I am beginning to think the same thing. But then, why would it be necessary to trap Tina’s spirit inside Shelly in the first place? Why not just let it “break on through to the other side”, as it were?
Theory: After the car crash, Jin/Brandi/someone took the “soul” of Tina out and shoved it into Shelly. Logic would suggest Jin, since she was the one who went to “save” both Monica and Shelly at the same time; however, since she thought Shelly’s demons had “escaped”, she probably wasn’t the one to do the “switch”.
So that leaves Brandi. What the heck has that woman been doing that she’s blissfully unaware of all this?
Poor Tina, she would be having nightmares over that boiler room, and its occupant, if she slept that is. Maybe its time for a little role reversal, and some one should cheer her up for once.
I’ve often thought that i’d be happy to give Tina rather more than a hug … assuming that she engages in such activities and doesn’t emulate the mantis.
Remember that Tina has been stuck in Shelley before – she crawled out of Shelley talking about being late opening her java shop and spending all night in a basement with a creepy kid. http://wapsisquare.com/comic/dontfreak/
I’ve been doing a first read-through and a point strikes me: that the bus crash event occurred at the same time as the vision-quest… and that Jin went to Shelly last and said that somebody/thing got there before her.
Oh Paul.
knowing as I now do… since this my second time to read thru (check the date of this post)… It is wonderful to again see the comments and bewilderment of the posts when I first read it.
HEL-lo! I think we’ve found out where they ditched Tina’s “spirit”.
I am beginning to think the same thing. But then, why would it be necessary to trap Tina’s spirit inside Shelly in the first place? Why not just let it “break on through to the other side”, as it were?
maybe to put Tina’s spirit into Tina’s boddy, kinda of ressurrection or something like that?
It wasn’t on purpose, actually.
Shelly’s having a nightmare, and her dark inner child is coming out to play.
Actually, this makes more sense, especially considering the difference between Shel’s outfit and Tina’s.
Woah, are we back in the boiler room?
no but i think its the same “house” as it were.
Not that i’m complaining…at all, but does anyone else notice Tina gets hotter as the strip goes on?
It’s happened to others, as they mature. Think Katherine, especially.
This has got to be one of the spookiest pages you have ever done. O.O right before I go to bed to. *shiver*
“Confirmed. We are now at Creep Factor Six, Keptin.”
I miss the forums linkage. Bring back the forums.
What the hey is happening to Tina’s eyes?
Tina’s eyes have always been silver. The swirls are just Paul’s way of doing that with linework. http://wapsisquare.com/comic/silvereyes/
The who the what the where the why now? o_O;
Interesting to compare Shelly’s pose in the first panel and whoever’s in the final.
“This MEANS something…”
Oh dear! Now it’s Tina’s turn to have a moment!
Exposition alert…
Wow…. This is beautiful, my hat is off.
I had a brief moment of hearing The Who there.
Theory: After the car crash, Jin/Brandi/someone took the “soul” of Tina out and shoved it into Shelly. Logic would suggest Jin, since she was the one who went to “save” both Monica and Shelly at the same time; however, since she thought Shelly’s demons had “escaped”, she probably wasn’t the one to do the “switch”.
So that leaves Brandi. What the heck has that woman been doing that she’s blissfully unaware of all this?
Oh my. That’s just wrong – I’m glad I looked at this in the morning instead of during the dark of night.
I love this story, but it’s maddening because I’m the sort who turns to page 467 to find out “whodunit” before I read the mystery…
The moment I saw the last cell I had CHILLS running down my spine. I can’t wait to see how all this works out.
Woah sh*t just got creepy.
Poor Tina, she would be having nightmares over that boiler room, and its occupant, if she slept that is. Maybe its time for a little role reversal, and some one should cheer her up for once.
Tina has met the little girl before.
Ruh roh, raggy. Tina’s demons are being haunted by their guilt.
Paul, this one is marvelous. Tina has been such a wonderfully sunshiny character until this instant that, well, this made me tear up.
In some alternate dimension there is a band the likes of which we have never heard, whose music is too beautifully cruel to be survived.
That last panel is their third album cover.
Someday, that will be my band.
That last panel….I’m adding that to my list of “things I want blown up to wall sized proportions and turned into a poster”.
Is it wrong that I just want to give Tina a hug?
She looks like she could use one
Oh man, and we still have two more panels before Halloween!
Strapping in seat-belts for the drop.
Well Shelly looks rather cute in that first panel ^-^ , and I’ve never really noticed Tina’s chest before… O.O
Is it wrong that I just want to give Tina a hug?
She looks like she could use one
I’ve often thought that i’d be happy to give Tina rather more than a hug … assuming that she engages in such activities and doesn’t emulate the mantis.
Yea, I’m feeling another round of “Don’t touch Wapsi at night” coming on.
Remember that Tina has been stuck in Shelley before – she crawled out of Shelley talking about being late opening her java shop and spending all night in a basement with a creepy kid. http://wapsisquare.com/comic/dontfreak/
Wow, good catch!
I love it when things get surreal. Fabulous work.
Well, that’ll wake you up!
I know there are more serieous things on this page, but DAMN Tina looks hot in that top
I’ve been doing a first read-through and a point strikes me: that the bus crash event occurred at the same time as the vision-quest… and that Jin went to Shelly last and said that somebody/thing got there before her.
Oh Paul.
knowing as I now do… since this my second time to read thru (check the date of this post)… It is wonderful to again see the comments and bewilderment of the posts when I first read it.