And a mother. There have been various real news articles over the years about random things such as a mother lifting a heavy car to get her child. Then there’s who she’s been hanging out with.
Correction: She is not a high-ranking MiB officer. That would be a demotion, according to Bud, because she’s on a first-call basis for trouble with The Jaguar Girl, Demon Shepherd, Monica herself
Spoilers below if you haven’t read all the previous archive…
Technically she’s over six thousand years old, and she’s the result of Brandi failing to take the possibility of several women being pregnant with quadruplets when storing the Anasazi.
Katherine was created as six babies from six pregnant women was all stored in the same crystal. Some time later she was extracted and immediately placed into stasis, only to be found by US Airforce personnel in 1970.
The MiB agent and vampire Lily Pratt is one of the six pregnant women and the only one of Katherine’s mothers that’s known to have survived.
So I’m not sure you can classify Katherine as simply human…
Heh. While various powerful paras may be predators – consider that just about the most-feared animal in Africa isn’t the lion – it’s an herbivore – the Cape Buffalo.
Lions run from those boyos. It’s one of the few animals that will hunt down a human who annoys it.
While out Ms Gilchrist isn’t built like a Cape Buffalo, my own inclination if she charged me would be to at least dodge, no matter how badass i was.
actually, the Hippo is also known to be more dangerous than any predator.
hippos kill more humans on a yearly basis than any other critter (other than humans, of course)
you know someone’s peeved when the paras forget they’re supposed to be more powerful than that human.
Uh, given Katherine’s reputation among paras … if i were almost any para and she came after me, i’d run, too.
Remember, she’s a fairly high-ranking MiB officer now, too.
Not to mention she’s best friends with Monica, the Jaguar Girl/half titan, who has the Chimera as HER friend.
And a mother. There have been various real news articles over the years about random things such as a mother lifting a heavy car to get her child. Then there’s who she’s been hanging out with.
Correction: She is not a high-ranking MiB officer. That would be a demotion, according to Bud, because she’s on a first-call basis for trouble with The Jaguar Girl, Demon Shepherd, Monica herself
Besides she’s not exactly a normal human.
Spoilers below if you haven’t read all the previous archive…
Technically she’s over six thousand years old, and she’s the result of Brandi failing to take the possibility of several women being pregnant with quadruplets when storing the Anasazi.
Katherine was created as six babies from six pregnant women was all stored in the same crystal. Some time later she was extracted and immediately placed into stasis, only to be found by US Airforce personnel in 1970.
The MiB agent and vampire Lily Pratt is one of the six pregnant women and the only one of Katherine’s mothers that’s known to have survived.
So I’m not sure you can classify Katherine as simply human…
Heh. While various powerful paras may be predators – consider that just about the most-feared animal in Africa isn’t the lion – it’s an herbivore – the Cape Buffalo.
Lions run from those boyos. It’s one of the few animals that will hunt down a human who annoys it.
While out Ms Gilchrist isn’t built like a Cape Buffalo, my own inclination if she charged me would be to at least dodge, no matter how badass i was.
For those who might have doubts about this, we present the following evidence:
Do not antagonize cape buffalo – they will gather up their friends, hunt you down and RUIN you.
I’ve read that hippos kill more people in africa than all of the other species combined except for other humans.
For most people killed in Africa, I’d put my money on the mosquito and the tse-tse fly.
actually, the Hippo is also known to be more dangerous than any predator.
hippos kill more humans on a yearly basis than any other critter (other than humans, of course)
Third panel Castela FTW! XD
Castela drops a dime.
Don’t forget the scene in the jungle book where a mother wolf back down a tiger. No one wants to mess with a pissed off momma
^First^ panel.
This was ^supposed^ to be a response to:
“Castela drops a dime.”
OH, OH, OH … I want to see that!!!
ZOOM In Quick!!! I want to see the reflections in her eyes!!!
Stela is one smart Lil Pickle
And true to life. While the big kid is agonizing, the little kid calls mom.
Top panel : Castella with ^human^ eyes
Bottom panel : Castella w/ eye ^stalks^