The parents may be more appreciative of some hard liquor to make the knowledge go away, that armageddon is one teen girl’s drama-tantrum away from actually happening.
When I read the second panel, the third panel wasn’t on screen yet. I got very very nervous to scroll down. I was expecting a cut to Pickle growing enraged over something humorously petty.
Been meaning to mention—and haven’t read every comments page—but Katherine’s getting a pretty good gray streak in her hair. We all know what’s responsible for it, don’t we?
I’ll grant you that grey hair (as well as Insanity) is Hereditary; You get it from your Kids… but Maybe, just Maybe, think of this possibility: She’s had grey hair (or whatever other light-colored hair that a B&W comic will allow) forever (ie as long as we’ve seen her in this comic (even back in her flashbacks to her college days trauma at the dig-site) but has been DYING IT for SOOO Long that she finally went: “Phooey On That”, and is just letting it grow out as her natural color?!?! OR, here’s another good one i just thought up: maybe the gene sequence from one of the OTHER five kids that she’s made up of, has recently just been “woken up from dormancy” (somehow) and is REPLACING all her hair with a NEW, but lighter, color??
Well, considering how much of a shut-in she was, to the point of her running her fingers through her hair and it staying that way, I rather doubt that she was dying her hair.
He he. Ice cream and chocolate will defeat the Death Star.
Cuddly plush Death Star with chocolate ice cream.
hahahahahaha now would that be for the teens, or the parents?
The parents may be more appreciative of some hard liquor to make the knowledge go away, that armageddon is one teen girl’s drama-tantrum away from actually happening.
I gotta remember that “set her off in a Death Star kinda way” quote for when I deal with MY daughter.
Puberty, Pickle, and Periods.
I would hate to see her put a Full Stop to a significant part of the landscape
Some how, believe Pickle will be skipping the ‘period’ part of puberty
Ohh, god, don’t even wanna THINK about that one. Reference the aforementioned daughter.
She’s mostly plant, so, probably no menstrual cycle?
The MIB is run by wise women. Of course they have an ice cream and chocolate team on deck.
Which sounds like Katherine doesn’t know about Castela’s little research trip to the Library.
‘Cause that looked like ‘Death Star kind of way.
Yeah, but that time she was in a place where she knew she wouldn’t hurt anyone or anything. She can rein herself in when necessary.
I think that qualifies as “something pretty big.”
When I read the second panel, the third panel wasn’t on screen yet. I got very very nervous to scroll down. I was expecting a cut to Pickle growing enraged over something humorously petty.
Same here
do I smell fore-shadowing? ‘cus i’f I’m being honest I AM waiting for pickle to all Carrie
You’re just wanting an excuse to binge on ice cream and chocolate
Words of wisdom from the girl who melted a continent.
Just imagined a chocolatier in the same vein as Tina…
Fantastic idea.
And now I’m reminded of the movie Chocolat.
Been meaning to mention—and haven’t read every comments page—but Katherine’s getting a pretty good gray streak in her hair. We all know what’s responsible for it, don’t we?
Gray hair is hereditary . . . you get it from your kids.
. . .
Which doesn’t explain mine. I got it from my parents.
it’s still hereditary — just the opposite direction.
I just get it from life in general…
I’ll grant you that grey hair (as well as Insanity) is Hereditary; You get it from your Kids… but Maybe, just Maybe, think of this possibility: She’s had grey hair (or whatever other light-colored hair that a B&W comic will allow) forever (ie as long as we’ve seen her in this comic (even back in her flashbacks to her college days trauma at the dig-site) but has been DYING IT for SOOO Long that she finally went: “Phooey On That”, and is just letting it grow out as her natural color?!?! OR, here’s another good one i just thought up: maybe the gene sequence from one of the OTHER five kids that she’s made up of, has recently just been “woken up from dormancy” (somehow) and is REPLACING all her hair with a NEW, but lighter, color??
Well, considering how much of a shut-in she was, to the point of her running her fingers through her hair and it staying that way, I rather doubt that she was dying her hair.
Two ladies sat down and the conversation turned to Pickle and Ice Cream…
An ice cream/treat strike force within the MIB to tone-down its agents? WHY THE HELL DIDN’T I EVER THINK OF THAT???