Brandi is more-or-less warning based on past information. Shelly (and, to a lesser extent, Kevin) seems to have minor, ordinary concerns.
Damn. With that haircut, Tina’s making me wish i was a cartoon.
Of course, there’s many other reasons why i would be better as a cartoon, but meh.
Phix has been making me wish I was a cartoon for a while now. I wanna date a hot sphinx-librarian. >_<
And I love the bottles of water & Bug Juice and prepackaged sandwiches in the background of the second panel.
Something tells me that Phixy-Poo & MIss Tina have had previous dealings and somebody got a royal smackdown.
Called the Portal!
Now as for the rest.. hmmmmm!!!
OK — Tina 2.0’s demons are doing penance by maintain Tina 1.0 existence and having been blinded to the memory of their damage to Monica as a child — the Bus/Car crash.
All the GGs had visited the library (and so met Phix), but Jin was guardian to Monica, and Phix likely knew it. She likely knew it because the library is outside of the time line all but Jin had to endure, so they all reappeared every cycle. Phix certainly had to know about it and Tina 1.0’s role in things
Whatever Tina 1.0 may have know about Phix was lost in the death, but the experience lingers on for 2.0 to profoundly fear her.
And they’re here for the same reason? To help guide Monica, of course!
Alternatives, variations, or other salient points anyone?
Phix certainly knew Tina in a previous cycle, or at least an aspect of her. However, it’s not clear whether or not Tina was ever directly aware of Phix. Judging from the second panel, I’d say Tina just realizes what Phix is and knows not to fark with her, just like birds instictively know not to eat monarch butterflies. Phix’s aura is analog to the monarch’s bright coloring.
Oh…Phix said “remember.” Never mind. (/emilylatella)
Actually, I’d still agree with your first statement. Tina’s demons could have had knowledge of Phix without Tina 1.0 ever encountering her directly. The demons have multiple hosts and exist on a separate plane of existence.
Your point on the portal.
Is Phix saying there is a portal door from the street into the annex, or is she saying there is a portal inside the annex, between the annex and the Library proper?
I believe it’s like a certain wardrobe. Adults open it, and it’s just a wardrobe. Certain children open it, and it leads to Narnia.
Exactly. The portal behaves like the protection spell on the library books. Calm and sincere – you get to read the book. Angry or unworthy – book collapses into dust.
Phix has made Monica the key to the portal.
Some of the questions I look forward to having answered:
How did Bibliotheki come to be? Who set it up? What need was it created to fulfill?
Our library, said Phix. Our books. Are there others “on staff” , as yet unseen, as Phix’s answer to Monica’s question implies? http://wapsisquare.com/comic/theanswerissunshine/
Since Phix called it a small archive library earlier and the main library wasn’t small, I’m guessing the portal leads to the a relatively small archive collection only. I don’t know how large the real-world building is, but I suspect that Phix’s library is so much larger that it the TARDIS effect would be obvious to any of Monica’s guests. I suppose the actual location could be a closed-off room inside the main library, though.
I just interpreted Fatuncle’s comment a third way (I didn’t respond to the first), so let’s try again. Phix seemed to be explaining (for Amanda’s benefit) Monica’s reluctance to bring Amanda to the small archive library. (Monica didn’t even know it existed, so Phix wasn’t being entirely honest.) Then Phix said that she trusted Monica’s judgment about who she brought with her. That implied “to see the archive”. The portal is tuned to “Monica and her guests”, so I assume it grants access to the small archive as well.
I think that by creating the annex, Paul is creating the possibility that the museum staff and Monica’s friends can find things without having the ability to poit or even understanding that such a thing was possible or knowing that Phix’s library exists. The portal would still allow the annex to contain special stuff that would be hidden from everyone else. That might set up conflict over what to reveal to the public or other plot points.
Another point is that I can’t see Phix delegating control over who can get into the main library to anyone else, not even Monica.
I’m still thinking that somehow Katherine is going to play a big role in this outside the control of Monica. This could set that up.
Note that Here, Phix describes the whole of the Great Library of Alexandria as a Portal Annex — one of many!
So when M finally gets to open that door, be certain that Majesty Awaits!
Yes, I had missed that when I wrote the comment.
BTW, I’m not so sure that “majesty awaits”. Majesty could await, but I’m not so sure that would be appropriate this time.
We’ll find out when Paul shows us, I guess.
“Alternatives, variations, or other salient points anyone?” Well, since you asked…
Actually, that was very good overall, but I can nitpick and provide additional thoughts.
I wouldn’t call what Tina is doing “penance”. She didn’t even remember she had done anything wrong. She eventually figured out why she could only remember the last few years. Even then, she had to be told what she had done wrong. Tina didn’t understand her compulsion to move to Minneapolis or to bring the key with her, either.
I think Phix and Tina want to be helpful in general. They aren’t just interested in helping Monica and usually don’t provide much direction.
Phix discussed Jin saving Monica with Monica, so there is no question that she knew about that. Jin didn’t save Monica because Jin was Monica’s guardian, though. Jin knew that she needed Monica and that it would have been a disaster if Monica’s demons got Monica’s powers.
I don’t think that what Tina 1.0 did was necessarily responsible for Tina fearing Phix. If it’s instinctual, it could be like a rabbit fearing a fox.
Grats on the portal call, BTW.
And instinct says “release bladder”.
What??? Well I’m sure all will be explained. I love this strip.
I’m glad Phix explained how the portal and door worked — that was exactly how I figured it was set up. (I wonder if the GG are considered as able to enter the annex, or only as Monica’s guests. Of course they can poit there instead if they choose.)
Ooooh, so there IS some sort of past interaction between these two! And here I thought Tina was seconds away from panicking just because Phix is a sphinx. Silly me!
Hmm…I could be wrong, but it almost seems that Phix doesn’t actually seem to be showing any overt hostility towards Tina; she looks more thoughtful than threatening. Tina, obviously, sees things differently; she’s clearly scared speechless, but also almost seems…ashamed? Subservient? I’m having some difficulty putting a word to it.
Overawed, perhaps? Something like a small child reduced to monosyllables when an imposing adult tries to make conversation with her?
I think CrashFu called it on the money: “a mythological demi-goddess (well.. practically at any rate!) walks into the room.”
Tina’s reactions seemed to be first shock, and then awe.
That’s exactly what i get from her body language…
But I’d say a small child with some guilt who knows they did something wrong. I’m thinking of small child with Sister Steven from Nine Chickweed Lane.
Tina looked down in the first panel when Phix mentioned “stepping on each others toes” because that’s what Tina just did. There is some guilt there. She looks up in the second because Phix was showing some empathy and that she understands things from Tina’s point of view. Tina obviously didn’t intentionally cross Phix — she didn’t even remember that Phix existed. Yet instinctually Tina knows that Phix is something to be feared, so there is no need to punish her to teach her a lesson. That’s why the relatively emphatic “Yes.”
I realized that I had read instinctively for instinctually, and not being sure of the difference, looked up instinctually.
▸ noun: inborn pattern of behavior often responsive to specific stimuli
Inborn. Tina’s reaction to Phix was built into her demons. So… Phix is saying that Tina hasn’t met her before? That she didn’t need a memory to understand what Phix was? I read it that way.
Right. Tina just automatically recognizes that Phix is someone who absolutely must not be crossed. Presumably, Tina’s demons would have known that Phix guarded access to the library (probably common knowledge among demons) and would have figured out what library Monica was going to and why she was so reluctant to bring Amanda along if their memories hadn’t been erased. I assume that normally any demon would have been expected to know better under those circumstances.
Tina didn’t need her memories to fear stepping on Phix’s toes, but needed them to know how to avoid doing that in this case.
There doesn’t need to have been any direct interaction. It could be just that typically demons know of Phix. So Phix is pointing out that a group of demons who can’t remember still react to her.
as some here edge around the demons hold a biological prey reaction to the predator before them but are not being issued some justice by the ancient judge for past faults as all of them have been wiped with the memories effectively
So much responsibility on poor Monica. Heh… Hmmm…
Ah! there’s nothing quite like friendly chit-chat .
Right!! Trust no one ;-]
“…and this is nothing like it.”?
phix is actually scarier sometimes when she is smiling sweetly

and aww poor tina
both here for the same reasons..
because they both hurt someone
or because they both want to help monica
or something else
So, another year or so before anyone gets laid again, huh?
You apparently missed Shelly tying the cop to the bedposts.
About remembering: I recall that personal demons are more or less recycled between human lives, so the group inhabiting Tina-shell could have come across Sphix before they ended up in Tina -just like any other demon could have. Just a thought.
Darn, how anticlimatic. I must stop building these things up in my mind and just go with the flow.
Phix:You know .. who i am right?
Anyone else notice that “Fix” is talking to “nudge”.. curious if their characters are related to a meaning there. Phix may help fix people to existing paths, while nudge may push them into new ones.. constructive chaos and constructive order maybe? hmm.
I think Phix is talking to the collective. It’s the collective that’s responding. If an individual demon, such as Nudge, were talking, the text would be a lighter shade of gray.
Personally, I was always under the impression that Tina, in one timeline, helped with an attempt on the Calander and something went arry harming Monica – in relation to the stabbing with the key or some such. Maybe I just ought to re-read everything. Hmm..
jeeze. reading some of these comments actually gives me a headache. I love wapsi, i’ve been reading it for quite a while.. but all this speculation and scrutiny of characters leads to distraction and headaches
And some people think this is the best part.
Check out the comments list at Pibgorn, if this gives you headaches.
Well, you know, you actually have to click on a button to open the comments. So if they give you a headache and distract you — don’t click on the button and open the comments.
Um, actually the RSS feed links to here. I don’t know if he is using it though. In any case, “just don’t scroll down” works, too.
Live and learn. I’ve never used an RSS feed, so I didn’t know.
Flashback to Tina and Phix 5,000 years ago, please…
Tina is only 30-something years old. The demons would have been inhabiting other people before that.
If Tina has been looping and Phix exists outside the loop, there could have been a confrontation at any arbitrary point in the prior 55 iterations, so I believe Old Wolf is merely hoping to see the background of their relationship…
I like Phix, she is an Über librarian.(Hate the term, but it sure fits Phix on many levels) However, she has feline aspects that are showing in this particular scene. Phix is playing with Tina like a cat toys with a mouse or maybe I should say a lion toys with a wildebeest. Poor Tina, she knows she’s the mouse; what a horrible feeling that must be.
I noticed that too, I would not want to see the moment when Phix pounces, especially if she was coming at me!
…or would I?
Still, keep in mind that Phix is obviously explaining things to Tina that someone about to be eaten wouldn’t need to know.
Oh, eschmenk, I wasn’t trying to imply that Phix would hurt Tina physically.(Although we didn’t know what to expect yesterday) I was just observing that she was toying with her mentally. Being toyed with by so powerful a being would be unpleasant even if no actual harm occurs. Kinda like finals.
If by ‘intellectual level’ she means the level of pants-pissing fear, then yes, that’s exactly where she registers.
Not intellectual level.
Instinctual level. At the level of instinct.
Maybe tomorrow: cookies!
Now, the “You don’t need to remember me” line set off my Spidey-Sense like a temple bell. Who couldn’t forget such an well-read example of pulchritudinal splendor? Unless, there was some kind of accident….
Actually, the phrase “Jedi mind control” sprang to the front, there.
Did anyone else notice that in the first panel, Tina still has, what appear to be normal eyes and then back the the spirals in the second panel?
For someone with usually a lot to say, Tina’s vocab in these last 2 prints says it all
“…Tea?” “no” “yes”
An remember Phix knows all these characters including Tina from what, 11 times before?
Paul, you must have cats.
I swear I saw my little queen in the exact same pose that Phix is holding in panel 2.
The ‘imma pretend to be all coy and playful until your attention slips…’ pose.
Ah hah. People have been talking about how Phix got banished to/confined in the Library.
I was just flipping through old strips, and i hit this one.
Heh, I just did the same. It still doesn’t explain why she moved from Limbo to the library, though. I’m not sure how to take what Brandi says here. I don’t think Brandi means that Phix physically created the library. OTOH, at least part of it seemed to be a reminder of why she was there. In any case, no one else was forcing Phix to remain there.
Fairportfan: here is the strip where Tina has eyes in her hands.
Did I just miss sumpin? A minute ago, Phix gave a look that would curdle motor oil! To quote one of my fave web comic characters, ‘What th’ hell?’
Demons, Sphinx, Mayan Gods…
I’m betting on Fenrir or some obscure deity from Sumeria next.
S’funny, I wonder how Paul will draw Gilgamesh…
fenrir? he’s was just watching a movie a few strips back
old gil he was mortal from way back nearing lanthas time so no way he lives to be seen in a monica strip
Phix! Stop it! I used to like you, but if you scare my Tina, I’m going to throw the rule-book out the window and do something my mother will make me regret!
Generally, one DOES recognize a predator, Phix.