Did we have a time jump? I sorta accepted Castela’s growth spurt as something that might be supernatural, but I don’t remember Katherine having Grey hair. Although Pickle is correct, Mama *does* “rock it”.
I agree, especially the way it is drawn so prominently today.
The best part about Katherine is that since she is of a similar age as myself, I don’t feel bad about crushing on her cuz it is more age-appropriate than some of the other characters (disregarding the fact that many of the supernatural characters are thousands of years old, including Shelley!)
Katherine’s gray hair has been coming on. I first noticed it when she went to school to straighten out Coach Adler for pitting Atsali against non-predators in hockey.
Mine started going salt-and-pepper in my thirties too. My chest hair – my head started in late forties. I used to tell people it meant I was a Silverback now, and ready to take over as dominant gorilla…
I remember a national soccer player from germany with long curly grey hair and a nick name. I try to translate it: “Aunt Kate”. Doesnt sound as funny in english though.
She might have been hiding it before. There are lots of tricks to do that if your hair is long enough. When you have 2 powerful paranormals that you are raising and being member of an ultra secret organization, there has to be a bit of gray in your hair. Its from the stress.
She had to be in her late thirties or early forties when she met Atsali – air force plus a PhD (which probably took a bot longer than normal, considering her experiences as a grad student…)
Somehow she was put in stasis and was eventually found by US Air Force personnel back in 1970. She first met a 15 years old Atsali in 2013, and I think Paul has invoked a time skip to forward the in comic date to 2016 or even a few years later.
So if it’s 2016 then Atsali is 18 years old and Katherine is either 3,370 or 45 years old depending on how you count.
All we know about Castela is that back when Atsali’s parents were killed she was still in the “nursery”. Atsali’s age when this happened has been debated. Judging by her stature, use of language and speech she appears to be at least three and no more than five years old. That tells us Castela can’t be more then 10 to 12 years old back in 2013. The comic seems to show her going to first grade after she’s been adopted though, so that would make her about 5 to 6 years old, but at the same time it’s possible a “Whatsit” matures much slower than humans and most paras for the first few years.
If the current in comic year is 2016 then Katherine is 6,370 years old, and it’s been 45 years since she was found.
What we don’t know is when she was revived. It might have happened almost immediately after she was found, or it could have taken several years before someone managed to do it.
Or it could be something else. We already have a main character who doesn’t need to age any more; what if we also have a character who is aging too fast due to her unique physiology?
Guesticus, agreed, it is a growth spurt, as witness the title of http://wapsisquare.com/comic/growth-spurt-01/, and took place the night before Atsali’s social outing. And Castela is still getting used to it in the comics since then. So I don’t see how there could be a four-year jump. To Gyrrakavian’s ‘4 year time skip cnfirmed.’ I say: citation needed.
My ex-Brother-in-law started going grey in High School. My Ma got Arthritis as a young adult, and Uncle Tom developed it in High School. You don’t have to be old to get the oldie ailments.
Amen brother. I have arthritis that started in high school and my hair stared to show grey specks when I was 20. It is never too early to get age related headaches. It is all in how you put them behind you and live anyway.
Did we have a time jump? I sorta accepted Castela’s growth spurt as something that might be supernatural, but I don’t remember Katherine having Grey hair. Although Pickle is correct, Mama *does* “rock it”.
I agree, especially the way it is drawn so prominently today.
The best part about Katherine is that since she is of a similar age as myself, I don’t feel bad about crushing on her cuz it is more age-appropriate than some of the other characters (disregarding the fact that many of the supernatural characters are thousands of years old, including Shelley!)
Yeah, there was a page with a picture of a Gryphon that said ‘156 weeks later’ – so we must have jumped 3 years
I think said Gryphon(-image) is the… emblem‹?› for the school that Castela and Atsali (and their freinds/classmates) go to.
Katherine was just starting to have the grey streak before, now it’s grown out quite gloriously.
Katherine’s gray hair has been coming on. I first noticed it when she went to school to straighten out Coach Adler for pitting Atsali against non-predators in hockey.
Here you go, last frame: http://wapsisquare.com/comic/talk-with-you-later/
It happens when you have kids.
It happens when you don’t, too.
I’m going salt and pepper, and I’m literally the youngest person in the house (my wife’s older than me by 9 months) at 37.
Mine started going salt-and-pepper in my thirties too. My chest hair – my head started in late forties. I used to tell people it meant I was a Silverback now, and ready to take over as dominant gorilla…
I remember a national soccer player from germany with long curly grey hair and a nick name. I try to translate it: “Aunt Kate”. Doesnt sound as funny in english though.
There’s GOT to have been a time jump of some sort. I wonder who is in what grade now.
I don’t think it’s a time skip, Paul is just done writing young castella and wants to write preteen castella
…That’s what a time skip means. -_-
She might have been hiding it before. There are lots of tricks to do that if your hair is long enough. When you have 2 powerful paranormals that you are raising and being member of an ultra secret organization, there has to be a bit of gray in your hair. Its from the stress.
It’s from age. Katherine must be pushing fifty.
Stress plays a huge role. I started going gray at 19.
She had to be in her late thirties or early forties when she met Atsali – air force plus a PhD (which probably took a bot longer than normal, considering her experiences as a grad student…)
Well she’s “born” 4354 B.C.
Somehow she was put in stasis and was eventually found by US Air Force personnel back in 1970. She first met a 15 years old Atsali in 2013, and I think Paul has invoked a time skip to forward the in comic date to 2016 or even a few years later.
So if it’s 2016 then Atsali is 18 years old and Katherine is either 3,370 or 45 years old depending on how you count.
All we know about Castela is that back when Atsali’s parents were killed she was still in the “nursery”. Atsali’s age when this happened has been debated. Judging by her stature, use of language and speech she appears to be at least three and no more than five years old. That tells us Castela can’t be more then 10 to 12 years old back in 2013. The comic seems to show her going to first grade after she’s been adopted though, so that would make her about 5 to 6 years old, but at the same time it’s possible a “Whatsit” matures much slower than humans and most paras for the first few years.
Dang it! I managed to get her age wrong!
If the current in comic year is 2016 then Katherine is 6,370 years old, and it’s been 45 years since she was found.
What we don’t know is when she was revived. It might have happened almost immediately after she was found, or it could have taken several years before someone managed to do it.
I agree. My mother always swore that raising us kids turned her hair gray. Can’t imagine what it’d be like raising paras!
@Cpt. Obvious

Katherine was not ~born~ in 4354 B.C.
At that time, she was still six ~separate~ fetuses (in·utero), which became merged in stasis
She was “born” as a single entity in 1970 (we still don’t have a month and day for her “birth”
Katharine is ~46, see http://wapsisquare.com/comic/athena-missile-test/
There have been a couple of time jumps – over on the main forum, someone said that it’s been confirmed that we just had a four-year time jump.
If it’s truly been four years, then it’s not a ‘growth spurt’, and why is Timothy still the same?
That don’t stand if Atsali was 15 when she met Katherine and she just celebrated her 17th birthday. Castela was ~5 at the time and is now about 8.
This of course assumes that date of the comic is actually same as ours. Author may brand us all fools…
I think Paul has an idea for “wouldn’t it be cool if”, then wedges it into continuity later.
Or it could be something else. We already have a main character who doesn’t need to age any more; what if we also have a character who is aging too fast due to her unique physiology?
You never know when paras are involved.
Guesticus, agreed, it is a growth spurt, as witness the title of http://wapsisquare.com/comic/growth-spurt-01/, and took place the night before Atsali’s social outing. And Castela is still getting used to it in the comics since then. So I don’t see how there could be a four-year jump. To Gyrrakavian’s ‘4 year time skip cnfirmed.’ I say: citation needed.
Hey! just where DID that grey hair streak come from??? (she ain’t THAT old)
My ex-Brother-in-law started going grey in High School. My Ma got Arthritis as a young adult, and Uncle Tom developed it in High School. You don’t have to be old to get the oldie ailments.
Amen brother. I have arthritis that started in high school and my hair stared to show grey specks when I was 20. It is never too early to get age related headaches. It is all in how you put them behind you and live anyway.
I was noticeably gray before 30 . . .
Since the other side of the family goes bald, it could be worse.
Ha! ^My^ mom had RA when she was in elementary school!