Katherine is pretty much of the “i’m not in the mood right now” mindset but Bryn doesn’t care… but if a GUY were to be acting the way Bryn is acting, he’d get thrown in jail for attempted rape, sexual harassment, and who knows what else the court of public opinion would come up with… but here, because it’s a female doing it, it’s “ok” even though Bryn is totally blowing off Katherine’s legitimate concerns over Pickles, and the other kids, during the sleep over at the school. and that’s an example of one of many messed up double standard’s we have in today’s society…
I think it is safe to assume they know the limits of their relationship. Kat is no damsel in distress. Don’t go too deep into it. Newspapers these days sell drama, not information and if you look on the internet you can always find a group of people who agree with your point of view no matter what it is…. Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of fragile people but reality has a way of changing things around.
Ah! so, by now, She SHOULD be visibly horny.
I’ve seen this endlessly on Napalm Luck [the Forum of Chris Hazelton’s MISFILE.] It’s actually a tribute to Paul that we even HAVE these discussions. The characters actually have their defenders!
You have NO idea! The endless discussions from Dating Behavior, to Age of Consent, and Statutory Rape, of Fictional Characters! Annoying? Yes. Ultimately Pointless? Yes, but HIGH Praise for the author,Endless FUN, and it’s Organic, Non-GMO, and Non-Fattening.
She’s no “Petite FLOWER.” I recall her snorting down a nose full of blood after setting a nose, when she’s been elbowed in the face by Atsali [and then NOT killing her.]
Same thing crossed my mind when I read this, @scantrontb…
Good point as well @cyberspooked, today’s hyper-awareness has made moments like this cause for endless argument. Even though these are fictional characters, I find myself projecting my own biases about consent on the situation, whereas in the past I probably just would have enjoyed the sexual tension.
While it is true that cyber has a point, I still don’t think this is OK. If she wants to do things with Kat, I think it’d be better if they sat down and talked about it, possibly directly asked what would make Kat feel better. Although I will admit I’m still not a fan of these two dating because of the principal and student relationship also at play here. Still, doesn’t this also feel like Kevin and Monica- which was decided that in story it was not healthy? It seems to echo that a bit.
The problem with that argument is: one the principle is not human and I think some could argue that Kat is probably not either & two it’s up to them to decide the relationship. I know of some s&m couples that wouldn’t even consider this foreplay…. given the world they live in it would be the same as trying to hug it out with a mountain lion. yeah they can be cute and cuddly some times but they can also rip your face off.
As for Monica, this movie quote comes to mind….
Janine Melnitz: “You are so kind to take care of that man. You’re a real humanitarian.”
Egon Spengler: “I don’t think he’s human.”
question is she is the “gatekeeper” lol
I agree with @txmystic. this is fiction. Just enjoy it for what it is…
I disagree; they are a Couple; Kath hasn’t said “No!”, and her SigOther knows her well enough that she can press her own needs to the point of being recognized…
Look at it as the guy in this scenario is saying “But babe, it’s Friday night & we scheduled some time together…” and the gal is going on and on about a strange knocking sound the car was making (I paraphrase for effect) and the guy scoops her up and carries her off to the bedroom.
While it’s always true the ‘No! means No!’, this is not that…
Now that I think about it, my gender-‘normal’ reset works better if the GUY is tripping about something and the GAL just starts unzipping his fly.
“Honey, I love you and we’ll talk about this… after…”.
in the scenario you describe about a CAR, sure, no problems, frolic away and discuss later… but when “he” is IGNORING or blowing off “her” legitimate concerns about her CHILDS SAFETY… nope. that is past the line right there there. the “guy” needs to take a cold shower and LISTEN to her, not change the subject.
Bryn’s not blowing them off — she acknowledged that there may be legitimate concerns, but the danger (if any) is already over and the kids are unharmed, so the discussion of said concerns can be safely postponed until later.
It seems as if Bryns needs are more important than spidergirls concerns over her ward…or shes actively deviating from the more important matter purposefully.
You mean diverting Kat’s attention from her well founded dislike for the Library, and how it tends to drag people into convoluted seeming risky or life threatening adventures? Yes, yes she is.
Also Kat’s last words today are about her concerns over the Library, not her worries about Pickle and crew. Which kinda makes Bryn’s point. Kat has a grudge she’s nursing, and it’s making her recursively babble.
Kat may or may not have legitimate concerns (read: heavy bias towards the very entity that brought her and Sali and Stela together), butt, Bryn is correct: this is not the time for that, and Kat is not in the right frame of mind to discus anything
Right now, it’s boinking time (later it’s “buy new furniture time” and then “talk about the Library time” )
She’s horny and she knows it?
Shouldn’t She be, by now? Or was that the Fawn. This is Skyler’s Mom.
Bryn is the principal at the school.
Bryn is the faun. She’s the one up there resorting to the direct approach.
The succubus Selene Faust is Skylar’s mom.
Alright, since the comment code is barfing on links, we’ll do this again:
Bryn is the Faun, up there employing the direct approach – http :// wapsisquare. com/ comic/ cheeky/
The succubus Selene is Skylar’s mother – http :// wapsisquare. com/ comic/ selene-faust/
Ah! so, by now she should be VISIBLY Horny. Thought so.
themadkansan – Actually, both links work just fine in your original post. Both the “Bryn” hyperlink and the “Selene Faust” link.
No Katherine, she is very definitely not admitting to that. Oy.
Katherine is pretty much of the “i’m not in the mood right now” mindset but Bryn doesn’t care… but if a GUY were to be acting the way Bryn is acting, he’d get thrown in jail for attempted rape, sexual harassment, and who knows what else the court of public opinion would come up with… but here, because it’s a female doing it, it’s “ok” even though Bryn is totally blowing off Katherine’s legitimate concerns over Pickles, and the other kids, during the sleep over at the school. and that’s an example of one of many messed up double standard’s we have in today’s society…
I think it is safe to assume they know the limits of their relationship. Kat is no damsel in distress. Don’t go too deep into it. Newspapers these days sell drama, not information and if you look on the internet you can always find a group of people who agree with your point of view no matter what it is…. Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of fragile people but reality has a way of changing things around.
Ah! so, by now, She SHOULD be visibly horny.
I’ve seen this endlessly on Napalm Luck [the Forum of Chris Hazelton’s MISFILE.] It’s actually a tribute to Paul that we even HAVE these discussions. The characters actually have their defenders!
You have NO idea! The endless discussions from Dating Behavior, to Age of Consent, and Statutory Rape, of Fictional Characters! Annoying? Yes. Ultimately Pointless? Yes, but HIGH Praise for the author,Endless FUN, and it’s Organic, Non-GMO, and Non-Fattening.
She’s no “Petite FLOWER.” I recall her snorting down a nose full of blood after setting a nose, when she’s been elbowed in the face by Atsali [and then NOT killing her.]
I thought she was kicked in the face, which when given Atsali’s leg strength…
Same thing crossed my mind when I read this, @scantrontb…
Good point as well @cyberspooked, today’s hyper-awareness has made moments like this cause for endless argument. Even though these are fictional characters, I find myself projecting my own biases about consent on the situation, whereas in the past I probably just would have enjoyed the sexual tension.
While it is true that cyber has a point, I still don’t think this is OK. If she wants to do things with Kat, I think it’d be better if they sat down and talked about it, possibly directly asked what would make Kat feel better. Although I will admit I’m still not a fan of these two dating because of the principal and student relationship also at play here. Still, doesn’t this also feel like Kevin and Monica- which was decided that in story it was not healthy? It seems to echo that a bit.
I agree. I like the idea of her ASKING what would make Kat feel better instead of TELLING her. This page makes me feel a little uncomfortable….
The problem with that argument is: one the principle is not human and I think some could argue that Kat is probably not either & two it’s up to them to decide the relationship. I know of some s&m couples that wouldn’t even consider this foreplay…. given the world they live in it would be the same as trying to hug it out with a mountain lion. yeah they can be cute and cuddly some times but they can also rip your face off.
As for Monica, this movie quote comes to mind….
Janine Melnitz: “You are so kind to take care of that man. You’re a real humanitarian.”
Egon Spengler: “I don’t think he’s human.”
question is she is the “gatekeeper” lol
I agree with @txmystic. this is fiction. Just enjoy it for what it is…
I disagree; they are a Couple; Kath hasn’t said “No!”, and her SigOther knows her well enough that she can press her own needs to the point of being recognized…
Look at it as the guy in this scenario is saying “But babe, it’s Friday night & we scheduled some time together…” and the gal is going on and on about a strange knocking sound the car was making (I paraphrase for effect) and the guy scoops her up and carries her off to the bedroom.
While it’s always true the ‘No! means No!’, this is not that…
Now that I think about it, my gender-‘normal’ reset works better if the GUY is tripping about something and the GAL just starts unzipping his fly.
“Honey, I love you and we’ll talk about this… after…”.
in the scenario you describe about a CAR, sure, no problems, frolic away and discuss later… but when “he” is IGNORING or blowing off “her” legitimate concerns about her CHILDS SAFETY… nope. that is past the line right there there. the “guy” needs to take a cold shower and LISTEN to her, not change the subject.
Bryn’s not blowing them off — she acknowledged that there may be legitimate concerns, but the danger (if any) is already over and the kids are unharmed, so the discussion of said concerns can be safely postponed until later.
Whelp, drastic measures it is then….
It seems as if Bryns needs are more important than spidergirls concerns over her ward…or shes actively deviating from the more important matter purposefully.
I think it’s more of a way of getting Kat out of a recursive thought loop.
You mean diverting Kat’s attention from her well founded dislike for the Library, and how it tends to drag people into convoluted seeming risky or life threatening adventures? Yes, yes she is.
Also Kat’s last words today are about her concerns over the Library, not her worries about Pickle and crew. Which kinda makes Bryn’s point. Kat has a grudge she’s nursing, and it’s making her recursively babble.
Horny, tipsy girlfriend indeed.
The Mom Force is strong with this one.
School library or the library?
The Library
Kat may or may not have legitimate concerns (read: heavy bias towards the very entity that brought her and Sali and Stela together), butt, Bryn is correct: this is not the time for that, and Kat is not in the right frame of mind to discus anything
Right now, it’s boinking time (later it’s “buy new furniture time” and then “talk about the Library time”
themadkansan – Actually, both links work just fine in your original post. Both the “Bryn” hyperlink and the “Selene Faust” link.
Messed that up… …Please ignore this duplicate post.
So, the “kid gloves” are the *first* things to come off?
Well, better her than me…